and if you think its not written by a pajeet explain this right from the fucking page

>If you download this ini file along with the main mod it will allow these npcs who will not die, die with this. Bewared though it will allow everything to be killed by anyone. not just by you. So use at your own risk.

Other urls found in this thread:


well deserved for being a retard who plays the special edition
its literally just extra bloom and sharpness for a measily 40fps

why should i play the original? it looks shit

just make a fucking new game you bethesda assholes, and maybe a decent one this time for a change?

next one is on gamebryo get ready for more shit

>Not playing the PSVR version

Why woul you play the remaster? It still looks shit AND this time you can't fix it.

most of the actually good mods have been ported over, and SE is a lot more stable than original

Mods aren't programs. Any idiot can make mods for skyrim.

Considering that they've won goty for every rpg they've made 20 years in a row. I think it's a bit silly to call them not decent.
Also we can expect a new tes to be announced this year. I'm hoping for summerset isles but expecting valenwood

Why do you even need an ESP mod for it, just fucking edit the ini to make them non-essential
Shit just use the better No Permanent Essentials if you want it done through a mod, you can import it to SE just fine

>muh goty
i don't need any retarded sellout reviewers to tell me if the game is shit or not, i played this steaming pile of shit

I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if you wanna call the elder scrolls "a steaming pile of shit." Then I'm afraid you're retarded.

i pity you and all those who have the displeasure of knowing you

Can't deny that Bethesda games are some of the most ambitious projects around. Shame they fall flat in every area in the end.

Who started this "TES is shit" meme because I need to slap someone.

>racist having a hard time with computers
As expected.

No matter how you look at Skyrim, there isn't much good to say.
Combat is basic bitch spamfest that isn't even balanced properly despite its simplicity. And their idea of higher difficulty is 100% damage sponges.
Your character development is a quarter of what it used to be. It's barely here anymore.
NPCs have absolutely nothing going for them. Nobody in the whole world has anything interesting to say.
Unless you happen to be in Blackreach, the game is goddamn ugly.
See that bandit, draugr and a wolf That's what you'll be fighting 95% of the game.
All loot is adjusted to your level, including artifacts. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll be finding the same things. And god forbid you find the Dawnbreaker too early, it'll get outclassed by common gear in a few levels.
Any important quest is blatantly railroaded and any less important quest is a bandit/draugr dungeon with a chest at the end. I broke down laughing when the goddamn bard college sent me to a draugr cave the first time I visited them.

Really, the only things in Skyrim I can praise without a stretch are music and written lore bits that are there for those who care to look.

Oh and I forgot the downright embarrassing animations that scream "low budget eurojank" despite it being an AAA game that sells 20 million copies.

>Really, the only things in Skyrim I can praise without a stretch are music and written lore bits that are there for those who care to look.
And what's kind of funny about that is that musically, Skyrim is outclassed by its predecessor, Oblivion.

A note on the combat. I recently picked up the VR version of skyrim and it fixes the problem I had with the combat being a bit dull. As it makes it far more dynamic despite not really making any mechanical changes

why do you even bother explanining it to them? we have these threads all the time and the shills and idiots keep repeating the same "mods fix everthing" meme over and over again, no matter how many times this is disproven and explained by so many people

not worth it anymore

Really? You think oblivious music was better? Idk I felt that skyrims soundtrack was more fitting and more present then in oblivion. Because outside of the main theme none of oblivion music ever struck me as all that good and frankly it felt pretty generic. Whereas in skyrim as well as morrowind it felt more present and original.

Hahaha. Skyrim is complete swill dude. I'm sorry you have bad taste.

>taking mods into consideration when reviewing a game
I hope people don't actually do this

>Combat is basic bitch spamfest
SkyRe managed to make combat fun back in the day. Timed blocks that costed stamina as well as swings costing stamina, if you didn't pump health or otherwise minmax it was passable.
>Your character development is a quarter
In vanilla Oblivion(not that you're comparing the two) progression was mmo grinding tier.
>NPCs have absolutely nothing going for them. Nobody in the whole world has anything interesting to say.
This was a major flaw. They figured their main $$ audience(normies) would be satisfied with the "infinite" radiant fetch quests. However, a fair amount of Oblivion side quests are pretty lame.
>All loot is adjusted to your level, including artifacts. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll be finding the same things. And god forbid you find the Dawnbreaker too early, it'll get outclassed by common gear in a few levels.
Does a quest award leveler not exist for Skyrim? Let's be real, who isn't playing Skyrim without artifact mods of some sort?
>Any important quest is blatantly railroaded and any less important quest is a bandit/draugr dungeon with a chest at the end. I broke down laughing when the goddamn bard college sent me to a draugr cave the first time I visited them.
Oblivion suffered from this as well. I do remember increased NPC variety from SkyRe.

Granted, a lot of my counter arguments are "mods fix X" and I don't mean to defend vanilla Skyrim at all. People had unreasonable expectations for an AAA game with mass normie appeal and everyone was *shockingly* disappointed. Mods don't fix the psuedo empty world or bad writing but Skyrim's still a pretty alright game after you get Immersive Armors/Weapons/Creatures and your favorite overhaul running. Last thing you need is some self set restrictions to stop you from cheesing the game. Dawnguard and Dragonborn were great, especially since I never bothered buying them and pirated with mods worked,

I've yet to find a rpg that can rival the lore in tes outside or lotr games. And considering I hold story lore and music over gameplay it isn't surprising that tes is my favorite rpg franchise.

Warcraft. I really hate hearing the "TES is king of lore in video games". If you're an oldfag and you played the pre-Morrowind games great, but 95% of the people playing TES games today haven't and never will. Warcraft is in a similar boat but most of Warcraft's lore can be found in WoW one way or another.

>Combat is basic bitch spamfest that isn't even balanced properly despite its simplicity. And their idea of higher difficulty is 100% damage sponges.
Mods can fix that.
>Your character development is a quarter of what it used to be. It's barely here anymore.
Mods can fix that.
>NPCs have absolutely nothing going for them. Nobody in the whole world has anything interesting to say.
Mods can fix that.
>Unless you happen to be in Blackreach, the game is goddamn ugly.
Mods can fix that.
>See that bandit, draugr and a wolf That's what you'll be fighting 95% of the game.
Mods can fix that
>All loot is adjusted to your level, including artifacts. It doesn't matter where you go, you'll be finding the same things. And god forbid you find the Dawnbreaker too early, it'll get outclassed by common gear in a few levels.
Mods can fix that.

>muh tes lore
capeshit tier, literally for teens with below average intelligence

People in Skyrim have literally no facial animations. The only emotions they're able to express is a frown and a bigger frown. Even in Oblivion the potato people could smile, but not anymore.

>>NPCs have absolutely nothing going for them. Nobody in the whole world has anything interesting to say.
>Mods can fix that.
I'm sure you have links or names of the mods?
This, all TES lore is about is literal history of the games universe, characters you never see or experience but read about in a book. It's false lore.

>being so retarded that you cant use a very simple mod


Shit I forgot about Warcraft. Yea that too. But don't forget that wow has gone to shit

So game reviews are shit but somehow your opinion is not? K

>Timed blocks

Always love shit like this. Nuts how such a tiny implementation of a mechanic like that can make the combat so much more engaging.

>false lore

Are there any mods that make combat and interacting with the world in general more tactile

Contratards still this mad because Skyrim is the most played rpg after 7 years of it coming out lol

>Whereas in skyrim as well as morrowind it felt more present and original.
Skyrim literally has morrowind songs though.


Take Warcraft for example. You experience all of Illidan's and Arthas trials through the games. You see what they do, their rise and fall, you experience it all. Even in WoW you can see smaller parts of their story, or NPCs will tell you about it.

In modern TES all the lore is from books. You don't see any of it. You are told that it happened.

No. And I've modded the game to the point where I'm basically playing a goddamn action RPG.

Lots of combat mods add timed blocks and increase dealt and taken damage. Last time I checked, Wildcat was what all the col kids used.

A small thing that makes a big difference is TK hitstop. You need rock solid 60fps for it to work well though.

Improved combat sounds also make a bigger difference than you'd think.

Nobody is talking about Contra you retard you're in the wrong thread

Looks neat, surprised I never found this. Strange how it's borderline jarring to hear uniquely voiced npcs in these games.

I thought you were going to link Falksaar at first. Absolute trash mod.

>tons of people bought the game
>tons of people still playing the game

But according to contratard fags that doesnt matter but their shitty hipster opinions do hmmmm

I've used TK Hitstop before and it indeed was a nice effect.
Last time I played Skyrim though, I got really disappointed with how little enemies reacted to your impacts (admittedly not a lot of other games do this in a satisfying way either) and how I could push enemies off edges or knock them into each other or anything.
I then discovered how the paralyze enchantment makes them ragdoll and that was pretty sweet, but the percentages are too low and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to mod and raise that.
I wish that someone would make a mod that applies paralyze to every weapon by default and had a high percentage of it happening

Wrong game retard

Oops, needed another symbol
Fuck off to the contra thread

Oh gods no, Falskaar is absolutely gutter tier trash. Can't believe that shit has 100k+ endorsements in Nexus.

>i'm a sheep that can't think by myself so i only like sponsored opinions that tell me what to like

at least i played this shit game and i'm fucking honest about what i say, unlike the paid reviewers you love so much

I went in with modest expectations "how bad could it be?". Within 5 minutes the big bad walked into town unguarded and I took imitative and started fucking him up.

>essential NPC

I saw it through to the end but what a horrible experience. The land and caves were well enough designed but literally everything else pure garbage.

there are mods that add timed block and stagger to pretty much every unblocked attack, it does make the combat seem more impactful

I like that the game leaves some to the imagination. Also a good number of books have presence in lore and in game. For example in oblivion there's a book called immortal blood that tells of the volkihar vampires From sky rims dawnguard dlc. despite the book apearing 6 years before dawnguards release, not to mention that the characters mentioned in said book are present aswell. In the book they mention a vampire named Morvarth Piquene. And in the next game you can find and kill him. And this is only one example. There are examples of this in every game.

bad example with the Volikhar, because its one of the few retcons of Skyrim. But yeah a lot of minor stuff you do in Skyrim is actually a reference to lore, hell even that helmet you find for Winterhold Jarl is a helmet that once belonged to a character mentioned in lore. You just have to open your eyes and pay attention

Still feels like justification or validation every time I hear "muh TES lore". I enjoyed reading emails in Deus Ex more than reading books in Oblivion/Skyrim.

I still stand by that you experience most of Warcraft's massive lore, where as in TES you are told about the lore via obscure texts that only a modest amount of the fanbase actually reads.

things like Greybeards, Jurgen Windcaller, 7k steps were described by books in Morrowind and Pocket Guide to Empire 1 which came out in 1998. And 13 years later you actually got to experience the lore, so I think you are being unfair you absolutely do see this stuff in the games, just generally not in the installment in which the lore appears