>this is a good character deisgn for weebs
Other urls found in this thread:
What's wrong with it?
>visible buttcrack and pantsu
this is patrician you faggot
>blue saber making threads
UMU is my emperor
Do you have an issue with butts?
>Dress is see through to show off panties
We need more of this kind of clothes
whu is there so many sabers
It's her leotard you fucking retard.
why was Nero irl such a faggot
Excuse me?
Isn't this that Saber that tumblr women were bitching about from her being too sexual or some shit?
I only watch FZ and UBW so I don't know any of these new Sabers.
I just rolled and got shit in the NA FateGO gacha. Why do I even play this shit game?
Man of taste. We also need more stirrup socks on women.
Fate thread?
They should do a crossover since DMC 5 and the new Fate game are coming out this year.
It is, unless you're gay
>tags: toeless_legwear
Her dress isn't see-through, she's allowing you to see.
Also it's a leotard, not panties.
>new Sabers
The Saber in the OP predates both FZ and UBW.
Didn't get her the first time will get her on the second
Where's Saber Lily?
Why is Mysterious Heroine X the best Saberface?
>Her dress isn't see-through, she's allowing you to see.
X Alter is cuter and Porkslope Turkeyhandle is the best Saberface besides
its been like 10 years
you still going on about it faggot or you just want to use the word weeb on the internet
Taking off her socks
The pantsu is a girl her last line of defence from showing her precious place. A good girl doesnt show it off.
Isn't X literally just Saber in disguise though? I don't remember the point outside of being sick of other Saberfaces existing.
We want sluts who dress like harlots
>I want to hear the girl I love scream archer thundercock's name while Im fucking her
>fly for the moon
what did she mean by this?
Saber's a pure slut
>he's not into hotwifing
low test soyboy alert
Please consider suicide for the betterment of mankind
Even a pure slut cares about the sanctity of her pantsu. Only used up sluts show them off
>he doesnt have enough test to satisfy his wife by himself
>he doesn't like stirrup socks
are you gay?
>his wife is so uggo no one wants her
>I need to see another man fuck my wife to know she isnt ugly
Improved your seiba
>I need to distort an argument to win
Nero is literally perfect.
my mom used wo wear those around the house when she did yoga
>slightly disoriented bookworm saber
well im not the one that wants to see his wife fucked by other men
Asanagi always draws the juiciest thighs.
On the contrary, they should do the opposite. Still a card franchise and not Fate, but have a card with another good char design.
Fitting design for a canon slut.
Remove Nero
How about Stirrup Pantyhose?
Nero a shit, my heart belongs to Frankie.
This picture is giving me eye cancer
She's dead and became Sieg.
Why don't you like thick thighs?
they are fat
The single most revolting voice in the game, bar Jack
Only that incarnation of her is dead, she still exists in the throne of heroes.
>liking anorexic matchstick-thin legs
Thank you based KyoAni for making good use of that Netflix dough.
weevil dumping exodia here, i change my decks so we can rematch if any of you wants
Galaxy exploring will never happens because of anime thighs
Any good cosplay? Need it for my research.
Remember to buy her game or else
>tfw no longer Christmas
Okita is best girl by far.
Why does she umu?
*Clears Throat* WRONG!
What's the name of his game again?
Astolfo quest
I want Astolfo to blow me like he blows that trombone monstrosity.
>nips made their national hero a slut
how do italians feel about it
I wouldn't call the original Nero a national hero
Be nice
Extella was terrible. Only a serious change to the combat mechanics would make me buy this.
So they can justify another Saber, who's actually an Assassins, whose purpose is to cull the other Sabers, thus having yet another Saber.
We call this the Recursive Seibah Phenomenon
She's very cute and hot!
>the damnable fire emblem
What did they mean by this?
>National hero
I don't think any modern italian would refer to Nero that way.
>this is a good character deisgn for weebs
>that fucking neck
>shirou turned into full mode nigger
>uses guns as well
this will never not be funny to me.
Is Shirou the only african-american Servant in FGO?
Someone didn't see a certain doujin involving a dog
Retard cat calls him "Detroit Emiya"