This is a perfect hero. Your workers may not agree, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is a perfect hero. Your workers may not agree, but this is what peak performance looks like
green dick
*blocks your mana*
These two are shit heroes because they 100% determine the meta not only for their own race, but for the others as well.
Not only do they have higher base stat totals than the other heroes, they also have the best movement and attack animations, making their hit-and-run style even stronger.
If BM and DH got nerfed a bit the metagame would honestly only improve.
this hero is like mustard gas
he is effective as fuck, but all players should just agree on not using him because of how much of a cancer he is
t. human players
t. shitter
Even the current professional players (mainly chinks and russians) agree that these two heroes are far stronger than all the others.
yea, it's boring to see BM and DM being played in 99% of the games. But that also happens with UD and H. Sometimes NE might go with warden depending on the map but that's it.
Problem is not only blizzard doesn't care about wc3 anymore but they won't drive any effor to re-balance the orc/ne race after you blow their main champs. Orcs have no chance to be played wihtout BM and NE are absolute shit without DH.
Humans also rely on the archmage water elemental and UD only going for death knight/lich coil nova. Basically after a decade or more of competitive play people found out the best tactics and just roll with it.
Blizzard won't balance things out since there is no more money on this game anymore.
Complaining about dominant first picks is asinine, ofcourse you're going to pick the most flexible hero, otherwise you get cheesed. It's like complaining that SC terran players build marines instead of firebats early game. There's large variety in second hero picks.
More importantly, heroes aren't just strong units, there's buildable templates to level and kit up with items. BM with personal teleport and x2 circlet plays differently from BM with boots of speed and x2 claws, first will be a macro roaming type and second an aggressive dps, and this is just early items.
This is momma's favorite special hero for the greatest race in RTS history
Blizzard promised a new balance patch like 2 years ago. Still hasn't happened.
They were looking into nerfing tanks because at that point many HU players would just turtle with 2 expansions and pump out an endless stream of siege tanks with a rally point in the opponent's base.
it would be nice if all heroes could be a viable first pick, but that's not the case. Now second hero choice might have some diversity depending on the matchup (excluding undead)
but its almost the same shit over and over (BM+SH vs anything but NE, DH+Beastmaster vs pretty much anything, AM+MK or beastmaster). The meta is pretty boring and has been for the past 5 years.
>tfw Bloodmage was always my first pick as H because I was a huge Kael'thas fanboy
Me too, and because I thought banish was good against blademasters (it wasn't)
Nowdays AM and neutral hero is my way to go.
i loved to play bloodmage and mk for the banish+storm bolt instagib
Bloodmage is gaining popularity because he can both deny the enemy's mana and transfer it to your heroes.
>Bloodmage is gaining popularity
no he's not. He is a very rare niche pick. IF you watch the past 100 competitive games he was probably played once or twice.
>if these heroes got nerfed i could expand freely and shove 800 siege tanks down your throat
It's been almost 2 decades but I still see the blade master and feel nothing but PURE WRATH
>all heroes could be a viable first pick
Not really possible unless you want to make all heroes play the same.
Heroes have their roles, some suited better for early games, some for late game and as counters to certain strats.
BM/DH/AM (possibly DR) are only all-around specialists in a game with 24 heroes, everyone else has specific purpose and function. It makes no sense to get TC as a first hero because TC excels at creeping and crowd control and you don't have crowds early on.
*blocks your path*
And then you wonder why the RTS genre is fucking dead
bloodmage is 100% viable and strong pick.
Only unfavourable matchups are:
vs undead as first pick ( hard )
vs demon hunter ( absolutely unfair, but can still win if you are leagues above the elf or get lucky )
Vs everything else bloodmage is top tier and could be a meta breaker, except that most players left playing the game are too used to/prefer their own strategies and heroes rather than playing something that requires a totally different approach to be effective
source = beaten many pros and semi pros in tournaments with bloodmage
Why aren't you picking dreadlord first Sup Forums?
Aren't you man enough to surround with 3 units?
>mfw I easily juke manlet's strom bolt with windwalk
Heroes in RTS games were a mistake. Prove me wrong, you quite literally and unironically cannot do so.
Because I'd like to win, so picking the weakest hero in the game seems like a bad idea.
>the legendary t2 tower rush vs orc with dread lord and dark ranger ( with silence at lvl 1 )
>that satisfaction when blademaster dies in surround due to silence
Is Wc3 still being patched without my knowledge? How is the 'meta' changing if it hasn't been updated for decades?
Pretty sure windwalk jukes storm bolt even under vision. It's weird cause you can storm bolt BM who is already in WW just fine
I guess that's why elf and orcs are so fucking dominant since the last 3 years, right?
>how is chess changing if nobody patches it
It's almost like people are good at figuring shit out and optimization
go to any wc3 channel (b2warcraft) and watch the chinks and russian play. They don't ever pick bloodmage. I love the hero but on high tier gaming it's not viable.
only a couple of "technical" patches in the last year and tons of promises, speculations, that ends in... guess what? Nothing at all. The meta changes because players founds new ways to play and counters.
So your trying to kill BM when you nearly have him dead and this guy comes along frogs your hero and heals the BM, how do you respond?
You obviously know the wc3 scene, yet you deny BMage is becoming a viable option? Come on man. I'm not even the guy you responded to but why don't you take your own advice and watch some games.
MK is almost always followed up with BM and MK first is viable and popular.
BM as second hero vs NE and Orc is seen a lot as well. Do you not recall Yaws' amazing run and his use of bloodmage?
More to the point, has it totally right. Blademaster decides the meta, hell he decides the creeping routes too. The abuse of BM, able to solo the item holding creep at an orange creep is bullshit. And don't get me started on a well geared blademaster. 250 crits, fuck my life. The orc army is literally built around keeping the blademaster alive via SH and locking targets down with raider ensnare.
At least demon hunter has been bumped for Warden on some maps thanks to Europeans.
WC4 when?
>it's an orc player picks BM + SH episode
Yeah, so David Kim left the SC2 team a few months ago to work on an unannounced Blizzard RTS. I do not know if this is a good or bad sign.
This is why I main orc - the amount of fuming buttrage coming from the other side is glorious
I remember entering WC3 online matches expecting everyone to use cunning tactics yet I kept saying Lich - DK - Fiends spam or huntress spam
truly a thinking man's game
>loses to a standard
>"clearly I am too smart for this game"
who said anything about losing you dumb nig? I was playing Orcs I can't lose
you two are forgetting one important fact. Game is old, most players left and moved on. Thus the playstyles which we see now are from the left overs, making the divide between non-meta strats and meta strats even bigger. Theres really no point in arguing what is "the best" judging from what people play nowadays anymore. Many things which you are not even aware of are viable and strong, yet died and were forgotten because were not commonly used so the new generation ( the todays left over scene ) didnt pick it up and hence are not doing it. I remembered th000 was dominating all humans with elf, especially on maps like Amazonia. Yet when feRfe played against him, he just simply did a t2 push with a specific timing and easily crushed him, while all other top tier humans went for expansions vs elf on amazonia. The build and the timings were exclusive to ferfe ( it was really just a bit later on than normal, to maximize your advantage right before the lores are finished and canceling them ). Most humans written t2 push down as not viable, because they were always pushing at similar time ( instantly at t2 ) and were getting obliterated, yet a simple tweak to the strat made it completely different. The same goes for any other strategy. Just players nowadays are sticking to what they know, and what they know isnt neccesserly the only and the best way. Players are simply human, and they have their own preferences to how to play, doesnt mean its the ultimate/best way
any strategy with consistency attached to it, and with clear goals is generally going to triumph against any shaky strategy even if more complicated and advanced.
Thats why you only see a difference in tactics in higher level of play, and even then not always.
In any case how would you win a game if both players were doing the exact same thing? The game has to come to an end somehow, thats where the tactics come in. And dont give me that "micro" bullshit. It helps, but theres many other ways to get an advantage than that
>play game
>get BTFO'd because micro managment is shit and I can't keep track of all the abilities
wc3 had too many fucking abilities on every single goddamn unit jesus christ
like i said, those were 1 in a hundred. I love when people play different strategies, actually it's what keeps me following the game scene up to this day. But it's very rare, do not deny this.
chinks and russians were never known for being creative and interesting players
Back when game was alive, there were many european and american players doing all kinds of crazy tactics and winning vs koreans and so on.
Real problem is that whenever someone tries a different strategy, they expect things to go their way and be perfect on the 1st try, while in reality it takes great effort and forces you to basically relearn the whole matchup
t. moba brainlets.
I guess you are the ones that can't play meepo or chen on dota too.
I don't play dota because MOBAs are cancer
hate the player not the game. Dota 1 was amazing, steam just had to turn it into a shit fest.
I miss when this piece of shit was broken and u just rushed 24\7 on ladder
i dont play moba shit, but that's not really the point of your post, is it? this isn't about me, is it? what's wrong, user? why are you in such a bad mood?
that was the point
>complains about micro on a rts game
>reality is that you're just bad at it
>gets called out
>wow u must b in a bad mood
Chill out brah, i'm just picking on you
Good hero addition after the game had been out in awhile.
You know who got fucking shafted? The Alchemist. Not only is he way too much of a niche hero, but he was the only hero for Blizzard to upload barebones info about him on their website.
I can't be fucked to see if their website is still kicking, but I always appreciated the interesting tidbits of info they added for esch hero on their page. None for the poor alchemist.
You know, Warlords Battlecry II was objectively better RTS game than WC III
I liked TBS warlords
i hope things get better for you soon, user. i know you don't really mean to be like that and you're a good person.
nah for real though you're right. i'm absolute trash at rts and only really picked up wc3 for the custom games.
Where's your Warlords Battlecry 2 world championships then
imagine being this much of a child
Imagine being this buttblasted that your shit game never got popular
Huh didn't expect to see a Warcraft III thread.
The most fun I ever had in Warcraft 3 was fully armouring up 12 Knights and then slaughtering a mass army of Dryads.
Low level shitters did not grasp the importance of upgrading armor and attack.
>Casual shit
Into the trash
>implying harvest moon isn't the tightest shit
>750 wins
woah, did it really look that bad?
I guess you dont notice the graphics when the game is from a zoomed out top down perspective
>tfw waking up on a Saturday to play the tourney 1v1
>winning your 250th game and getting the motherfucking Pitlord Icon
I had the Bloodmage portrait but fuck that noise, Pitlord for life
16 years since WC 3
kys, this is low poly kino
are there any wardota servers still
low poly is life man
Fuck you
yes, but probably filled with russians
*teleports behind you*
more like *wind walks behind you*, unless you're warden
*teleports behind you bringing along some "friends"*
Tell me how Night Elves are supposed to win NE v HU matchups that go long enough (cough towers cough) for HU to mass upgraded gyrocopters
Which night elf unit counters gyros?
Every single NE unit dies in combat to them except archers and they can just ignore your archers, fly around the map and blow up buildings in 2 volleys
*blocks your path*
oh shi-
you go panda second, breath of fire just fucks their shit up
Warcraft III is the Breath of the Wild of the RTS genre
it revolutionized strategy by having a deep and layered interactive engine with feature rich maps, destructible trees, multiple resource systems, etc
unlike botw
the campaign is so good in wc3 i still play through it every other year.
its useful but its still limited # of targets
it takes 3.07 / 1.60 / 1.18 breaths to kill gyros, and it only hits 8 targets at a time. So if you can keep them in range for 10 whole seconds, you can kill 8 gyros for 140 mana unless they manually micro those aside, or your breaths hit other gyros in the clump anyway
a swarm of 60 food of gyros fully upgraded dishes out 720 siege damage every 2.5 seconds, in those same 10 seconds they can deal 3600 siege damage and then fly away
tree of life has 971 (1231) EHP vs siege, even a tree of eternity with upgraded armor has just 1893 EHP
Unless you have a pack of archers inside your base or a starfalling potm, gyros can shred all your buildings and zip away and just accept a few losses, they're basically even more obnoxious batriders because they have totally uncontested air control against NE
Every time you post this copy pasta you get BTFO
Also LOL @ claiming humans get DoA
It also added heros and turned the game into moba light if you even wanted to ne mildly competitive
Wc3 is bad and you shoud feel bad
units that NE has that beat mass gyros in combat:
units that NE has that lose to mass gyros in combat:
>druid of the talon
>faerie dragons
>hippo riders
>glaive throwers
>druids of the claw
>ancient protectors
>mountain giants, I guess, eventually
orc has bats headhunters scout towers raiders, HU has tanks, guard towers, rifles, sorcs spamming slow, undead has autocast web
>pretty much only play custom games
>hate the fact that I have a peon icon
>like nightelves best but don't care for the icon, go for undead
>played at wood league level
>did 4v4's and hoped that I could get carried
>probably had to play at least 100 games to get those 25 wins.
I hated every single game I played but I was so happy to have that spider.
>druid of the talon
>lose to gyros
>have played a bunch of DotA 1 and 2
>never played a single WC game
there is something wrong with me? i just feel don't like RTS games
the meta is stagnant because its scene is a hollow shell and there aren't enough players left to guarantee continued meta change. back when the game had an active community, the meta significantly changed every couple of months. BM wasn't even played for orcs for a couple of years after release, only in non-serious games or as a creative strat like Zacards usage of it against Human. of course, at release BM was underpowered, but it remained mostly unused even after its buffs that brought it equivalent to its current status. give the game another 10 years and people will find alternatives, no doubt.
gyros deal aoe air damage, which means they scale geometrically into mass numbers vs mass numbers.
if you send 60 food of gyros against 60 food of hippos, the gyros fire a single time and deal 1140 direct piercing damage and 420/360/300 splash damage in 75/150/325 radius. It only takes 371 piercing damage to kill fully upgraded hippos, so they all die instantly without getting a single attack off. Maybe one or two who were in the small aoe get to hit a couple gyros once and then die
same deal with dott, you can't match aoe damage vs single target damage when massed
food for food, 3 gyros have the slight edge on dryads in combat in terms of EHP*DPS once you account for the damage types, gyros beat them 1.35:1. You'd lose most of your gyros, and NE heroes could easily be enough to win the fight if you tried a pitched battle since HU heroes can't touch dryads
but then dryads are just shittier archers in that scenario anyway so whats the point? If you massed nothing but dryads, gyros would fly around you and blow up buildings
>If you blob them all up, stand still and let gyros kill them without fighting back gyros can totally kill them in this hypothetical situation.
Panda and hippogryphs
>Affected by healing scroll
>Flying machines
>Not affected by healing scroll
nvm I fucked up the calculation and used wrong armor type
food for food gyros beat dryads by 2.7:1, not 1.35:1
3 gyros have 14.4 dps and 888 EHP and deal 150% to dryads
1 dryad has 12 dps and 592 EHP and deal 100% to gyros
it doesn't matter what you do with them, you can't fight into a blob of gyros with any air units, they die instantly
what good is a healing scroll if every time the gyros open fire, it poofs every single air unit in your army
its not like you can fight a blob of 60 gyros by dividing 30 hippogriffs into positions far away from each other and closing in, because if they engage one by one they all die instantly, and as they get close they get into aoe range, and the huge number of units firing instant projectiles precludes individual micro abilities.
if you think hippos do anything you haven't played that matchup, you can watch an entire army vanish in a single instant and it actually lags the game for a moment if they were balled up because all your units died simultaneously on the same frame.
go into world editor and try a map of 60 food of gyros vs 60 food of hippos, watch what happens