What are some unshamedly right wing video games?
What are some unshamedly right wing video games?
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>you left wing leaning parasite how long do I have to sit here and listen to your drivel
Deus Ex
when is L.A. Noire right wing
only thing i can think of is but that's, just like, his opinion, man.
>names the Jew
>exposes Pedowood
>Tells the truth for why the Axis went to war with the U.S.
not bad desu
Fuck socialism
>I dig my hole you build a wall...
>showing a realistic depiction of life in certain time periods is right wing
LA Noire is not right wing though.
It's just actually faithful to the times it is trying to portrait and not some moronic 'we are all equal' ideologue transported in time as most 'historical' games are. People were openly racist in past, whoop de doo. California was a red state until 90s
>triforce of courage in the bottom-left
>triforce of wisdom in the bottom-right
image is a fucking joke, whoever made it doesn't know shit about zelda
LA Noire being as right-wing as it is by todays standards is weird; the actor who played Phelps, Aaron Staton, is a raging lefty. Self-hating militant male feminist. I shit you not. Search his social media at your own risk.
>Showing a realistic depiction is right wing
you cheeky cunt
Yes it is.
I'd rather watch the webm of the husky killing that doggo that this shit again
Holy fuck my life's a lie. I legit thought Aaron Staton was Matt McGorry.
It's ok. I'll see myself out.
Octodad is about true conservative values and a strong family unit.
His point is showing tha in itself is considered right wing in the modern social climate.
Anything to the right of Mao is right wing now so probably a lot of games.
>California was a red state until 90s
As someone that lives there, I pray everyday that it will turn red once again.
>Main antagonists are spindly aliens with huge earlobs and thin upper lips
>Prophets use a proud race to gain power but cast them away for brutish space monkeys
>Use squat creatures for cannon fodder
>Entire reason for control is based on a lie
>The enemy of this race is named John 1;17
>John 1;17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
>The Prophets want to build the temple...I mean light the rings
is this real?
>Tells the truth for why the Axis went to war with the U.S.
So why did they? I honestly don't know.
Doctor who is owned by the BBC user.
>constantly saving his nations leader to ensure monastic rule remains through out the mushroom kingdom
>Doctor who is owned by the BBC
It's always money
Monarchic, user. Peach isn't a monk.
your mind is literal mush
They were super pissed about how hard they got fucked after WW1. They also wanted to rebuild the austro-hungarian empire, hence all the lebensraum talk.
Fucking Texas is turning blue because of mexicans and liberals escaping commiefornia, what hope do you have? You can try supporting the New California meme if you want something plausible.
Had to follow japan, who attacked US in a preventayive measure, after the us started encroaching on their territory and the president was warmongering.
This might be completely wrong though, im not sure.
It doesn't matter dumbass. The race war has already been bought, we are just waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
She has a point, but she also comes from the same nation whose people have caused almost as much problems as the imperials
Kirby essentially lives in a cutesy anarcho-capatalist society, you can't prove me wrong
You son of a bitch.
That explains nothing brainlets.
>They also wanted to rebuild the austro-hungarian empire, hence all the lebensraum talk.
You pulled this right out of your ass, they wanted no such thing, they even annexed Austria.
shit you're right
is it though? the food seems to materialize out of thin air/grow on trees
U.S. weren't encroaching on shit. Japan attacked because the U.S. objected to them rape training their way across Asia, and embargoed them, whilst selling the materials they would have been selling to them, to the euros resisting the axis instead.
When you’re a brainwashed libtard or wingbaby everything that gets shoved down your throat is truth, people that put ridiculous amounts of stake into their political identity and don’t even have a career in politics are beyond saving.
it's also a post scarcity society
well now that your sanctuary state you will never see it happen
>that facial expression at the end
you just cant make it up
>slight concern of trustworthiness
He's got a point about Jesus, though. He would have been an arab
There's a reason it's the most hated Souls game on /lefty-v/
Oh it could still happen. The libs aren't getting the message, that their shit isn't working, and that they need to give up on their current policies, instead, they are doubling down on failure. They are imploding, and it is glorious to behold.
How is this redpilled? She’s saying barriers have advantages and disadvantages. It’s a centrist position.
Jesus would have been a Jew, because he was a JEW
no it's an anti-multicultarist position and is thus redpilled.
Centrism is the hardest pill to swallow.
Really any cyberpunk game with (((Mega-corps)) knows where the world is headed
>Huh, well shieeeeeet, you be sayin we wuz londonuz an shiet? well dayum, honkie been takin us fo a ride, history really WUZ whitewashed 2 fuk bruh, we POC need to stand up, dis world is ours nigguh, whitey been tellin lies
The biggest defender of this game is fucking hbomberguy
Well, maybe not rebuild the empire, but they definitely wanted back what they saw as rightful german soil. The other euros kept giving it to them too, thinking that "oh they'll be satisfied after this one."
What does that have to do with right wing? Sometimes I feel like 3/4 of this website has no idea about politics
>defending cuckdoms
Fucking statist.
>but they definitely wanted back what they saw as rightful german soil.
Yah, wich has nothing to do with austro-hungary. They even already annexed Austria and allied Hungary and Romania.
How did it know it would all go so wrong?
Video games are made by artfags who deliberately chose a risky creative industry. Right wingers are all doing boring safe shit like finance and law. The closest I can think is the Soldier of Fortune series and even then I got the impression the developers were quietly making fun of it.
Democracy will 99% of the time elect a shit leader, 1% of the time you get a mediocre one. Monarchy will either anoint a terrible leader or a Great one. Democracy has never instilled a truly great leader.
Fuck commies/America fuck yeah: The game
Back then it wouldn't be. Now it is.
Does this game end up being a "BLM police are the devil" shitshow?
Can't argue with quads
>it's another pretending the king isn't a blithering retard episode
>can't get rid of him because "divine right"
>don't want to get rid of him because inevitable succession crisis
Quads and stoics can't save you
yes but why all drawings and sculptures of him he's portrayed as a nord?
how is deus ex right wing?
>Never should have come here!
He's mediterranean my dude.
Lol I am friends with the lead dev
>quads wasted on royal dick sucking
Fuck off back to the past you relic. You aren't even a man, you are property. Hereditary monarchy is dead and buried.
That why a dictator that appoints his successor is the best possible form of government. It worked great during the 4 good emperors period of the Roman Empire.
Well played user, well played.
"Holy Roman Empire".
This is very difficult to say while keeping a straight face. I wonder who can, because indeed it is hard.
"Holy", you say, while grinning like Voltaire did. "Holy", it is its name. But then, thinking of "Holy", you think about all the Emperors who were excommunicated. You think about all those who tried to fuck with the pope. You think about the wars of religion and how many of them ended up as protestant heretics.
But then, the funniest is coming: "Roman". Yes, now, you cannot contain your laughter. "Roman", it is called despite the fact that this "Roman" body is standing on Germania, a land so harsh and poor that the Legions of Rome refused to set foot on it. A germanic and barbaric people, yes, but still calling themselves "Roman".
And now, here is the end of the fun: "Empire". Now you fell on the ground, laughing so hard that you cannot breathe. An "Empire", a body made of dozens of petty duchies and counties, all fighting for themselves, giving strange names to their position, full of Grand-Dukes or Archdukes. An "Empire" who will stay between Poland and France, while the great powers of Europe will create colonies all around the world.
"Holy" "Roman" "Empire"
I now understand why the BBC has kept that idiot for so long in spite of his sub par writing ability
This has nothing to do with political alignment. Remember, in the 80s, republicans were the corrupt ones.
I don't know why you replied that to me.
>Unify Europe
Stop, that hit too close to home
I don't. Why?
that's right goy shut the fuck up and play with your toys hehe
They still are
>objected to them rape training their way across Asia
Mean what Europeans were already doing in Africa? Which by the way they only objected to when beyond a select few powers started doing it?
they literally can because it is the law of the fucking digits
>Left and Right wing are just Democrat and Republican
Oh my sweet summerchild they've both been JEWED for a looooong time
nothing wrong with that as long as it's not a soyboy faggot leftie shitpile like the EU
It's a /his/ meme