How the fuck do you play this? they barely explain you anything

how the fuck do you play this? they barely explain you anything
instead of censoring shit they should've reworked this game. it's actually a prime example of why localisation is needed. but noooooooo, hostesses are the problem
god damnit, I should've just went for the fake plates instead of wasting money on points

Other urls found in this thread:

>Stop wearing underwear
>Watch Saki

>read saki
>still have no idea how mahjong work
I just think the superpower are cool and the girls with no gigantic boobs are cute

it's glorified gin rummy. Collect sets and runs, profit

>Hard minigame in Yakuza
>Not Shogi without takebacks or koi-koi

Mahjong is literally just 4 sets and a pair

>it's actually a prime example of why localisation is needed

It's a game about BEING A YAKUZA faggot, localization would only be a detriment.

Watch it again while eating tacos then.

>yakuza games
>about being a yakuza

>being a yakuza
It's not even called Yakuza in Japan

>used to be in Mahjong club at my school
>was the only "white" guy there
Thanks to my perseverence I'm actually pretty good so this minigame was a breeze

>I don't know how to play one of the most played tabletop games in the world.

>It's the video game thats the problem!

>can't play the fucking game
The epitome of human trash.

is this anime good?
if i liked akagi will i like this?

Post Yakuza

>this thread again

>being this much of an SDcuck


You won't like it at first, but it'll grow on you after the first season. I recommend Tetsunaki no Kirinji if you're looking something grounded on strategy without magical powers. It's also centered on the differences between online and real life mahjong, which is a nice thing to see if you're an online player.

>it'll grow on you after the first season

Bullshit. I got through the first season enjoying the cute lesbians and bullshit mahjong superpowers, and then I get taken away from my waifu WAHAHA~ to focus on some literally who lesbians in a prequel where Nodoka only appears in the first few minutes. Dropped after two episodes.

The barrier of entry is relatively high but once you get past that it's really not too complicated. Poker knowledge helps understanding the game lot.
But of course at higher levels of play it's complicated as h*ck but Yakuza games don't include high level mahjong play.

God, I remember the mandatory Shogi game in Y2.

>Get given a handbook on how to play, sweet
>It literally includes the line "just click on the pieces to see how far they can move lol" like what is the fucking point of the book then
>Also the AI is Deep Blue
>Also the game starts halfway through because ?????

I spent two fucking hours on it and still had to pay my way through because I couldn't beat him.

>no go

>read saki
>catch up
>one 3 page long chapter released yearly