Will Nintendo Labo outsell PSVR?

Will Nintendo Labo outsell PSVR?

yes, as labo actually has games already whilst PSVR is still stuck with movies


It will outsell PSVR total life time sales in its first week.

In numbers, yes. Shitendo soy boys and 8 year olds already bought 5 each.

One is $70-80 and can be reproduced yourself for free
The other costs just as much as the console it's for

PSVR has sold around 2 million, right? I think these products could easily sell that much.

As a cardboard company, how can nintendo even compete?

You can't make life and hometown with cardboard, so no.

If price alone is any indication, yeah. $80 cardboard beats $400 VR headset. Kids will be all over this shit.

probably. Scalpers will empty the shelves fr the first shipment. Then the second shipment is made and sells half and it's probably going to be enough


>people are willing to pay high price from cardboard box and china-tier tech.
Not defending PSVR at all, but what the fuck is wrong with you people?

It's price point is much lower, which helps a lot. But most importantly, it's by nintendo which means it'll sell no matter what. Why do you think they slapped an 80 dollar price tag on a pile of cardboard and some canvas straps? They know their fanbase will buy it no matter what.

>Buy a PS4
>Go in a sony thread thinking its going to be just like every other thread on Sup Forums, and absolutely filled to the brim with shitposting
>it has almsot no shitposting at all

Why do Sonyfags bitch so much about other companies?

Yes totally the sonefags kkkk

For the good of the human race, I hope not.

PSVR is the Vita all over again
Sony will give up on it eventually

It's the same in any other board.
>go into Sony threads or board
>almost no shitposting at all

While soycucks and nintentoddlers are busy fighting each other,
i'm looking for company to print these cardboards so i can resell them to all the retards that bought it but too lazy to reprint it themselves.
Damn i love having business brain.

Yes, by a large amount.

considering it costs 10% of what PSVR costs

Rarely see a sony thread, like at all, out of all platforms they surely shitpost the most, anyone can explain to me why?

Pic unrelated.

You are such a fucking retard

>One of them is a toy for autistic kids that can be bootlegged with a good enough printer and/or decent tracing skills

>The other is an expensive device that you need to be 30+ in order to like, nevermind afford.

I am totally surprised that Nintendo Cardboard will sell more.

Here's your controller, bro.
Only the steering wheel + pedal looked decent but if you like racing games you already own a real set.

what sony threads are you talking about?
the only sony threads i've ever seen have been Sale threads or Trophy threads, outside of that all that you'll see are gold face posts, which are shiposts by nature

i don't even own a switch, but i think i'd like to play the piano game and the robot game if any friends end up getting Labo

It's for fucking kids, they usually don't have that shit

Besides Sup Forums user. It's true though that Sony threads on Sup Forums rarely get shitposted on.

This is old news. Post the updated one where both kits are outselling MHW.

>mario is outselling fucking dragon ball with a 3 month old game

Both are a big meme

They moved on, Nintendo fans attack anything that moves and get offended by WHIRR posting. So they feel victimized by obvious falseflags, wojaks, and funposting even though the website is probably 70% in favor of the Nintendo to begin with.

>inb4 no way it isn't nintendogaf

Make a strawpoll about which console you'd prefer. The majority of voters will choose the Switch. The current state of Sup Forums is just joyless nintendo spartans biting at each other.

>offended by WHIRR posting

I'm the biggest nintendouche around and WHIRRRR si fucking hilarious.


There's a reason they're consistently voted worst fanbase on Sup Forums

the majority of it is south americans. April fools showed us that. You can even see it calmed down now that they're asleep. Hence all the really old rap songs and trying to act black.

Labo isn't vidya.