>first game is leagues better than the second
>second game receives far more praise and buries any discussion on the first game
What's its name, Sup Forums?
First game is leagues better than the second
Other urls found in this thread:
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
dark is better tho
im basically alone in this
but the second game was better in every single respect you fucking contrarian
fuck you, prove it
no you're not
>double the content for starters
>source hunter conflict actually looked into as well as roleplaying freedom allowed further in choice of allegiance beyond "source hunter who doesn't agree all the way", and choice of race
>companions who aren't sheep, with better voice actors and writing, and more of them to boot
>gameplay better from the start by virtue of magic armor and physical armor instead of the flat system of 1
>double the spells, even more if you count source powers
>less of OS1's awkward attempts at humor, and the remainder of the awkward relegated to jester tags
>better soundtrack
Off the top of my head. I cannot even fathom why anyone would claim OS1 to be better unless they got stuck in Fort Joy
Not that one faggot.
>larianiggers will defend this
Original sin 2 is in my top 5 favorite RPGs. I then tried to play the first one, and couldn't for more than 1 hour. So fucking bad it's a wonder they had the money to make a second one.
I take one look at and it says it all.
>gameplay better from the start by virtue of magic armor and physical armor instead of the flat system of 1
You mean how you're punished for not having a team of pure magic users or pure melee users? Straight fucking downgrade. Misguided attempt to curb rng in a DnD inspired game.
this, I'm waiting out for the Enhanced Edition that hopefully removes it or reworks it entirely
>I take one look at and it says it all.
No, it doesn't. Only faggots even tried to romance anyway, I just ignore that shit.
>You mean how you're punished for not having a team of pure magic users or pure melee users? Straight fucking downgrade. Misguided attempt to curb rng in a DnD inspired game.
That's the only valid criticism I can think of, but it's not that bad, unless you want to min-max.
>this, I'm waiting out for the Enhanced Edition that hopefully removes it
Mods already do and it instead becomes a stunfest because of how environmental effects work. They have to completely overhaul the whole status effect system if they remove armor.
I don't get it. What's bad about that.
no you're just bad at the game
Even though this is posted in every DOS2 thread, I still don't know what there is to defend. How is this worse than portrayal of sex in any other game?
Only I can think of is that the narrator says this in a very calm, unsexual manner.
You ever seen a TESG thread?
That shit you quoted is just an open invitation for that crowd to start festering in your game. Then the game receives unworthy praise despite being mechanically inferior to games that came before it.
Ever wonder why Skyrim threads are on practically 24/7? And yet nothing of value in their discussions...
One sex scene is an argument against the entire game?
I beat the game using a hybrid party of 2 casters/2 physical, never once found it as entirely irksome as the instant stunlock of OS1.
I do not like these game's emphasis on environmental combinations or status effect prioritization, but that does not mean reverting the attempts to correct the stun or die style is means of declaring the sequel inferior, because even by the metric of combat being worse to you still leaves the entirety of the game outside of it
There are actual negatives to OS2, like terrible pacing in the latter half of Act 2 and onwards, which finish with two incomplete chapters and an underwhelming epilogue. Or how the numbers bloat to try and accommodate for a bad combat system, or the poor gear leveling.
You're not proving it for your argument either you pathetic nigger.
this. nobody has ever seriously claimed that the 1st D:OS was better than the 2nd, without trying to shitpost
It would be amazing.
Not really.
Dark did the whole interconnected world thing and that was neat, but in every other way demons was better to me and many others.
The estus flask made the game a lot easier.
hahaha virgins are so triggered by this scene its hilarious
It's literally one dedicated autist.
I took a look and now i want to play this game.
i'll defend it
And you prove the OP right.
>how you're punished for not having a team of pure magic users or pure melee users
The fuck? You're absolutely not, there are many enemies in every fight and if you want to be absolutely efficient about the damage you do, you have your magic users gang up on one person, and physical guys attack someone else.
How so? Played the first one. It was a great idea executed haphazardly, so the result was all over the place.
The second one looks miles tighter in execution. Though someone mentioned the pacing is still bad. Pacing in the 1st divos was terrible too. One thing i expected them to address.
>your game
I didn't even play it, because my PC can barely run it. I am interested in getting it one day, that's why I check these threads.
>being mechanically inferior
SEEMS to me it's actually better, but as I said, haven't played it. I can speak based on what I've heard and seen.
What's the problem with Divinity 2?
I heard lots of good things about the serie, started watching a few videos about it, I was thinking about buying the 2nd one sooner or later.
Actually go back and play Demons Souls my guy, it's not that good. It's FROMs first foray into the formula (no Kings Field is not the same game you fucking memers) and it shows.
Normal difficulty becomes very easy rather quickly.
also what the fuck did you actually just say Estus made the game easier when you could instamunch 99 full heal grass whenever you wanted?
The problem is that there is no real problem, which makes some autists mad.
I mean, of course there are some flaws, like every other game it's not perfect, but I assure you there's nothing that would make you hate it. That is, if you like crpgs.
Witcher 1 and 2
Cool. I'll get it when my computer is fixed then.
> punished for not having a team of pure magic users or pure melee users
What difficulty were you playing on and how far did you get into the game, user? Did you even play the game or are you just parroting this wrong meme since release?
>get five free heals that have a windup period before it goes through
>can grind infinite heals with no windup at all
which one sounds harder to you
just because the grinding for heals was taken out of dark souls, doesn't make it easier.
>You mean how you're punished for not having a team of pure magic users or pure melee users?
Nigger did you not get out of the tutorial area? Later on the game you fight enemies with 100 armor and 2000 magic armor or vice versa.
Good luck having a full mage team and fighting a group of enemies with high magic armor.
I wouldn't say the first is miles better but I enjoyed them about equally.
I guess most people don't like low levels characters.
How are Beast and Human Girl as companions? I literally always run Iban, Prince and Sibelle and have never taken those two out of Fort Joy.
Human gril is cute.
Beast is okay, but he's a disgusting midget freak and who wants to be seen wandering around with one of those fucking abominations of nature?
Lohse is funny and has mommy milkies
>ap actions are way too expensive
>magic is ridiculously op
>debuffs are way too strong
>companions are terrible
lmao did you even play the first game? all of those are worse in the first game wtf
Quick question from a noob: I've seen that it's possible to create a character completely from scratch, without even selecting a class I think. How fun is that once you've mastered the game?
I wonder who is behind this post
Every class gets the same amount of points to spend off the bat. So you can start without a class but you're not really gimping yourself. You're just paying for those 3 spells you would have got for free.
I put on my robe and wizard hat
How the fuck can anybody enjoy being a mage in BG1 is beyond me.
OS2 is better, it's just that the armour is very artificial mechanic that however breaks the cc spam ftw tactic from the first game so it's ok imo.
Also hybrids, while not optimal are much better now.
Gothic 2, Ratchet and Clank 2, Baldurs Gate 2.
Gothic 2 vs Gothic debate is... complicated.
Gothic 2 adds a lot of improvements to the game, even of NotR makes the stat system... very hard to use, to say the least(it's hard to even get to the highest tier weapons if you don't plan ahead every single point you spend and every single of those stat-raising tablets you use, which sounds great - finally thinking's man game - but nowadays it boils down to checking up leveling guide on the internet), but I would say it does a lot of stuff better than the first game.
I've played Gothic far more and remember it better though.