Nintendo officially announce Nintendo Labo and Pokemon for Nintendo Switch

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Let's get some K-Pop kino in here

Perfect for their autistic manchild audience. I already see all the auties going crazy about this. Well done Nintendo selling cardboard shit for 70$ yet will sell like hotcakes.

why do you keep shilling this shitty K-pop garbage

yea but can i use that piano thing to make straight bangers?

tfw smoking near the labo


cute fly attendants

What's the appeal of this crappy music?

Twice - Rollin is a good song

nintendo was smoking mariujana before launching labo lol

Not sure why this is here but based

Is this the only kind of music korea makes? Is there no k-jazz, k-folk?

How embarrassing


Aren't you just getting into traditional music at this point? Not that that's a bad thing though, there's a lot of cool stuff to be found in cultural music.

It's mixed with their pop

it's called Trot

Well, China is investing into rap and hip hop so i expect anything at this point.
>jazz is mixed with their pop
Do you have any example? I'm just curious.

Why are soyak memes always about switch? It has as much meme potential as brainlet wojak and yet there is little creativity to be seen.

1. It's because of all those photos floating around with the nu-males taking awful open mouthed pictures of themselves, often with a Switch in the picture.
2. Wojak posters have no creativity (truth be told no one on Sup Forums does anymore since we lobotomised ourselves rather than give reddit any more funny material to steal).

>Wojak posters have no creativity
Brainlet edits are fucking creative tho, and they're based on a wojak template.

why talking about kpop?


>Do you have any example? I'm just curious.
Modern Times - IU
I'll Be Yours - Girl's Day
Missing You - 2NE1

Hayley Kyoko - Curious

It's not fucking kpop man.

its true music

best song of january

trot is magnificent


>.t 12 year olds that listened for the majority of their lives to vgm now share what they think is "good" music