RIP Bethesda. Make way for the new first person open world REAL rpg king

RIP Bethesda. Make way for the new first person open world REAL rpg king.

I fucking hope so bro

Can't play a girl tho.


Why would you want to do that? It's medevial fantasy, girls who go off adventuring get raped and enslaved.

>skills actually matter
>if you dont put skills into literacy any book or sign you read will be a jumbled mess of letters on your screen

The combat looks pretty fucking bad

It's way too much on the simulation side to compete for the same audience who will simply find it too complex.

Really? Thats actually pretty neat.

I already saw SJWs accusing the developer of being a white supremacist and complaining there are no blacks in a fucking medieval European setting
Can't wait to see how triggered they get when the game gets any traction

No it doesn't



>he needs to play as some chick whenever possible

You're a fat weeaboo right? It's always the fat weeaboo who want ritually need to be girls whenever possible.

Not really an issue. If someone is so tied up in some arbitrary shit like sex or gender that they can't immerse themselves in the game, then they have some other shit to work out before picking up the controls again.

guy who makes this game is fat and probably a weaboo

When is it coming out? Any preorders happening?

I like playing females because if I have to stare at a character’s ass for 30 hours, then I rather it be a female’s

>you can specialize in alcoholism
>can outdrink anybody at pubs
>if you dont put any skills in it only a few glasses of wine has you waking up in random places

>actual historical medieval rpg
>not fantasy

Seems like a huge waste. I'm already bored.

It's a first person game.

Oh boy we sure do need another fantasy rpg

It's first person

>playing the opposite gender in an RPG
Why do people do this?

Based Vavra, doesn't give a shit and makes good Mafia games.

There were some blacks (or at least Moors) in medieval Europe. Just not in the rural 14th century Bohemia.

>wanting fantasy RPG #105733859
No thanks.

You mean actual good gameplay

>hitman rules apply to the entire world
>npcs recognize outfits

I just have a feeling that this will be a bug ridden mess that will run absolutely horribly.

The last beta I pirated was still looked like a soulless tech demo and ran like shit. I can't imagine the final product be any better.

go play sandwich making and rape simulator then, fag
you disgust me you subhuman

Based Slavs

Is he Sup Forums ?

>hitman rules apply to entire world
what's that supposed to mean?

I can't play as a guy in a Barbie game, this is fucking bullshit

>can't make my own character
WHY AAAAAA still, it and witcher and a good developer worthy of shekels. I like making my character in rpgs but, for those that aren't fixated on that stuff it should be a good time and a good buy desu


And why no one complains about it? I thought we have equality of both genders in [current year]

hell even if i dont like the game
>i just want to wander around medieval europe

nah you're actually just a faggot
I'd rather be Batman than Catwoman you fucking queer. I'd rather be Link than Zelda. I bet your arms are like twigs and you're slightly pudgy from all the soy and IPAs you drink you queer

>Speaking of theft, after running up to a hut and being caught red-handed with a pair of old boots, the inhabitants sprint off down the road screaming for guards. Here, you can start to see the lengths at which Warhorse have gone to inject a sense of realism into the game's crime system. It is easy to appreciate after years of playing RPGs that give law enforcers a divine insight into your wrongdoings. This is a world that feels alive as you witness it react to your actions.

Time to roleplay the best class..alcoholic cheese thief

I will laugh when this game bombs for being overly clunky.

looks like he has FAS too

Will I be able to kill Saracens?

>witcher fan calling anyone soy
your hand must be soooooooo strong from jerking off to ugly female models

lmao it's not going for a bethesda style rpg at all
but it is one of the few games I've been interested in for years

>To sabotage the enemy forces you can infiltrate their camp and poison their food using stealth, or you can find a lone soldier, kill him, and wear his clothes into camp. Hitman rules apply throughout all of Deliverance. With 14 different slots for clothing and armor, all of which can be layered however you like, you can dress to look like a badass warrior, a beggar, or a nobleman and people will treat you accordingly.

>Here's a more complex example, not limited to the clothes you wear. If you need to find a murderer in a monastery (and you will) then to get inside, you'll have to roleplay a monk. That means going through the initiation ceremonies and following a strict daily schedule. Your routine, the halls you wander, the labored process for making whatever poultices Bohemians monks made in the 1400s, the gobs of art are all as true to the era as the developers at Warhorse Studios could make them

>staring at character's ass aruguments

If only we could harness the sheer power of the negative infinity that is your IQ. What science could learn...

>bearded memester's game gets free shilling because he gives handjobs to racists

Personnaly, I like to play female because I like to create an ideal waifu and insert her in the game.
If I insert myself I become too perfectionnist and usually end up frustrated

if only we could string people who take bait posts seriously


I hope this game flops and puts all you autistic fucks on suicide watch.

This all sounds cool and all, but I have a feeling it's going to be a one time thing you do dictated by the story. Not like you'll be able to just infiltrate any monastery you want and roleplay as a monk for a while.

If only this entire website wasn't shills and larpers pretending to bait and be baited.

You can actually. The game and it's missions are completely non linear. Shit happens and npcs have schedules no matter what you do

Oh my god someone stupid said something stupid how unexpected stop the fucking presses better make a dozen threads about it user

So what?

I didn't make a single thread about it user
But thanks for the (you) I guess

is that a problem?

When they'll release on GOG then I'll buy. Otherwise I'm waiting

this and western rpgs hahaha dont even get me started

because I can and there's nothing you can do about it.

>western rpg

>runs like shit

>in eastern Europe

Be a retard somewhere else, lad.

>Playing as a girl

>allowing women to be over powered
>allowing their sex organs to be remotely displayed
>having them be an unrealistic beauty standard
>Not letting the men get raped too

A rape SIM in current year would probably be the only thing to surpass trump on the news, if only for a day or two. God speed whoever does it.

>first person open world REAL rpg king
>cant roleplay

anyone disagreeing with this user is stupid

I agree, too much flinching and prancing around. Doesn't feel like a legit sword fight at all.

If a game that's good forces me to play as a main character, male or female, I deal. I'm not going to cry because the creator didn't compromise their vision to make every aspect of the game customizable.

sounds like a 10/10 to me


You can't in this one.
Haha pranked :^)

but you arent a girl

>Weapons can be equipped in 4 customizable slots in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Combat takes place in a first-person view, and the sword combat is being developed with the help of expert fencers. The combat of Kingdom Come: Deliverance follows the conventions of 15th century fighting as possible, and both you and your opponents use actual medieval techniques. You'll be able to see your hands and body when attacking, so it's easier to be more aware of what's happening during the fight. Swords do not go through enemy armor or swords, and attacks do damage where they actually make contact with an enemy.

This is really my only complaint so far

No, it's set in 1400 bohemia
100 years too early

>thanks for reporting me. I am actually founder of the studio so not sure it will help

Can I donate to this man? How do I do this?

Buy his game

>Combat takes place in a first-person view, and the sword combat is being developed with the help of expert fencers.

If only they got help from expert game designers

Will it be a 60$ release?
I'm going to send him a couple hundred dollars to see if i can get a physical, signed copy because this is shaping up to be the single greatest game ever made

Funny considering mafia 1 was a fantastic game

Is the beta still available?

This is exactly how they marketed shit like Fable, Skyrim, and all the rest. Temper your expectations a little.

Yeah it's coming out physical on the xbone/ps4. Not sure if there's a special edition for pc that's physical

Whatever you say.

People have played the game already. This is nothing like fable. Everything that has been mentioned by the devs is in

>being poor

no I bit the btc bubble is going to pop meme and I don't really have anything i've looked forward to like this before.

I hope there will be

Does anyone have a mailing address for Warhorse studios?

>implying skyrim was bad
Contrarian Sup Forums strikes again.
Inb4 fuck off todd

great i can't wait for some back end of the woods website to start bitching about it

Skyrim is horrible

What looks like a legit sword fight to you? I tihnk your idea of legit is warped.

Fuck off Todd

>i constantly think about sex

looks like mount & blade combat to me, and most people seem to love those games

>People have played the game already.

Who exactly?

Half the fun of Mount and Blade is leading a warband. The other half is the multiplayer.