Gen 4 > Gen 3 > Gen 2 > Gen 1 > Gen 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gen 6 & 7
Gen 4 > Gen 3 > Gen 2 > Gen 1 > Gen 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gen 6 & 7
swap 5 and 1, and you're good bb
gen when I was 12 > gens before i was 12 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> gens after I was 12
>gens after I was 12
so none of them?
1 = 4 > 5 = 2 > 3 > 6 > 7
1 was good for nostalgia, but didn't really age that well. Game was short, bugged to hell and back.
Personally 3 = 5 > 2 > 5 > 4 >>>>> 6 & 7
6 and 7 killed the series for me. Megas should never have happened the way they did, and especially not have kept for future games. I would've been fine if they were a generation thing, but Pokemon really didn't need any of that shit, and it rubbed me the wrong way.
4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 7
2>1> sex with a black man full of aids> getting raped by elephants > alll other gens
I don't know if I dislike Alolasomes or Genwunners more.
Overall game & mechanics
5 > 4 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 6
7 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4
your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad because it differs from my own
honestly the gen 7 pokedex was bad, but it was easy.
7 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 2 > 1.
Here's the right list.
close, you're almost there user
Apologies. I'm that guy who unironically liked fairies from the very start which is party why I rated 7 and 6 so high. Other reason being I really enjoy the Pokemon from Gen 7, I just wish there was more.
I might as well ask here, what are some good rom edits which add some difficulty to the game and optionally allow you to catch every pokemon? I have blaze black 2 ready to go, wondering if there are any more worth playing.
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 5
Didn't touch the 6 and 7 Gen yet.
3 = 5 > 2 = 1 > 6 > 4
Didn't play 7
>4 worse than 6, 2 and 1
Worst taste in this thread so far. Congrats.
Gen 4 stopped being the best gen when the Wi-Fi was shut down.
V > IV > VII > III > VI > I > II
B/W > B2/W2
DS era > GBA era > 3DS era > GB era
[Spoilers]As for actual Pokemon designs, they've objectively gotten better over time.
Gen 4 is only good because the Gen 2 remakes are good. Not flawless, some minor changes are for the worse, but overall I would consider the remakes big improvements over what is otherwise the best gen. Platinum is also pretty good, but not as good as Emerald.
doesnt matter unvabortions are by far the worst
Genwunners are "muh freedom" "muh adventure" "muh monsters" "muh atmosphere" "muh simplicity" faggots that don't actually care about the game's format, while Alolatricians actually care about the battle system and encounter system, and we care about the top tier waifus, and we never hate on new Pokemon/Waifumon like whiny autists just because the style changed.
They're all the same
This is another example of the Zelda cycle, wait for Gen 8 and see people start to praise Gen 7.
Gen 5 > Gen 7 > Gen 4 > Gen 3 > Gen 2 > Gen 6 > Gen 1
7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
They introduce new ones with every gen, so... That's really all that matters.
>being so insecure with your opinion that you feel that need to make a post like this
>Gen 5
>Better than anything
Its the gen that really solidified that we were never getting our old pokemon back. It took the downward trend that started in 4 and made nearly the entire roster that shit.
Gen 6 and 7 were actually better by comparison.
>gen 4 at the top
Mah man. Pokemon should have ended after Platinum, or maybe after HG/SS.
t. nostalgiafag
Never played gen 2 so can't comment on that.
I never played SM, but USUM was pretty decent.
It gave the most trouble a maingame has ever given me.
>gen 4 first
Even if you don't like Gen 5, the games had by far the most effort and post-game content out of all of the games.
I actually liked the new selection of Pokemon.
Lots of cool features too:
>Theme that plays when you take almost all of a Gym Leader's team out
>Theme that plays when you're critical health
>Lots of extra, completely unnecessary side-content that they could have easily left out like Pokestar Studios
>The added story in the form of Memory cutscenes in BW2
Gen 5 is phenomenal, imo.
Gen 4 is just a slightly less shitty Gen 3.
I don't see what's so great about it
>this many people rating 4 as the best
HGSS was great, that is true but holy shit DPPt was total garbage
Everything you posted is wrong and you should feel ashamed about your self
Especially for saying Gen 6 and 7 are better than anything
Holy shit your taste is total garbage
>Gen 4 at the top
>Gen 5 that close to the bottom
You're gonna have to try harder than that.
I like Gen 1 and 2 because your rival is someone you hate, and the relative sparsity of dialogue leaves enough to the imagination for it to not seem childish. Also the music was more intense; they were less afraid of using melancholy sounds. Everything in the newer games sounds too happy. Team Galactic had some good battle/theme music though.
>gen 1 and 2's music
>le Gen 7 is bad meme
nice contrarian opinion, it really makes you looks smart and informed and not at all like a childishly jaded sad sack
>>le Gen 7 is not bad meme
It's not gen 6 bad but it's still bad
I don't mean all of it, I just feel that most of the newer games' themes are very happy sounding. Nothing creepy like viridian forest, mt. moon, or lavender town. Nothing as chaotic as champion battle RBY
Gen 5 > Gen 2 > Gen 7 > Gen 3 > Gen 4 > Gen 1 > Gen 6
HGSS are indeed great, but it's hard for me to rank 4 any higher when DP is tied with XY as the least fun I've had with a Pokemon game
BW2, HG/SS, and Platinum were the peak in terms of quality and content. No once can deny this
It's not as good as it could have been
5=1=3=7>2=6>spinoffs>hey you, pikachu!=pokemon channel>pokemon box RS=pokemon bank>4
Gen 5 was so bad that almost made me drop Pokemon forever.
Gen5 > Gen7 > Gen3 > Gen6 > Gen2 > Gen1 > Gen4
>spinoffs lower than the main series
I get that you're shitposting against gen 4 but come on m8
>all these sinnohfetuses ITT
>3DS era > GB era
Only if you're counting spinoffs as well, because Super Mystery Dungeon is better than gen 6 and 7.
Actually, even then the GB had superior spinoffs
3DS was a mistake
t. muh adventure brainlets
Gen3 had best girl, either way.
>GB had superior spinoffs
literally one card game
it's pretty obvious if you think about it, it is the for people whose first pokemon game was DPPt to now become ~20 years old and post here
4 years ago it was hoenn and the "muh rse remake" retards
You're all deluded faggots. Pokemon has been in a steady decline. Each generation is worse than the last.
Now fuck off back to your containment board.
Gen 1 and 2 had the best rivals and no matter how good were the next games, none had better rivals than them
Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't
>muh forced drama
Pokefags actually believe B/W story was some kind of well written deep shit.
*TWO card games
Also pinball was pretty good
>Tfw BW2 renewed my love for the franchise in a way I hadn't felt since I was a kid
>gen4 lol guys it was comfy and adventure :DD, screw gen5 and actual commentary on pet ownership and intolerance
Oh yes. I'm really feeling all the quality gen 6 and 7 had to offer. Especially the latter's cutscenses and corridors/hall ways
I never played the actual games, I'm talking strictly about the Pokemon designs. 5th gen has still, to this day, some of the worst designed pokemon in the entire series. It also had a scant few really good ones, Chandelure is great, but the majority are nauseatingly terrible.
>literally wasted potential: the gen
made this years ago
I am proud 20 year old me still had good taste
>I never played the actual games
opinion discarded
5>4>3=2>1>>I didn't even finish gen 7. I literally didn't care and everything was too slow, Lillie is shit, new starters are shit, Hau is shit
>corridors/hall ways
Stop being a hypocrite Unova is a fucking circle.
>advertising it all comes together
>does a worse job of given all gens outside of kanto love than BW2 did with the PWT
>You need to play the games to look at the Pokemon
Imagine being this retarded.
>it's wasted potential because in my headcanon they could do more
>DAE want Kanto postgame too? such a waste
>Implying designs are everything
Gen 6 introduced some of my favorite designs and it's still objectively the weakest Gen
Why? you don't need to play the games to talk about the pokemon's design, he also made an accurate opinion.
Which still let you explore and had post game towns. Their SEQUELS managed to throw everything and the kitchen sink into that "circle" for an even better experience.
Hugh in BW2 was god tier dramatic character whose quest for revenge on Plasma lead him to realize the true nature of pokemon ownership
bad but not awful taste
And that's fine, but I'm not talking about the games themselves. I'm just talking about how to Pokemon are designed.
I'm not even making a statement on the games as a whole, just the Pokemon that they contain.
b-but my comfy adventure in sinnoh
Who said anything about Sinnoh?
Am I the only person who thinks that 6 & 7 are worse than earlier gens, but still not bad? I still think they're fun games.
Pokemon Prism is the best Pokemon game. Too bad you can't do online battles.
2nd > 5th > 7th > 1st > 3rd > 6th > 4th
Fair enough, I suppose.
>the overall layout of the region matters more than individual spaces
>victory road being a literal empty corridor is fine because unova has several cities, routes, deserts and forests connecting together to form a circle
>literally implement following pokemon but give it to npc's only
>make the coolest looking alternate dimension alien worlds and turn them into corridors
>seperate islands giving potential for an entire new island as post game content but it didn't happen
>not wasted potential
alola defenders are delusional
>gen 5 are the worst pokemon games because even though I didn't play it and don't care about their content or quality as video games they made an ice cream pokemon and that upsets me :^(
fuck off
I legit enjoyed playing 7 despite its faults, but I struggle to list positives about 6. It was too boring.
You know I really do like almost everything about Gen 6 execpt the main games itself. I find little redeeming about gen 7 on the other hand
Also how the fuck was the Emma/Looker story so good after Flare.
Pokemon designs are the most important thing in Pokemon, if the designs are bad people would hate those games no matter what, in fact B/W was so bad that GF needed to bring back pokemon and characters from previous Gens to fix it.
5 >= 2 > 4 > 3 >>> 7 > 1 >>>
>Pokemon designs are the most important thing in Pokemon
For you maybe. They're just part of a bigger puzzle. I'd take a well made pokemon game with "bad" designs than I would one that's not well made with "good" designs.
You mean the thing they did during the postgame of BW?
No, that's the opinion that anyone who is reasonable and isn't a contrarian naysayer.
The production value is much higher than the early games which has its own value, although the type of person I mentioned above will never admit that. The newer gens have traded laser focused mechanics and content in for the overall polish. I think this makes it overall weaker as a game but better as an experience.
The thing is, it has hurt the replay value, which is what people most loved about the older games. That's why they say it "just isn't as fun" because the new ones are fun while they still have content but when they run out they're a lot more boring than when the old ones ran out of content.
4 > 5 > 3 > the rest
They're just so boring
>hurt replay value
you might be right, I tried to play an X and an OR romhack and couldn't be bothered to complete either
This is how I feel. XY's story aside, PSS was amazing and ORAS improved upon that along with Dexnav. Then gen 7 strips that away and replaces the bottom screen with that obnoxious rotom and festival plaza for online related stuff.