Should I cave in and buy a PS4 now that cryptocucks ruined PC gaming for everyone?

Should I cave in and buy a PS4 now that cryptocucks ruined PC gaming for everyone?

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Do you play online?
Do you own a shitty pc for normal use?
Do you buy lots of games?

If the answer to one of those is yes pc will be cheaper in the long run, if the answer too 2 or more of those is yes it will be much cheaper.

I'm still stuck with a GTX 660, man

>Buy a used PS4 for like 150$.
>Buy a new retail unit, and return it the same day, returning the old unit and keeping the new one.
There you go. You can have 20 years worth of PS+ and it will still cost less then a cryptocard.

The 660 is pretty much the same as the ps4 anyway.

I know in official comparisons the 750 ti usually beats the ps4, and I'm guessing the 660 is similar to it

>In the long run
No it wont. Having a PC is a hassle in the long run. You won't run into that on console except for maybe the first 3 days if you don't understand how to use UI made for double digit IQ beings.

You can't open a console and then return it, genius

No I bought one for Monster Hunter but can't even buy shit on the PS Store with fully valid info that works with everything else.

>The 660 is pretty much the same as the ps4 anyway.
Wew. Where do you get your information from.
750TI doesn't beat a PS4 either as it is all depending on the games you play and whether the dev is able to optimize it properly.
Game devs don't always hit the PS4 GPU limits but with the 750ti they would hit the GPU limit all the time.

I have both and I think the best and only reason to get a console is if all the games you want to play are online mp games. PC blows for online games that aren’t league, blizzard dota cs and the likes. Most either die out or barely take off the ground, and if they don’t die they’re riddled with BRs and hackers.

You still have to pay PS+ to play online, though

Purposefully biased towards consoles scenario over 5 years

>ps4 = $200
>5 years online = $150 (but lets be honest it's closer to $300)
>shitty normal use laptop = $400
>additional cost from 10 games being slightly more expensive = $100 (could get up to $1,000 if you buy at release and pirate)

>shitty gaming laptop $700

Modern consoles are just a massive rip off nowadays and are only cheaper in the most stupid, unrealistic scenarios

If you buy a console for specs, you're a retard.

this thread was made by a consolecuck user, it's so obv

It beats it in MOST games, type in "750 ti vs ps4" on youtube.

You fucking wish. I haven't owned a console since the PS2

You certainly can because it's store-by-store policy and I've done it. Walmart for example will take it in the ass over returns, it's practically their policy. Not to mention, if that really was the case, a box cutter and some time would produce the same results.

If you buy a console, you're a retard.

Gaming laptops are fucking garbage especially one that's $700

They use the same graphics cards as desktops now. It's actually the cheaper, low end ones which are better since they don't have issues with overheating or noise due to low power parts.

Nope. They have enough exclusives to warrant a purchase, but well done on being as bad as a console retard.

thanks cryptoshitters

now we'll have to invent some kind of GPU that detects crypto mining and shuts down so the rest of us can just play fucking games instead of catering to your garbage

PS4 user here, I have never owned a pc. Been thinking to get one, mostly for playing games that are not in PS catalogue. Indie shit mostly, like Sunless Sea, Darkwood. Only game I want to play on pc atm is the Hunt: Showdown. That game needs a good pc right? What kind of money investment I'm looking at here?

>>shitty normal use laptop = $400

This is what every console gamer forgets. Even if you say you only play on console, chances are you do something on a laptop too (even if it's just shopping, or your taxes or whatever)

>Nope. They have enough exclusives to warrant a purchase

Ex dee but user i do all that on my phone

Tfw 1080 shit itself and Nvidia never received it

>Fewer than 20 PS4 exclusives after four years

8th gen consoles are garbage

The Xbox One doesn't, but the rest do.

Sales on PSN are cheaper than Steam at this point and you can find pretty much any game released mid 2017 and before for under 20 dollars retail.

Because those games are really badly optimized on PS4 and because the games are capped at 30fps on PS4 due to lazy devs and CPU bottlenecks due to them not optimizing properly.

>buying a piss4
Don't do this

Wii U had a good 35-40 but PS4 is still shit, just slightly less shit than Xbone

Yeah that is a downside, I’m pretty against it, but my wanting to play shit obscure games that are dead on pc overtook that. But I can’t say I’m okay with it.

What other choice is there? GPU prices are through the roof now and who the fuck knows when they'll go down again

Fuck outta here. You can't play these superior versions anywhere else.

I don't give a shit why a game runs bad just if it does or not. The fact is most games run better on a 750 ti than a ps4.

I don't know why you think obscure games would be more alive on a console on which 95% of the owners play AAA games like CoD, and a PC is eternally BC

How did cryptocucks ruin PC gaming?

GPUs have doubled/tripled in price because they keep buying them all

Not him but they really don't seem like it. I know occasionally they are but most the time they're shit. Difference definitely isn't as big as in the past though

No, remasters and remakes are not exclusive by definition of the term.

>Ocarina of Time on 3DS is exclusive because you can only play that version on 3DS!
Not how it works, sorry.

PROTIP: If you have to qualify "exclusive" with another word then its not exclusive.

not the 700 dollar models

But they don't run better.
There are plenty of games on PS4 already that aren't even possible on GTX 750ti.

>tfw can't buy a Gaming PC because the prices are so absolutely ridiculous.

I just want Siege on PC ffs.
I'm just sticking to my PS4 for now.

The "it's-cheaper-in-the-long-run" statement is retarded, because the culmunitive cost from PS+/Gold is so low, many would have spent that meager amount isn't really carrying over as some sort of surplus anyways. I'm not even sure it's lower, as you can get a console and buy 10+ years of online for less then a good card, and the service does have minor value of free rentals.
If I had to choose, I'd always choose PC, but that's because of the utility of recording and writing.

Some obscure shit literally no ones heard of or buys. The majority of mainstream games do run better on a 750 ti and you can see it on youtube. Obviously there are a few exceptions but there;s not many

I can get with you on the remaster part but remakes are definetly exclusive.
Doesn't matter. Why would you enable lazy game devs? Regardless all PS4 exclusives look way better than the multiplats anyway.

There are many reasons PC gaming is better than console gaming.

Price is not one of those reasons. I never understood this shitty argument.

Justify why the higher cost is worth it, not desperately reach for ways PC gaming might be cheaper.

>both games on console
>one (1) game on PC
really burns my meninges

>Doesn't matter. Why would you enable lazy game devs? Regardless all PS4 exclusives look way better than the multiplats anyway.
I only care about how a game runs. I don't care about stupid memes like "it's as powerful as a 1080 it's just not optimised" or whatever.

The only console that I can justify getting, of you just can't PC, is the XBoneX. It just makes more sense.

Xbone has shit exclusives, though

Although it's not an exclusive pic related is by far the biggest game on either console this gen

I've bought Mad Max on PS4 for $6 a year ago on PSN and the game was recently featured on sale on Steam for $12. Not to mention all of Sony's exclusives besides the newer ones like Horizon are usually on sale for less than $10. I'll agree they are not a regular occurrence with the really good deals, but when they happen it's usually leagues ahead of what Steam offers.

This is coupled with the fact that PS4 game discs are crazy cheap. I bought Final Fantasy 15 at Redbox for $10 a few months ago and that's still slated to come out full price on Steam.

>Buy PC
>Done for 5 years, all your games will work forever

>Buy console
>Buy subscription every year
>Buy new version of console because games run at 20fps on the one you have
>Buy next console and its library of games & repeat

Consoles have lost almost everything that made them convenient and worth owning alongside a PC.

>Shallow western AAA games don't hold value and go on sale for dirt cheap because otherwise they wouldn't keep selling
Mad Max was $5-10 on Steam recently, stop lying

I would agree, if the stipulation wasn't that PC isn't an option.
If you can only have a console and no PC, you go for the XBoneX. At that point, anything available for both PC and Xbone, but not available on the PS4, might as well be exclusives.

>Cryptofags have ruined GPU prices
>Mobilefags have ruined RAM prices
>SSD prices are ruined

Yes and the cost of all of what you mentioned on console is still much cheaper than building a gaming PC.

As I said, many reasons to get into PC gaming. Cost isn't one of them.

If you're a poorfag who just wants to play the latest games. Console is the way to go.

If you have a big more money and want to pay extra for better performance, PC is the way to go.

>Games are exclusive when you pretend the other platforms they exist for don't exist

see It's cheaper for almost everyone

My mistake. The fact still stands boxed copies are king of value when it comes to how much cheaper they can get in time compared to a Steam sale coupled with the fact they actually are able to be resold.

Didn't say that. I said that they might as well be exclusives. I didn't say that they were. You're the one that's implying that.

I don't even own a fucking Xbox or PlayStation.

But Vulkan optimized games run better on PS4 than those cards.

Not him but the cheapest you can get it in the uk is 11 pounds used on ebay, vs 4 pounds new from kinguin

>Yes and the cost of all of what you mentioned on console is still much cheaper than building a gaming PC
No, its really not. You can buy a cheap PC and get comparable console performance or you can spend more and not have to upgrade for years. We're already seeing likely-intentional poor performance for new games on the old, base-model consoles, and the $60/year fee adds up if you want to access online functionality in the games you're buying.

PCs are also eternally backward compatible. All my 7th gen games still run on the machine I play 8th gen games on, I don't need to buy a whole new machine if I want to keep playing new games, I can choose to play them at lower settings I don't want to spend more to upgrade yet. A PS4 or Xbone isn't going to play games from the NES to right now, they have several hundred games each, maybe PS4 has close to 1,000 but I doubt it, and half of both libraries are re-releases because actual backward compatibility wasn't included.

Not with current prices. You aren't paying less than $1000 (not including peripherals) for a PC that can run the latest releases at 1080p 60fps on ultra (and if your new build can't do that then what's the point.)

You can buy a PS4 for $250 easily.

>You can buy a cheap PC and get comparable console performance

not at the current prices.

>might as well
But they're not, end of story.

The point is to match it obviously? Why compare it to something completely different.

It's much easier to pirate on PC, and even just legally you can buy a shotload of classics on steam for like a dollar.

ok, go on PC parts picker, build me a PC for less than $250 that can perform as well as a PS4.

You're exaggerating current prices, and console performance means buying older, cheaper parts. That $250 PS4/Xbone is comparable to a toaster pushing 900p/30fps, not a high or expensive bar to meet.

You also can't really cite MSRP for PC parts while touting finding deals for PS4s not at MSRP.

So while initial cost is a little higher, you save in the long run by not paying for online play and not having to upgrade your entire machine every few years. An old PC can still run new games, you don't have to buy a whole new one to play new games, and its fully BC unlike consoles so all your old games are still there.

I'm specifically talking about the long run. I don't give a fuck if it's cheaper initially only care about the long run like anyone sane would.

The fact that you can take the used copy and resell it for 11 pounds or close to it makes it the cheaper copy in the long run.

The question I was addressing was, "if no PC, then which console?"
Come on. You can't be that stupid. Maybe you're just a fanboy.
>Hurr Durr! Don't say things about consoles I don't like!

>Go with the worse option in the long run because its cheaper up front
You must be every salesman's dream

I think we all know what anyone would prefer.

Postage and ebay fees probably get over 4 quid desu

Keep saving and buy a PC, or buy a console that isn't just a shitty PC so when you buy a PC later you're not left with a redundant paperweight

Okay, fuck it. Lets say $400 then. That's for the console and three years of PS+ subscription.

I think we can both reasonably agree that if you're building a PC for sub $400 you're going to ned to replace something in three years time.

Same challenge to you

how has it ruined it for people with decent hardware already?

>These games that aren't exclusive are exclusive if you pretend!
>Y-y-you're just a FANBOY!


I agree completely.
There are people in situations where PC is simply not an option at all, however stupid the reason.

What I'm saying is going straight over your head. What a dumb nigger.

how did cryptocucks ruin PC gaming exactly?
not disagreeing, just out of the loop

> Lets say $400 then. That's for the console and three years of PS+ subscription.
In what world does a $300+ console and three $60 subscriptions cost $400?

Also, unless you're using the PS4 Pro or Xbone X as a comparison, the bar is set at base Xbone/PS4 performance, so that means 900p/30fps with constant drops, not hard to achieve. A dual-core toaster with a cheap 1-2GB video card can run games at 900p/30fps.

They jacked up the prices of GPU's by buying them all up for their crypto mining farms.
That cost is driving newcomers and upgraders alike to second think entering into the PC market, especially for high end games.

Where the fuck are you buying a PS4 for over $300 lmao

>If you don't own the other platforms these games are on, they may as well be exclusive
No, I understood it just fine. It's just dumb.

Far left one here and replace i3 with pentium + cheapest mobo

And anyway just 3 years online isn't realistic at all. Almost everyone owns a normal pc anyway yet you just ignore that, almost everyone buys ps+ for at least 5 years and everyone buys games to play on it.

MSRP for the slim is $300, Pro is $400.

You're not comparing MSRP for PC parts to special sale or used prices for consoles, are you?

This is from August, prices are outdated.

I was going off of what I bought my PS4 for after Christmas, after looking on Amazon I see it's gone up to $290

Again, fuck it. $450, find me a PC that will run as every new release for sub $450.

>If you don't own the other platforms these games are on, they may as well be exclusive

And there's where you missed the point.
If you CAN NOT get a PC, for whatever stupid reason, then the XBoneX is attractive.

I checked them all on amazon. I also checked the ps4 and 3 years online which was 275 + 65* 3 = 470.

You're purposefully making stupid comparisons.

Because $300 is MSRP, no shit it was on sale for Christmas.

So you're only playing online for a year, then? Or are we setting the bar at 900p/30fps and you get two and a half years online? Console is $300. Sub is $60/year, I don't care if you bought some on black friday two years ago.

>If you cannot get a PC then this $500 Xbox is attractive
A $500 PC would do you better, and you're not paying for online play. If you're THAT concerned about cost, you can always pirate and play free games.

Just become a cryptochad and make enough money to buy a card faggot
Market just dipped, if you are fast enough you may x2 your money

(Probably not though, soy and finances dont mix well)
Stay mad cuckerino

Okay, 470, I'm sure that extra $20 will go a long way.

Find me a build with today's prices for under or at $470 that outperforms a PC.

Setting the bar at 1080p and 30fps for 90% of new releases.

The one I linked earlier and you ignored without checking. That's why I said swap i3 with pentium to compensate for the price rise

I literally just said I checked the current prices on amazon.