Cyberpunk 2077
>Tarantino approach
Anti-white left-wing propaganda? Can't wait.
No, he meant high detailed female feet, silly.
Isn't this the article Lawbreakers? OP a faggot as usual?
Stop being fucking queers.
The Tarantino approach is ultraviolence. If you say it's anything different you're just gargling on sperm.
What does that mean? Reddit dialogue?
Are Sup Forums cucks this delusional?
>Reddit dialogue
what the fuck is reddit dialouge? i doubt they gonna drop that many rick and morty references
Now this i can get behind
Tarantino - slightly contrived with clever dialogue and ultraviolence.
Zany and stylized as opposed to gloomy
The cyberpunk tabletop RPG isn't similar to Blade Runner at all so this isn't really surprising.
>clever dialogue
The new cycle began.
I hope everybody is read for the next big attempt for a TORtanic by the guys Sup Forumsirgins because i cant wait to see the same thread until E3 and when gameplay is revealed threads like:
>We waited 5 years for this?? LMAOOOOO
>*Breathing in* HAHAHAHAHAHAH
>we are not saving the world
oh thank god
So it will be White Left 2077
>bitching about Sup Forums
Go back to retardera or reddit.
With that bitching you are not better than barneyfag, grow some fucking skin, faggots
Reminder they're starting from scratch again so it can be 'optimised' for the Nintendo Switch.
>Are Sup Forums cucks this delusional?
if the movies doesn't have at least 2 different scenes where the male characters talk about white genocide and the harmful influence of the jews while asserting their own dominance over the lesser races it's anti-white soyboy, this applies regardless of setting, story or genre
Half an hour of dialogue that doesn't matter because everyone dies.
>The Tarantino approach is ultraviolence.
In this context it's pretty clearly suggesting highly expressive, loud, vulgar, B'grade tropes embracing and playful, non-serious attitude more than anything. People should really pay attention to the context, which in this case is the comparison to Blade Runner, which they want to get away from.
Also, why are people freaking over something said five years ago?
D r o p p e d
Why the fuck would you want it to be like Blade Runner? If you're familiar with Cyberpunk 2020 at all, it's much more like Neuromancer.
hi rebbit
Wait, this is how this retard actually looks and he's also kurokawa? That one guy that tried to impersonate a pretend girlfriend here once saying like "Hi, it's his girlfriend here, here's away from the pc" or some shit like that?
Just fucking KEK
>when you can't write or design aesthetics for shit
>T A R A N T I N O
he's* away
>implying the avarge Sup Forumsirgin knows anything besides the new Bladerunner
Most people here know only buzzwords and shit on everything to appease to the hivemind.
>I'm such a special snowflake
You're literally the soyboy version of the "I'm not like the other girls" attention whores.
At his best, yes. See Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction.
You mean the old bladerunner? No one fucking watched the new one
>implying most people who complain about Sup Forums haven't been on this site longer than the tidal wave of stormniggers and r/t_d rejects who washed up during the last election
I still agree with your post in essence, though. Politics should just be ignored when it's off-topic.
Neuromancer was pretty fucking Bladerunner in Chiba.
I'm glad i'll never be this retarded and paranoid
>I said Sup Forumsirgins today just spout buzzwords.
>He comes up with soyboy
motherfucking polacks
It's a nu male thang.
good, because blade runner isnt cyberpunk
i dont like the sound of that considering tarantino is a massive faggot kike with pretentious writing
Blade Runner was a flop at the box office when it came out in the 80's too.
E.T. came out a few days before it and pretty much fucked over any movie that came around that time, especially The Thing.
this is either bait or the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums in the 11 years I've been here.
>music is going to be some "white noise" trash instead of just asking gesaffelstein or mau5trap to make some good edm for them
what the fuck were they thinking
>I'm glad i'll never be this retarded and paranoid
it has some cyberpunk elements, but its not
Because they're not fucking plebs with entry-level taste apparently. You should have gotten over Gesaffelstein in 2010.
>quintessential cyberpunk pillar
>not cyberpunk
>quintessential cyberpunk pillar
You really need to see some actual cyberpunk material.
Why is everyone so mad 24/7
>its shit because its popular
what about this then? youtube.com
realized while playing Ruiner that this stuff actually fits a lot more than generic vaporwave/synthwave
lol fell for the tarantino meme
I just want a good cyberpunk game with modern graphics is that too much to ask
So the game will be 90% dialogue and at the end everyone dies?
Yes that is too much to ask considering having both is impossible.
bitch, I put out a cyberpunk zine in my town every month. I've read and seen everything from Neuromancer and Cyber Noodle Soup (which I imagine you've never fucking heard of) through the garbage people are putting out today. Cyberpunk is high tech, low life and Bladerunner fits that criteria. Educate yourself shazbot.
they said theyre going for a "different" aesthetic and want to move away from the bladerunner visual style
cdpr are retarded hacks who got lucky one time
List some true cyberpunk from your view then. Blade Runner is one of the earliest visual depictions of cyberpunk. It is a pillar even if it's not a refinement of the genre. Fucking Neuromancer came out two years later which if you say isn't cyberpunk, go fuck off and read Sterling in corner.
Tarantino approach to the story means instead of one main antagonist/threat that the game revolves around the game focuses on several different characters and their own problems and struggles that will probably somehow interact with each other in small ways. Think about how every character in Pulp Ficion has their own story and problems but they all interfere with each other at some point
So you're a hipster who talks shit about things he has no actual knowledge of but considers himself an expert. What's your readership levels, your mother and the guys at the paper recyclers who grab any pulp to read while on the shitter?
My readership is better than the amount of girls who read the messages you send them.
>thinks blade runner is cyberpunk
>thinks that was a good comeback
I was wrong, you're not a hipster, you're 12.
Not that guy, but what the fuck is cyberpunk if not Blade Runner? Ubik or some shit? Like how far back or forward do you go to get your definition?
You're a drone
>bladerunner isnt cyberpunk
>not reddit runner aka BAWWWW me want fuck she but she not real!
>bladerunner is not cyberpunkt
It's cyberlite
It will say "nigger" a lot and have foot fetishes?
There is a time and place for everything. And the "Tarantino approach" is could be perfect for the cyberpunk setting.
Too bad Tarantino never understood that (fucking hack)
What's the point in making a cyberpunk game if you aren't going to have a bleak atmosphere? It's supposed to be a dystopian vision of the future.
They said they aren't doing the blade runner story aka cops vs cyber outlaws which is good because that would be fucking retarded
They have said countless times in other interviews that they are inspired by the city atmosphere from Blade Runner and are influenced by it
>wahhhhh why aren't they doing something I'm used to?
Let the polish niggas try something different for fucks sake
Cyberpunk without gloom is not cyberpunk
>and his problems, or her problems
based CDPR confirming only two genders
Uhh, what is this "blade runner" garbage? We are CD PROJECT RED. We made The Witcher 3. Please sit down and realize who you are talking to, understand? We know best. Cyberpunk belongs to us now.
Do you even know what ''dystopian'' means?
Go and read some more sci-fi kid.There many ways to imagine a dystopia.Some would even shock you.
I remember back in the day reading a sci-fi short about a dystopian future where people were forced to live in excess,products of all manners from clothes to dishwashers being forced onto them to use and the truly rich were the ones who were allowed to live a simple live.The protagonists were forced to dress up their robot servants in the clothes they were getting to fill up their consumer quota.Forgot the name of the short story but i hope i gave you an example that got your mind working.
There can be gradients within a genre. Cyberpunk as a word normally encapsulates everything that's played with the idea of high tech and low life, especially in terms of 80s to early 90s media. Trying to divvy up the definition into subgenres is metalhead-like semantic masturbation and just fucks up conversations about the topic exactly like what just happened here. Maybe you can make a good argument for using post-cyberpunk to discuss shit like Stephenson's take on the concepts of cyberpunk or later Gibson novels.
>Cyberpunk belongs to us now.
It literally does. Not as in the genre cyberpunk, as in the fucking pen and paper game called Cyberpunk that cyberpunk is named after.
Oh, fuck off you pretentious dumb cunt. Read some actual Cyberpunk novels and tell me that they aren't dystopian. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep had a dystopian earth where you either stayed and had your mental faculties slowly crumble away or you volunteered to go to the Mars colony, which was even worse in its own way. On top of that, most natural life on earth was extinct. Tell me how this isn't dystopian.
Why not try to develop it? Don't tell me you'd prefer stylistic homage to Blade Runner #20 over another interpretation of cyberpunk ideas. People are going to get tired of Blade Runner shit if it keeps getting rehashed. You want something that will stick with you for its own merits and for prompting you to think in new directions rather than a transient feeling of "Wow, it's just like I'm walking the streets of shitty LA in Blade Runner; that was a great movie. I should go watch it." CDPR's interpretation could be shit, but at least it'd be its own shit. I fear what would happen if someone like Disney buys the Blade Runner property and just safely shits out rehash after rehash that thoroughly and flatly meets expectations until we become completely jaded to the entire theme.
But... I wanted Blade Runner... or at least Judge Dredd...
This thread makes me feel like I'm being cyberpunk'd
Why is this funny?
Have you ever watched one of his flicks ?
Just because it's "not a dark and hopeless world" doesn't mean it cant be dystopian.