Was Sonic saved by Sonic Mania or killed by Sonic Force?
Was Sonic saved by Sonic Mania or killed by Sonic Force?
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games since sonic mania: 1
games since sonic forces: 0
bravo, sonic team, BRAVO
I guess this game need more Rouge.
Meaning that nothing really changed and all this talk about "saving" and "killing" Sonic is just hyperbole.
I see no benis here.
Mania is the most successful Sonic games since 15 years
I doubt Sega even gives a shit forces failed at this point
A disappointing game isn't gonna be enough to kill Sonic, you should KNOW this by now.
and yet...
that ass could use a good slap.
nah sonic would need 2 or maybe 3 06's or Boom's in a row to kill him
What could actually kill off Sonic? At this point it seems like nothing can.
You're a fool to even make such a statement. The only thing keeping Sonic alive is the sporadic actually decent title. Their literal track record since 06 has been
If it wasn't for those couple of solid titles, Sonic would have absolutely died. People keep buying Sonic because you basically have no idea if this one is going to be the next great entry into the series or the latest abomination. If Sonic had nonstop dumpster fires, people would eventually give up on it.
Nobody expected anything good out of Forces, nor took it seriously.
Sonic is fine.
>Sonic Mania is out
>nobody discuss Sonic anymore
remember those comfy pre-release mania threads? i miss them
what happened?
It was saved by Mania before it was killed by Forces again. Basically showing that Sonic Team need to stop making Sonic games or they need to get rid of the team leader cause he doesn't know what the fuck.
I just got all numbered rings and silver moon rings in Forces, not only did I not get a reward, the game didn't even acknowledge I got them all. What the fuck is this shit? Did I get memed on?
Sonic fans know better what Sonic need than Sega Japan.
At the very least it shows even the west can make better Sonic games than Sonic Team and now everyone knows this.
>franchise spanning over 30 games, pumping them out on a yearly basis regardless of quality
You will die of old age and Sega will continue to make shitty Sonic games
Bumping this because why not.
Mania has impressed me with how well the developers know Sonic, not just with the references but the actual mechanics and gameplay. Sonic Team needs to be dissolved and forgotten and maybe make a new team, one who can play the classic Sonic titles and see what made Sonic Sonic.
I know Unleashed was very criticized but it still did really good finically. Also paved the way for Colors/Generations
Reminder that Forces was supposed to be a Boom crossover
Reminder that Forces is literally an edited Lost World engine
Reminder Sonic Team's good boost/3D Sonic people left to work on the greatest Mario and Zelda games
Reminder that Sonic is currently selling worst than modern Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime 3
Reminder that Shadow, Heroes, and Unleashed sold better 06, which didn't break a million
You're not going to kill or save a franchise like Sonic with a single game.
The only thing the series has been consistent about in recent years is how inconsistent it is. In terms of critical reception, you'd need like five Sonic Mania tier games in a row before the franchise could even begin to be considered "good" again. And that's simply not happening with current Sega and Sonic Team.
>Reminder that Sonic is currently selling worst than modern Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime 3
>Reminder that Shadow, Heroes, and Unleashed sold better 06, which didn't break a million
Taxman reverse-engineered the classic physics frame by frame while also making it smoother. That's why it feels so good.
>Reminder Sonic Team's good boost/3D Sonic people left to work on the greatest Mario and Zelda games
wait, what?
He's half true, people on Sonic Team who worked on the Mario/Sonic Olympic Games joined Nintendo but they were more part of the creative department not level designers.
It does explain why Forces settings were a bit bland if anything though
Again, a new team is necessary to learn what made Sonic a hit and how they can either accentuate or expand on it. Taxman can't do EVERY game from here on.
Can anyone give a good reason why they havent just made Sonic Adventure 3 yet?
>Panders to Nostalgia
>Already anticipated by people
>Easy money
Seems like an obvious choice.
Nobody can make a good 3d Sonic. That's why
It did good financially because its not till you play it that you realize how little Sonic is in it and how much werehog is.
I don't think sonic forces killed sonic, I think it killed sonic team.
hopefully, Two Point Hospital will bring some cash, because Sonic clearly isn't.
Reminder that all the people who worked on the good games, Colours and Generations, are gone.
Reminder that Forces had two level designers for the whole game. Two.
Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Mania are barely gold. Everything else is shit.
>in-restaurant TV
>ad for Sonic Forces with Chuck E. Cheese's
>never seen one damn ad for Mania
For fuck's sake, if Sega was trying to figure out a direction for Sonic Team without giving the 2 games equal footing, then fuck them and fuck Sonic.
Wow, thanks for the info! Let me get out my fucking microscope so I can read it.
Just use one of the shrink rays from Metallic Madness to get ant-sized.
Nintendo should just buy Sega already
>Nintendo should just buy Sonic Team already
Sega itself is doing fine.
It’s hard to tell which one is having more influence right now.
or just trash the Sonic IP and put it as public domain?
It proved that Sonic team is utterly incompetent.
They had bright ideas going for it when they went with OC characters being a legitimate thing to have in a modern sonic game. But then they got scared by their own sudden spikes of positive creativity and went back into their safe zones of boost formula, rigid as fuck tunnel level design where you can’t even fail if you tried and 2D sonic gameplay in a 3D sonic game.
They’re nothing more than a source of finance to keep churning out shit like Lost World and Forces. They never have any creative influence on the games, they’re as disconnected from ST as they can possibly be as publishers.
Therefor SEGAs well-being is entirely irrelevant to Sonic Teams.
There's been a whole bunch of weird advertising for Forces like that fucking partnership with that parkour training center, Hooters and McDonalds while Mania got like some ads on a subway car in Japan and that's it. It's not fair.
And Sammy is funding them. Know why SEGA is still lingering? Sammy's deals with Pachinko and whatnot keeps them afloat.
Pachinko is actually starting to die. They make less than half what they did ten years ago off pachinko and they're actually starting to lose money on some parts that used to be serious chunks of income for them.
So mismatched marketing,
a severe price slash at multiple retailers,
AND being released second/throughout the holiday buying season.
I hope Forces bombs.
I assume Sammy is doing other things outside gambling, but it's amazing how much they've been bailed out by them. It's like Ken Penders and his rich wife.
What could be a new design for modern Sonic?
Even more bandages
penders has a rich wife?
Yeah. She's not attractive, mind you but she's well off and he can dick about with his OC's for all eternity.
Boobs the Bat have yet to save a Sonic game.
>She was in the good Sonic games
she did.
modern sonic is perfect the way he is
he resembles a too-cool-for-school tryhard teenager from the 90s, which is exactly the image he should preserve for his series
it's clasic sonic that needs to make his innocent and mischievous childlike attitude from artworks and anime cutscenes more evident instead of being a serious business hero.
Taxman actually wants a crack at an adventure title.
If anyone could maybe do it, he could. His heart is in 2D Sonic gameplay and the highest level of 3D stuff he seems to like a lot are something like the Sonic World hub in Sonic Jam.
Forces was very clearly rushed out the door once they realized there was no salvaging it. That's why it's literally shorter than Mania.
Mania 2 virtually confirmed for 2019.
do not ever post this again
What?! I'd want to see a proof-of-concept first.
Don't get me wrong - I love his 2D stuff to death, but 3D is an entirely different monster altogether.
Setting a bad trend for Sonic when the most successful games are heavily themed around throwbacks.
This guy has no idea about even the fundamentals of Sonic. He's trying to turn it into another platformer entirely.
It was an anniversary game of course it was gonna have throwback shit. People loved the original zones more then the remakes anyway.
He never said that. Stop making shit up.
What will be the next fuck up?
Sonic game exclusively for the Nintendo Labo.
Just ask Sindoll for it already.
I disagree. classic sonic should be a mother fucker with attitude like hes portrayed in the OVA and fleetway comics
>Was Sonic saved by Sonic Mania
Nah, making a '''''''''''''''''''''''''retro''''''''''''''''''''''''' game isn't cool. It's literally a fucking reddit or soytendo thing to praise '''''''''''''''''''''''''retro''''''''''''''''''''''''' games that come out now. Sonic Mania is a mistake. And I'm a big Sonic fan
We can tell.
underrated post
Sonic was saved by Mania then promptly killed by Forces
>my first Sonic was Adventure Battle 2
Just kill yourself kid
With the success and critical reception of mania we can expect another classic type sonic game soon right?
>my first Sonic was 2
ftfy faggot, being 18 doesn't give you the right to call others kids
At least, there is that Rouge game by Hotred.
Sonic Mania is the best game since the genesis era, keep crying boostfag
Why Tails need a swimming trunk?
Sure because it's 2d it's the best. Games were better back in the days amirite? xDD We retro gamers know whatsup
It's obviously a more human proportionate Tails made by a furry, user.
For Sonic, yeah. Things were a lot better for him in the 90s.
Sonic Heroes was a more enjoyable game than Mania for me, that's it
Mania was succesful chemo.
But unfortunately Forces was a full recurance of therapy resistant camcer.
Then you might just be retarded, user.
This, Fleetway was refreshing in how it made Sonic a salty, surly asshole.
fuck man... i miss em too.. the speculating was the best
>modding isn't that crazy
It's nice to anticipate something and speculate like that, and then have the actual product impress nonetheless.