Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's PC exclusive or has a bad console port because it was built for PC
90% of the game is censored.
use of emoticons in the end credits
>hacky animations
>terrible models
What about obvious signs it was made in America?
Its most likely an engine demonstrator, rpg, souls clone or simulator.
Greetings from Germany. Fourth time watching AGDQ, third time viewer. My animal passed away from Germany. Money goes to donate the frames, kill the frames. Hype!!!!
i have posted that so many times. where have you been?
What game?
My country is such a fucking joke.
Just nuke us already.
Ugly women
the use of xD unironically
this is a thread about Deutschland tho. Stop trying to derail the thread you stupid germ.
There's no humor.
black women
One of every race/gender on screen at all time
just join isis already you stupid europooro
You need some degree of autism to properly enjoy it.
Gothic 2 was made in Germany and that game is full of humour.
That's games from everywhere BUT Germany imported into Germany.
The Gothic games have some of the best humor I've ever seen in any RPG.
it has pedophilia.
Combination of these plus an extra helping of general degeneracy
muslim prayer chants for ambient music in the game
It's a job simulator
Arab is the first language option
It's a point and click where the good guys get screwed in the end and a depressing guitar solo plays for the credits.
The most accurate post ITT
If your country is so terrible why not come to Germany? We have great living standards and wealth. We'll even get you a proper education and pay for it.
Has furry characters.
>iberians are faggo-
I am from Germany and you are telling BS.
Germany is fucking poor.
Game has German?
Maybe move out of the east and pay your soli pack, Klaus.
Henrike halt die Fresse
define poor user, if you live in some shithole country in the south germany is gonna look like paradise
When you shoah all over again
>tfw your country is mostly clean
We just need to nuke Rome and the fallout will take care of all the other furries in the country
>that one furry in the vatican
>We'll even get you a proper education
nobody would mind refugees if they actually got an education and contributed something to society
>not living in the east
Thanks, but I'd rather deal with Slavs, Vietnamese and unemployed drunks than Arabs
Stop pretending to be of the mustard race, Hanswurst
Cutting edge or work-simulator
Main character is muslim
>isst mein scheiss again
what did they mean by this?
Green blood
Go away, Sup Forums
Well, most of them I met actually do. That shit's just not on the news.
Slavs are just blacks who fell in the wrong paint bucket, you know that, right?
Anyway, if you live in fucking Rostock or Cottbus and then complain that Germany is poor you have no one but yourself to blame.
I would.
Why are Germans so degenerate?
it says 'cuck' in the front line package
gothic, crysis, etc. are shit
How is Gothic shit?
>implying loli is degenerate
>Slavs are just blacks who fell in the wrong paint bucket, you know that, right?
Lol, no. Not even close. If I had to chose between a neighbourhood full of Russians and one full of Somalis, the choice would be easy.
>that concentration of furries on Funen and Zealand
Dodged a bullet right there. I was born on the right island.
greetings from Germany xD
Man, the east really can't meme.
People talk like this
>xD ^^ :D :) hahaha heheh xD
I wasn't trying to meme, idiot.
Einmal Frikandel Spezial bitte.
Does nobody want to talk about German video games? There's a long and varied history here.
We need more state memes desu ^^
>That shit's just not on the news.
Yes it is, the media is constantly on the prowl for 'model minorities' to prove the migration policy right.
They struggle to find any. The unemployment data doesn't lie
what are some good german games?
Holy shit the amount of German jealousy in this thread. You guys are pathetic
>be german
>type a line without ^^ or xD
>"you mad user?"
Sorry, but this is an Sup Forums thread now, brozef
Game credits thank Allah
No Violence Allowed, but really awkward fetishes are okay for whatever reason
>Gothic 2 was made in Germany and that game is full of humour.
>The Gothic games have some of the best humor I've ever seen in any RPG.
The games being jokes doesn't mean they have humor.
>furries in the vatican
The mental image I'm getting is too fucking funny
Restricting freedom of speech and expression does this to you. The next century is going to be insane compared to the past, degeneracy has only just begun
simulator mini game in simulator
Warum liegt hier eigentlich Stroh rum
You play as a white girl who gets BLACKED.
>no female characters
>bad animations
>runs like shit
>needs 30 community patches
>all Russian furries are concentrated in Moscow
So, Putin confirmed for furry?
Last time I watched the Tagesschau they talked about how crime statistics for north african immigrants are above average. I really don't get this witch hunt about the media bias.
It's an age old screencap, my man. Maybe not be from reddit and you might get it.
^^ I know what you mean
There's this certain kind of autism to them, a distinct lack of character/personality.
A post-credits scene reveals the protagonist survived being run over by a truck.
>Restricting freedom of speech and expression does this to you
>muh German censorship
You're allowed to say and do quite a lot, pretty much only the Holocaust is off limits. Well, that and "excessive" violence in video games
>define poor user
Uses a tripcode, is bad at shitposting. Likes video games.
>"yiff in hell, furfag"
>the Office of the Devil's Advocate is that way, my friend
Blue Byte with Settlers and Anno series. Egosoft with X series. Piranha Bytes and Crytek have been mentioned already. Also Yager Development (Spec Ops: The Line) and Daedalic Entertainment (walking sims.)
Incidentally, one of the most popular online browser waiting games, Travian, is run from Germany.
Rest of our Kingdom is infected too. There's no escape in Denmark.
>be german
>only converse in english online communities and thus never have this problem
>the concemtration of furries is much smaller in my country than I expected it to be.
Spec Ops' gimmick is that it was actually a shit game. Calling Yager good is pathetic, if that's all Germany has to offer
BDSM obsessed single mothers encouraging their 14 year old daughters to become slaves to their owner instead of just fucking truckers. With scat but sadly no guro.