>Game has a tacked on crafting system
Game has a tacked on crafting system
>Game has a tacked on arts & craft system
I recognize that gay blowjob!
>porn has a tacked on hetero bullshit
>Game has big fat juicy balls
Name 500 games that do this.
>Game let's you change genders at will
Can this fuck just get to the part where Wrath gets fucked by Sam already
>game is only praised by people without taste
continue from where you left off
Game is for FAGGOOOTS
>game has tacked on stealth system
Get better taste in porn, pleb
>thread has no subtlety that it's just a shitpost thread
>run out of consumables just before the boss
At least post a good porn comic.
> tfw no doll gf
>simgle player only
>game lets you bully NPCs
>off topic thread
You never cease to amuse me, Sup Forums.
>invasion system
Will a fatfuck like me be with someone like her someday?
The straight bits were better.
She's 1,900 GBP, so you have to be a really good boy to afford her.
I think of it more as like an expansion pack
If you save up $2k she can be yours within the month.
Honestly "tacked on" crafting systems like those in RE7 or Alien Isolation or Last of Us are more fun than games that try to be collect every random piece of junk you find and the whole game revolves around this kind of crafting. Sometimes simplicity is better than complexity.
OwO What's that?
How is this off topic? This thread is about negative things tacked on in video games.
Name literally 2π (exactly six) games that do this.
this seriously, the shadman of pokemon
Then who would you recommend? And don't say dagasi, that guy only draws gay stuff.
>only gay
you're joking right
I can smell the toast from here
Why censor the usernames btw?
koorinezumi is doing the same eeveelution incest thing without everything looking like its filled with tumors
I didn't make the image friend. If it were me I would have kept them up.
>How is this off topic?
>OwO What's that?
You're not fooling me, Satan.
Give in to the pleasure. You know you want to.
What if i bang latex and womans?
Fuck the last of us.
I like how I got a 3 day ban for posting a picture of Isabelle but this shit stays up.
Fuck it.
Eeveelution in latex swimsuit and im in
I'm gonna sign up to do it for free during the next do it for free job fest, seems easy enough
What picture?
Post a videogame thread like OP next time, faggot.
>the shadman of pokemon
Shadman is the shadman of pokemon
It was in a video game thread, fuck you.
It was a picture of her saying something, I forget what. I deleted it after the ban since I can't post it again.
>I deleted it after the ban since I can't post it again.
This is a new level of cuckoldry
Assuming they are whores, nobody will care. If you fuck the doll while having a wife, she will either not care or get toasty.
>I deleted it after the ban since I can't post it again
Nigga what. I wonder what would my disk look like if I deleted every picture that I got banned for.
mods are furfags. hth.
Got an e621 link? Faggot mods don't care about those.
>deleting isabelle
Make up your mind.
shadman doesnt draw this kind of pokemon shit he draws coked up whores getting fucked by pokemon
You'd be surprised.
>can date your party members
>can fuck your party members
>small dicks
Truly the worst fetish
They've gotta be as THICC as the girls
RE7s crafting system worked cause you had limited resources and space. So it was about choosing what to pick up and whether you needed to use it for health or ammo.
It was less about creating an engaging crafting system, and more about enhancing the resource management system.
>you can kill your party members
ah yes sorry heres your next page of Oversexed Eeveelutions sir
Does this have sound?
Not that I know of.
Literally (Your) favorite game.
>Game has a craft on tacking system
>I deleted it after the ban since I can't post it again.
That's fucking pathetic.
>rhyming biscuit with biscuit
fuck you
Nope. Just imagine an English woman's accent instead.
So just like those Nia threads? Did she shave her minge for this?
what do you mean by this? can you name an example?
demon souls, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, bloodborne and dark souls remaster
got you
>Game lets you date men
This is a good thread.
When is this little faggot going to get fucked by Leafeon.
Going by the current pace, approximately 10 years from now.
Why is the flareon so fucking annoying?
He wants a piece of Sam's ass and he still isn't getting it
Because you're gay
>The straight bits were better.
Get a load of this faggot
what games let me do this
i want to fuck that thing.
no you don't
He draws good butts and that makes it worth it.
There are a million better gay Pokemon artists
ah yes the tumor taint
>Trash thread on Sup Forums
are the mods here actually cucks?
Hello, newfriend. Sup Forums historically loves gay furshit.
Well that works for me I suppose
>game shows you what a real man is like
Why the fuck are these comics so cookie cutter yet so hot
>game lets you mind control enemies
>Dagasi will never make a series of Eevee comics
>game's fun is artificial
Actually, sfur is what the higher class of people that use Sup Forums love.
Some mods actually are unironically furfags. I have picture proof that I'm saving for a special shitposting occasion
Those mods are based as fuck then.
Sounds good, can't wait to see it user.