The chosen one was actually some other guy

>the chosen one was actually some other guy
>you were just some dude

name 1 game
hard mode: not played as a joke

Name 40 games

oblivion. gg izi

Kingdom Hearts

Final Fantasy 7

Dark Souls

>force yourself to become the chosen one by fulfilling prophecies

Dragon Quest V

mario odyssey


name 1 except morrowind

>The chosen one saves your family

>the chosen one is actually an anime girl with huge titties
>you are just a peasant

enter the matrix!


>you were actually a different chosen one


>The chosen one sacrifices himself to save the random dude and he becomes the hero

Dragon Quest V

>find all this cool magical equipment meant for the chosen hero
>you are physically hurt when you try touching it

>the chosen one gets btfo and dies the first time they actually fight the villain and all of her friends have to fix her fuck up

He isn't just some dude tho.

MGSV, kinda.

>there never was a chosen one to begin with

Blade Runner 2049

Guild Wars 2
>impending doom/ancient evil/whatever
>help out to prevent
>get some magic sword
>some guy you've helped with one quest gets the fucking sword and is the chosen one
>you're still doing most of the work
GW2 sucked and the story didn't help



>the chosen one is an fucking asshole
>your character keeps catering to his/her needs
>chosen one takes all the credit after a hard fight

>the chosen one is a future version of yourself

>Objective: kill the chosen one

Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman

This sounds fucking hilarious, being a mule for some dickhead. Does this actually exist?

>the villain was actually the chosen one

>Some kid you save decides you're the chosen one
>Starts a cult
>You're just some guy

>You become the villain

Oblivion. The emperor only prophesize you to be the guy that helps the chosen one. Even though you do 99% of the work, because he turns into a dragon at the end he gets all the credit. But hey at least you get some armor that you'll never wear.

The Chosen: Well of Souls

>the only reason you're the chosen one is because you happened to be the first person to fill the requirements, not because you're actually special

>Girl rapes other girl to make them hate her
>It backfires

>the chosen one was with you all along
>in your balls

>chosen one in first game
>chosen one status taken from you in second
>taken by the bad guy but he wasnt actually the bad guy

>prophecy says the chosen one will defeat the evil emperor
>prophecy was created by the evil emperor so people would keep sending teenagers after him instead of raising an army

It's ok tho because you get to see the universe end alongside your (fake) waifu


Is that from anywhere? That sounds like a great idea.

pretty much any of the dark souls.

>you're the special one
>your friend steals all the credit from you and leaves you to rot in russia

>Sora earned his keyblade without being chosen
>Ventus being inside of Sora completely fucked this up
I'm still mad

>the chosen one is the villain


>prophecy tells of chosen one
>villain-to-be strives to be chosen one
>chosen one turns out to be protag
>villain is mad about not being chosen one, goes full villain
>chosen one must defeat villain as prophesied
>nothing would have happened if there was never a prophecy in the first place
I waste a lout off time thinking about Kung Fu Panda

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Sort of.


This hurts

I fucking hate Arenanet for what they did to Guild Wars

Need to get on gw2 so i can experience that. Honestly forgotten most of the story.


technically speaking even if you did all the hard work you're not dragonborn which is needed to light the fires

It's a manga called Fire Punch

Wind Waker

Surprised no ones said that one yet.

>you now carry the chosen one equipment with your ball

Wasted potential: the manga

How the fuck am I so sad about a penguin and a cardboard cut-out, fuck me. I'm in bid pages on normiebook and most of them were over it in a day (and bird girls in particular live life bordering on hysteria at any given moment) but this still hits me really hard. Fucking weeb penguin.

I'm not sure what you were expecting but I thought it was one of the best manga of 2016. I'll admit that the last few chapters were rather weak comparatively though.

Danganronpa 2

Star Wars?

Anyone else actually prefer it when the game's story just has you as some random dude?
Especially in Sandbox RPGs, I find it boring when I'm a super important person, with a big backstory that was already decided by the developers.

Dude don't be sad, he took the portal to join his waifu. He was just way ahead of us humans. He had his waifu brought into his world, but only then realized he was the one that should've gone over to hers.

Tales of Symphonia?

More games need to do this. I'm sick of playing games just have my ego blown into oblivion for simply existing.

Any games where you're the chosen one but nobody gives a crap?



I would say both xenoblade chronicles, but does being possessed by Zanza count as being chosen?

Sorry user but no amount of faux-spiritualism will help me, I'm just mildly devastated that a penguin fell in love with a cute cut out and then died and then they took the cut out away

>then they took the cut out away
But they put back the cut out with both of them in it.

This pleases me

LotR games desu

you just found similarities between him and you.

>Some fucker declares that you're the chosen one AFTER you already finished saving the world

Kinda true in Fire Emblem Awakening

Except you're not just some dude, you're the chosen villain who goes down the path of good guy

The worst thing is, those penguins are supposed to be together their whole life, and his woman left him for another

Wimp Lo



There are actually TWO chosen ones, the main character is neither of them

>You are destined to fall during the final battle
>Die during the final battle, but somehow come back to life
>Explanation given by the game is "idk lol, I guess it was just a miracle"

GTA 5 and 4

Fire Emblem Awakening.
Your dude ends up being a sleeper agent for the baddies and your best mate is the chosen one who wields with only sword that can stop the big bad dragon. That said, I will concede that your character is essentially the chosen one for the bad guys.

You mean when they crystallize at the end?

Confirmed for literally not playing the game, Etro took pity on them and restored them, but she had to open the gate to valhalla so she could leave it and directly help them, which is why the Chaos escaped and contributes partially to the events of XIII-2 and LR

Is that Homer Simpson?

>God shows up at the end and fixes everyones problems
lmao nice narrative, how about next time she fixes everything at the start and saves me 40 hours?

>story has single protagonist
>he dies, passes torch to friend
>he dies, passes torch to friend
>cycle continues until there's like 10 different protagonists
>story goes on over centuries

Oh lawd I think I'm gonna cry
I've had a tough day and I sort of needed this.

eternal darkness?

No, that's the chosen one actually being the villain. Villain actually being the chosen one would mean being the villain for ages before the chosen one revelation. With Anakin/Vader it was the other way around.

Not a weeb but the oneitis/fantasy of something unreal aspect I definitely close to home

Didn't his original partner die and then he fixated on the cut-out?

The CoC mantles Sheo motherfucking Gorath. A Daedric Prince. Dude gets to live his happy little mad life being king of everything in his own dimension. What more do you want?

He got cucked.

Super mystery dungeon?

wind waker?

Blade Runner 2049