Why Sup Forums? Why you hate Dark Souls 2 so much? Why...

Why Sup Forums? Why you hate Dark Souls 2 so much? Why? It was my first taste of the DS series and it was great while it lasted until you ruined it for me, Sup Forums. You all call me contrarian bait or shit taste, not just in one thread, everytime, every fucking time and


It was a step down in every way compared to Dark Soul 1

Too many gank squads
Boring uninspired bosses and levels

Also, what is with the sudden surge of DaS2 whiteknighting threads?

it's not our fault you played the worst one first

It was an awful sequel. Get over it and move on.

oooh i remember the hype for DkS2 after the flawed masterpiece that was DkS1, and then the overwhelming disappointment at a game that felt like it was outsourced to an indian studio.

>and then the overwhelming disappointment at a game that felt like it was outsourced to an indian studio.

there is a reason why people call the developers of Dark Souls 2 "The B team".

>moron starts a series with GAME2
if i had a death note i'd write your name on it

the fall from the hype to the rock bottom of disappointment was too deep to stomach.
DeS was excellent, DaS was excellent. The trailers were cool. People wanted more souls.
And then they got DaS2. And a DLC. And another DLC. And yet another DLC. And an entire re release.
And none of it could put out the dumpster fire that's DaS2.


here's a pill no one will swallow. if dark souls 3 looked like 2, i.e. under expectation. it would have tanked. it's linear. there's a lack of weapon and armour diversity. pvp is lacking. it's easy.

it looks pretty though, and the bosses too.

DS2 has been my first souls game. I really enjoyed it, but I can see where the criticism regarding the game's world / level design is coming from. Still, I thought it was a really fun, satisfying game.

Don't pretend DaS wasn't just as retarded.

everyone loved ds2 until it got popular
>inb4 it's not true

It isn't true lol

I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 OP. I have the mental capacity to find enjoyment in most video games I play. I don't think of it as a step down, I think of it as exactly what it is. A different group of people attempting their take on a great series. You have to remember that Sup Forums is also a hivemind and tend to copy each other's opinions in things. All that matters is that you enjoyed it, and most of the other pe9ple in the world who played it enjoyed it (91% on metacritic, 9/10 on ign, Very positive on steam with a 90% user approval rating)

The only thing people liked about it is one shotting people with lightning thats literally it

its a good game

i had fun playing it, i had even more fun playing dark souls, but dark souls 3 sucks dick

>inb4 (You)

Dark Souls 3 PVE is pretty good, actually. Dark Souls 2 PVE is meh but it's not horrible.

Cause it was a lackluster experience. I-frames were tied to a fucking stat, there were only a few interesting bosses, pre-patch Shrine of Amana was Hell, environments looked like shit, characters didn't have interesting stories like in previous Souls games, and it had an over reliance on mobs of enemies swarming the player.

However, the mace was unironically a god-tier weapon and the magic was really solid. I liked how the god ring or whatever let you play with your friends more easily. Also the Greatsword looked amazing, It's at least 6/10.

I liked the enemy variety, power stance and the twinblades

No, its a slight 7.

1000+ hours in Demon's Souls + Dark Souls + Bloodborne + Dark Souls 3 here.

The running animation. That's why this game sucks so fucking bad. How could they fuck up something SO FUCKING SIMPLE?
It's beyond stick up your ass. It's straight up early ps2/late ps1 tier animation. Fuck the B team and fuck anybody who likes this shitty game.

>It was my first taste of the DS series

yes we know all you das2fags only like this shit game because it was your first that and pvpfags subhumans

If they hadn't nerfed lightning spear into oblivion I could agree with that.

Your map is just wrong, the kiln is above the abyss, thats why when you go there with Kaathe he is right side up and when you go with Frampt he is upside down

>caring about what others think about a game you like

>Giving a shit about what the internet says about a game you love

The fuck people actually take Sup Forums this seriously? I love Dark souls 2 despite the entire board bashing it pretty much every day.

If it was an indian studio shouldn't it be called "The P team"?

There was literally no disappointment when ds2 came out, it wasn’t until contrarian hipsters came out of the woodwork most likely parroting the opinion of some youtuber I don’t know.

More like Poo team.

Dark Souls 2 is inferior by a long margin. My ratings would be:
>Demon’s Souls - 8/10
>Dark Souls - 10/10 (Objectively, 9/10)
>Bloodborne - 8.5/10 (with dlc 9/10)
>Dark Souls 3 - 7.5/10 (with dlc 8/10)
Then Dark Souls 2, even with dlc and SotFS I would rate it 6/10.
Compared to the other games in the series it’s a significant drop in quality, but on its own it is an okay game.

>People can't just dislike a game they must have been brainwashed by a youtuber
Also what is a honeymoon period?

Lol shut up nerd

Quit being a faggot. A lot of people love 2 but they have to pretend to be contrarian retards. This is Sup Forums after all

What's with all the DS2 threads recently?

Why is the sun shaped like a jude star?

no u

>chosen people
>chosen undead
lordran is israel confirmed

>dark souls 2 threads on Sup Forums now is shit posting how much people hate it or like it
Well i guess that works out.

It's almost like no one wants to actually talk about this trash.

It's meme bandwagon bullshit but /v is hardly the only one in on it. It's the cool thing to do in the
Soulsborne fanbase.