Damn, coming from Sup Forums to Sup Forums feels like visiting a kindergarten

Damn, coming from Sup Forums to Sup Forums feels like visiting a kindergarten.
Are you guys fucking retarded or something?



She must be itchy down there


Fuck off, faggot.

>trying this hard
it's fuck off faggot


This place is fucking garbage OP
My pic is literally how stupid most people on Sup Forums are

>says the fucking retard from Sup Forums
go back to your literally retarded circus board


yes, hella retarded

that looks uncomfortable as hell

why do people prefer form over function, that doesn't even look good

100% have this feel. I come here for some useful undoctored information, but sifting retard posts is tiring.

That's a big post

Go back.
Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums by a mile.



Jesus christ.

Did she become a slut after Mad Men finished up?

>dumb phoneposter responding to bait
>tfw cant tell if i'm responding to bait

LOL! Where's my tip for this pizza bro! oh succubus!


>form over function
You just described Women as a whole. Also who is this fluid druid?

>feels like visiting a kindergarten
must be perfect for you considering you're all actual pedophiles

Sup Forums is Sup Forums - movie edition
Sup Forums is Sup Forums - video games edition
Same shit, different board

We got our shitposters from you, you glorified board tourist.

You are posting on Sup Forums, you are a fucking retard it doesn’t matter where