Dazed, reeling, about to post in a Darkest Dungeon thread

Dazed, reeling, about to post in a Darkest Dungeon thread

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only 4 more hours.

anyone got the hound master one

will it include dlc?

Also, dd on the go, oh my

For what?


user who drew this, come back. We want more. We want playable skins.

not completely sure, but I'd assume so.

I like the fact that the Fanatic kinda looks like the Abbey guy and has trinkets from some classes as well on him. Makes him sorta familiar, in a creepy way.

i mean, you should recruit him. He's a bit crazy but we could use him for the DD

I'm sure there'll be a Fanatic class at some point with a mod, if it doesn't exist already.

I've seen the Dark Souls skins but are there any Warhammer Fantasy skins out and about?

>Going in relatively blind, I only know don't do crimson court until later, and meme shit like 0(bleed)
>Radiant since its my first time.
>Wow this isn't too bad, you just have to be cautious and pick the right team
>Finally get up to max weapons/armour
>Tier below max skills
>crushed all the first tiers of bosses
>Have really good trinkets
>It's a literal hell of a thousand papercuts to a haemophiliac
>Everyone's getting stressed
>Reynald goes Courageous
>Everyone else goes batshit insane
>Get to the final boss minus a houndmaster who just couldn't quit bleeding
>Very nearly win
>Lose four legendaries
>Lose countless priceless trinkets
>Absolutely nothing to show for it.

The best part is I'd usually be angry, I'd usually stop playing at this incredible loss. Instead I am for the first time simply, reminded

That's the thing with Fanatics, they don't live well with reason.

Who here ready for dungeon crawling on the go tonight?

Radiant is piss easy

Reynauld as Leoncoeur or the Green Knight when? Even Archaon could be great

wait, it is out on the eshop already?

It doesn't change he THAT much. Just a tiny Torch change. After that, the main changes are in town.

Gotta purchase it separately, but yes

>Fucked up chaos dude skins for enemies

The tentacles are even there already!

>first playthrough after a while
>radiant, crimson court
>pound the entite courtyard and destroy baron in a single week
>second playthrough on low lights
>lost two healers before the boss, legit no death's door resist, two instant deathblows
I'm not playing again

Nah, it's a screenshot from the eshop. It comes out tonight or maybe earlier, though

>It's a leper gets shuffled back to rank 4 twice episode

>Vvulf first time
>h-here I go!
>forget to bring healer
>party becomes a shambles
>'i'll retreat after I grab this Ancestor Trinket'
>My Man at Arms gets nuked
>They take my PD and not my shitty bait Arbalest

Yeah, not playing it again for a little while.

Yes you are you filthy slut.

Take your autism simulator: RNG edition over to /vg/

>needing a healer

You only have yourself to blame bruv.

Or you could join us and realise the error of your ways. We're nice people, you'll see.

>implying I'm good at accepting blame


>not running back the moment you lose heal slut

Pic related.

playing without a vestal isn't overconfidence it's just being good

Because the game's already about as Warhammer as it gets.

Buddy I was down to single digits on the NOTSHAMBLER, it was either going to be glorious victory for a single holy night or failure. I took a chance.

He even had fated locked in, I was hoping fate was with me. Fate does not dirty her skirts in that place.

Guess you never had one of the squishy classes to be oneshotted by crit in first round then. Healslut is insurance for thinking people.

I'd accept that answer if the rat boys were in.

What's up with the fanatic? His event appeared in town and he never showed, I beat the baron and his event appeared again but he still hasn't shown.

I've started taking 4 cursed on scouting and skirmish missions just to see him but he's a no show. Is there something else I need to do?

Who the fuck cares

Oh I'm definitely implying it buddy boy. Now get back to your computer.
You will endure this loss, and learn from it.

>squishy classes
>not going first and fucking up everything

>The 'WE TAKE JERUSALEM' meme build is actually pretty fucking fun and hits like a freight train on Ruins

Anyone else had success just fucking around with parties?

>In particular, if you have 2 or 3 heroes infected, the chance of him appearing are 20% and 33% at medium and high infestation, respectively. If all four of your heroes are infected, there is a 75% chance at both medium and high infestation

Gotta wait I guess?

>still believing in rats on two legs
What is this, Redwall?

It's a shame it's only viable in the ruins.
I believe a 4 Shagg team can also work, but that's about it. The rest don't work.


Fucking hell that takes me back a decade or two.

> Posting watermarks unironically
C'mon man..

You cared enough to give a (You)


JERUSALEM strat has 1 drawback
Fighting the veteran Necromancer, he kept summoning Stealthed Shield skellingtons and Stealthed bone warriors
Which per se wasnt a really a problem at first, since my Crussaders can take a beating
But the problem is that having 1 defending stealthed skeleton always guarding the Necro, while the others are slowly chipping away your crussaders health, and the Necro stressing the shit outta of your party

I still remenber a treasure fight in which it spawned a stealthed Bone Commander
Had to retreat from there

fucking hell i wish it was. MAA is a older weasel. Crusader is bro rabbit

Makes sense, you got stun, bleed, decent crit, decent dodge, and can hit every rank reliably.

I saw a decent one on YouTube which was Leper/Crus/MaA/Vestal that focused on defence and PROT high as fuck, then crushed enemies on the counter.

The Necromancer can summon stealthed shield skeles? I thought only Bone Legionnaires were stealthed?

I figured you'd be able to spam Zealous Accusation and it'd be able to take them out?

Granted, it doesn't fit into the initial style, but you can give it to a couple crusaders just to mix it up.

>if you bet enough you cant lose at casino!
>sacrificing survivability in order to increase speed and or damage

Yes, that's THE WALL.

>sacrificing a party slot to make up for your slow shit characters rather than just rolling in high speed crits

>Zealous Accusation
It may work, but once you have 2 frontline stealth skelingtons it's rendered useless
Still tho, worth to note

I just remenber the Veteran Necromancer summoning stealthed defender skeletons and then said skeletons guarding the Necromancer
What a royal pain in the ass

What did Red Hook mean by this?

>Jester and Abom
Que idiotas.

because it has hellion

What did you say about me bitch? I graduated in my own kingdom school on top of my class. I can kill two squishy fuckers like you in one hit, i dont even feel pain and i grow only stonger with rabbies. You think i fear death? Nah. I kinda welcome it. But i have to stay alive so other fuckers like you have a tiny chance to actually survive for next adventure. I hate kids like you. First to hit, first to move, first to die. Then i have to drag your sorry bleeding blighted ass to safety.

So is Leper's backstory that he was a king struck down with leprosy? It's kind of implied in the comic, but never really confirmed.

i-is he a good guy? should I worry him on my future journey?



he's somewhat based on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_IV_of_Jerusalem

>Chaos Chosen for cultists
>Reynauld as Reikland knight
>Dismas as Witchunter
>Black Orc's for the Swinefolk
Lot of Shit Souls skin's but there's fuck all for Warhammer, what the fuck?

He's also a poet because reasons.

>not using the 4-man holy railgun

fuck, I wish Witch Hunter in Vermintide looks /fa/ like this

Can we fit the Skaven in somewhere?

no, hell with reddit rats

why have I never seen any stealth enemies

Interesting, thanks.

>In 1174, at the young age of 13, Baldwin successfully attacked Damascus in order to draw the Muslim Sultan Saladin away from Aleppo. In 1176 he was leading men in the front in similar attacks at Damascus and Andujar to repel Muslim attacks

Reynald and Leper confirmed for best bros.

*eldritch push*

They only show up in veteran and above, that or you don't have the shield breaker dlc.

Why is he a villian again? He hunts Vampire pigs and puts heretic fuckers in their place. Seems like a pretty cool dude.

You need to buy dlc or update game.

Saltzspyre has the aesthetic name but his outfit is so boring compared to proper and loyal Witchhunters.

>that or you don't have the shield breaker dlc.
Oh that explains

WOw i'm reminded real bad now

>shrieker steals my trinkets
>first time i fought him it was with underleveled but i still did ok
>think i'll surely kill him now
>1 hwm 1gr 2 hellions cuz arby is afk
>fight goes poorly, lots of misses and he gets lots of crits
>by turn 4 hwm gr and hellion pos 1 are on deaths door, survived lots of hits
>shrieking flight
>all 3 die

No wojak crying enough blood can express what i'm feeling right now

He's a pussy ass poser bitch. Hunting vampires around the hamlet while they're busy trying to get shit done and refusing to hunt in the courtyard like a punkass bitch.

>not basura

What are the best +acc trinkets for leper? I know moon ring is good but I don't always want to do 0 torch runs with him.

>tfw have an easier time in Darkest Dungeon than in regular high level dungeons

Darkest Dungeon has barely been affected by the content updates while other dungeons get shit like new enemies and effects (horror) so the dungeons end up feeling harder.

Focus Ring. He doesn't need dodge, so nothing of value is lost.

Because he's fucking Mental.

You copied the wrong part, King Baldwin IV actually worked with the same historical Raynauld that Reynauld is based off of, I think.
>In November, Baldwin and Raynald of Châtillon defeated Saladin with the help of the Knights Templar at the celebrated Battle of Montgisard.

Is taking two +acc trinkets overkill? I enjoy having hew never ever miss but perhaps some utility or PROT would be better.

DD thread? What the fuck is he suppose to be and why does he have Ranauld and Didmas' head's if they aren't dead? What European tale is he from?

>Raynald of Châtillon

Oh shit, didn't even see this.

>He was the only Christian leader to pursue an offensive policy against Saladin, making plundering raids against the caravans travelling near his domains

>Raynald was captured in the battlefield. Saladin personally beheaded him after he refused to convert to Islam.[1] Most historians have regarded Raynald as an irresponsible adventurer whose lust for booty caused the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. On the other hand, Bernard Hamilton says that he was the only crusader leader who tried to prevent Saladin from unifying the nearby Muslim states.


make all darkest dungeon threads for the day Switch edition

JAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAA *double chin inhaling* ajahahahahahahahHAAHahAHahAHAhAHhaa

The absolute state of switch owners, go make some Siren cardboard model or something famicom and fuck off

Joseph Anderson is right about the hunger checks being bullshit, they really should take into account if you've eaten or not.

I didn't really went anywhere, I lurk these threads occasionally to post inbetween work DD sketches and take monster/character design requests.

Can you draw a Warrior Priest of Sigmar?

> why does he have their heads
Baited. Lol.
> what is he?

Requesting for Reynauld but without sallet helmet on his head, pls

I can, but I won't.

draw a scary 3 size monster

fuck that guy, encountered him unprepared.
he kept spamming vestal and highwayman minions and wiped out my party in the end