That box will be 80US$, filthy gaijin. Come back again

>That box will be 80US$, filthy gaijin. Come back again.

It's "dato bokusu" you racist shit.

Kino and Bane were the only good Sup Forums memes

>you have to make 2D Mario levels for 40 years before you're even allowed to touch the 3D Mario dev software
Why is this allowed?

>$400 for raw fish

defend this weebs

adding box to the filter now


Considering how shit and low-budget NSMB is compared to 3D Mario, I am actually in agreement with this Nip.

Fuck off Sup Forums your memes are shit and you have shit taste

Don't know why I bother coming here anymore, not like Sup Forums is any different from Sup Forums Sup Forums or Sup Forums anymore. Shitty memers trying to out meme each other.

Show up with a racist Ramsey Spider-Man meme next time or gtfo


newfag spotted, you won't be missed

*sipping soy milk*

Has anyone actually used good cardboard here though? Shit is a very decent construction material.

Just don't buy it until it goes for less, and if it never goes for less, don't ever get it. Simple as that.

t. Nintendo fan

Barely anyone has, why do you think they're showing low-quality cardboard for all these pictures?

>reducing prices

The denser stuff is harder to wear down but it snaps a lot easier. It's more of a trade-off than a complete upgrade.

Seriously, why not plastic?
It's dirt fucking cheap and kids won't fuck it up after a single use

>spending eighty dollars on LITERAL CARDBOARD

Think of the enviroment!

>What are Nintendo Selects?

Cardboard is cheaper, easier to manufacture, lighter and so on. Also they already said they are releasing the designs for free, so you can print them out and make them yourself.