I am done with this shitty board. Either make specific boards for sonybros and soytentoddlers or just destroy it all...

I am done with this shitty board. Either make specific boards for sonybros and soytentoddlers or just destroy it all. Can't fucking stand countless threads about some cardboard shit with mentally challenged people talking about it.

>I am done with this shitty board.

Aww, sad to see you go.

Seeya tomorrow!

alright see you next week, faggot

>Separate Sony and Nintendo boards
This kills the Sup Forums


I actually find a lot of the memes funny

>I just wanna repeatedly discuss the same old topic again and again
we had that board already, it's /vg/.
Why bother to come if you are not gonna discuss the newest news?

I actually think this is a good idea.
>Sup Forums - Video Game industry news/ecelebs
>Gamey Vidya - Nintendo games
>Cinematic Experiences - SONY games
I think it would be amazing desu senpai

I don't spend my time here anymore. Too much stupid console wars and meme posting and political anti ajw vs sjw nonsense. Nobody wants to discuss games anymore and are so desperate for (yous). I'll focus on my extensive backlog till E3.

>"bwaaaah, I can't handle any form of ribbing and need a special echo chamber"

I just like shitting on all platforms

Sony already has a dedicated board

>analvore is ribbing
No, it's rampant shitposting and something making this place unbearable

I feel you, OP. Whenever Sup Forums gets really bad I go chill out at /vr/ for a while. Yeah it's much slower but the content is probably what you're looking for. Sup Forums is on a major shitposting bender right now.


Man you shoulda been here when there was 4 types of fanboy faggots here. ps3 360 wii days

Pic related is my backlog. Lpn Nursing program is already eating a lot of my time away from gaming.
Stupid kids like you is the main reason why I can't take this shithole serious anymore.
I love gamefaqs but lately they have been going down hill. The ps4 board is so horrible and horrid. Too much anti sjw nonsense, aloy ugly threads, anti consumer mictotransactions rant threads and pro donald trump garbage. Mods need to be more active cleaning up all that garbage.

Here's the thing, user. Sup Forums is always going to have one of the youngest demographics on Sup Forums. The next time you're about to click on an obvious bait thread, try to remind yourself that it was probably created by a 16 year old.

We want the free discussion without the consolewar shitposting, mods don't seem able to do anything about it so perhaps it's time for segregation like how it helped /vr/

Not him but when consolewarshitposting pushes out a good thread and lasts till bump limit it makes the whole purpose of Sup Forums meaningless

True but at the same time, it's super easy to get sucked into the troll threads because there are a lot of people in them and you get quick replies. A lot of Sup Forums's appeal comes from being able to have instantly forgettable trivial arguments.

Just a containment board for Nintendo would make this board orders of magnitude more tolerable

>A lot of Sup Forums's appeal comes from being able to have instantly forgettable trivial arguments.
I'd appropriate that more on actual video game threads. Ruggarell, Quentinfags, analvorefag, ACfag and others have a field day with go nowhere threads and they seem to be increasing every day

Everyone is too retarded to realize they fucking give this Cardboard shit more attention the more they talk about it. They're playing right into Nintendo's hands and yet no one stop to think for one second.

You know there are seperate boards for Sup Forums shitposting and posting about video games. It's Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

>Oh boy can't wait to browse Sup Forums
>check the catalogue
>5 cardboard threads, 10 wojack threads and 6 anal vore threads
>all videogame discussion goes straight to page 10
Its not that people are taking the piss out of each other, rather all videogame discussion has ceased and its a rarity to find a good thread

nintendo already has a dedicated board

American here. Early morning Sup Forums is so fucking terrible. Europeans are the true kings of shitposting.

I swear it's the Australians.

It would be a containment board for shitposters ABOUT Nintendo though. That’s what 90% of the threads are. Sure, Nintendo is the topic but look at the context.

A board just for “console wars” that people rigidly stuck to would make Sup Forums borderline tolerable if not for the e-celeb shite.

This post dint resemble a Sup Forums post. This resembles fucking hearthstone or reddit forums. GTFO and sage

You already posted this in another thread. Sup Forums goes exponentially shit when you burgers awaken.

And don’t give me any of that time zone shit, you’re the only fuckers that drop those ‘u’s from words and add that ugly ‘z’.

early morning is aussie primetime.

I'm on mountain time but even on the east coast it's only a little after 8:30am. Americans are not the ones that created the cardboard threads that currently have 300+ replies. Don't try to pin this on us.

>Sup Forums is already split 5 ways from Friday
>Sup Forums is already a melting pot of memes from other boards
>"surely another split will solve the shitposting dilemma"