God, could you imagine being a grown adult and getting mad about a product sold specifically to kids

god, could you imagine being a grown adult and getting mad about a product sold specifically to kids

how sad would that be

Not really, I get mad at everything.

Most of Sup Forums are not grown adults. And if they were, 95% of the things that get posted about are just as if not more sad than posting about this.

Not as sad as being a grown adult and playing games made for little kids

god, could you imagine being a grown adult and getting mad about grown adults getting mad anout a product sold specifically to kids

how sad would that be

you buy video games too user?

Not as sad as paying 80 dollars for cardboard.

Why is corrugated cardboard being sold to kids

Actually growing into an adult is to not get embarrassed by the things you're into.

It's actually immature to laugh at other people's hobbies because you don't get them.

The only sad part is what this user said 80 dollars for cardboard is beyond retarded.

If you still playing video games even after the age of 18, you are in fact not an adult. That's a sign of stunted development and maturity.

>confusing laughter and pity for anger

I know nintensoys are fucking delusional with their company that can do no wrong but this is pretty fucking pathetic desu

Nobody is mad, we're all just shitposting for reactions like yours.

Do you have enough good hubby points to get your robo cardboard?

Not being embarrassed about it is a sign of maturity, however being an adult and playing games made for children speaks volumes about your mental capacity.

I suppose sucking dicks doesn't make one a faggot either?
>hurr you're immature because you don't get it

>Y-you are mad hehe..


everyone is laughing at you retards literally buying carboard for 80 burgers

please don't forget to post on vee when you buy one to have a laugh

>Good hubby points
>open wide points

god, could you imagine being a grown adult and getting into internet fights about a product sold specifically to kids to get fleeting moments of superiority because you don't value your life at all and all you have left is shitposting on the internet?

how sad would that be

>video games
>not inherently for children

>grown adult
>on Sup Forums

>specifically to kids
>when 90% of switch users are over 25

>Actually enforcing that rule
Holy shit these new jannies have a lot to learn.

>the state of Sup Forums autists

mad? I'd be mad if all I was getting were mario, piipu ports, decade old ports and a fucking 80$ cardboard

So you've only played M rated games since you became an adult?

Claiming any medium is inherently for children is a fallacy, the software will be deemed for children or not based on the objective facts of the product, literally how it is in reality right now.

>M rated games actually being for adults

I don't really pay attention to the ratings but all of them had violence and gore so I assume yes.

Now imagine if you owned a PS4 and you weren't even getting that. Instead, you get literally nothing. Zero.

What a shit analogy.
Try another one, user. I'm patient.

>ITT: Mad? I'm not mad but

You don't even need an analogy to explain how shitty that argument is. One could justify any sort of behaviour with that pathetic excuse.

when a dumb kid falls face first into a muddy puddle I usually laugh instead of getting angry.
Then pity it.

Fine. AO then. Nobody fucking plays only AO games

Reminder this sells for a fraction of the price.

yeah tell me about it, who is the one getting mad

>Game that are also suitable for kids are the same as games made specifically for kids.

Kids eat at McDonalds too but I still won't eat baby food.

???? why are you so mad?

newfag janitors

>dislike something
>hehe you must be angry! That means your sad!

If each to their own doesn't say anything to you when it doesn't harm others just goes to show how much of a spiteful retard you truly are

If you're frothing at the mouth because some people like something alternative to what you like, or something a bit out of the norm then you're just a sad excuse of a person.

Because I just passed the vindaloo I ate for dinner last night. I have haemorrhoids so I am literally asspained to an unbelievable degree right now.

Pyra is so smute (smug+cute)

I'm more tired of all the endless cardboard shitposting threads infecting Sup Forums right now. Filters can only do so much.

???? Literally just inject yourself with morphine

The only people who should be mad about this are Nintendofags. I wouldn't pay for a Switch so obviously I wouldn't pay for a cardboard accessory for it. But Nintendo actually expects people who own a Switch to buy this shit.