Will he be in smash 5?


flopped titles don't get characters


Shulk and megaman are already in

>posting a crappy edit


wow, he's big......

> threading urself

I dunno is he from Fire Emblem?

If not, then no

Mega Man is at least a video game icon and the first Xenoblade game didn't flop in Wii budget standards

Sylux and a Fire Emblem 16 character will get in before him

>this character """design""""
>another swordshit
In all honesty, he most likely will in the form of a completely broken DLC character.

Probably not


Is he coming back?

but I rather revamp Shulk or bring back IC

Xenoblade's arts are easy to drop into a smash

name one valid reason why he shouldn't be in the next roster
and name one reason he isn't the most doable Metroid+Prime contender

I like Rex but fuck no, Elma should get in.

He probably will considering he's supposed to be in Prime 4

Can we all agree that those are the most likely chooices:

Inkling from Splatoon
Spring Man from ARMS
Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Pokemon from Pokemon Generation VIII
Protagonist from Fire Emblem 16
Someone from Metroid Prime 4

Pretty much

I dunno, but his bussy looks clean enough to eat off it.

no he's a faggot

His name is Sylux

For you

his father was a faggot too

I want to see that Labo robot


>proceeds to post a crappy edit himself

And where is your evidence that the second game flopped by the standards of whatever budget it has?

Yup, anchor shot as a grab and pyra/mythra switching mechanic. Too unique and popular not to get in

I hope not. He's lame.

the fact we gotten bare report of it's sales since the release
but hey, I do know the fact XB2 won't be seen in Nintendo's fiscal year earnings


Never played metroid.
Could you explain why he?

>the fact we gotten bare report of it's sales since the release
So no evidence. Got it.

>>proceeds to post a crappy edit himself
thats the joke

he appeared in the secret ending of prime 3

prime hunters had a bunch of dudes so I don't know what makes sylux special

So besides Inkling,Spring Man, Rex, FE16 protag, Gen VIII pokemon and Sylux who will get in?

>teased of importance for a decade
>long time producer of Metroid Prime confirmed MP4 will focus on Samus and Sylux and the Galactic Federation's corruption
>the most vastly unique Metroid/Metroid representative
>other known choices like Ridley and Dark Samus are singled out for obvious and valid reason

he's the next major antagonist of Metroid Prime
even NLG reconfirmed the Federation Force has to do with Sylux and Metroid Prime 4


The smash 5 newcomers seem kind of boring

even the Japanese sales are awful but Xenoautists tend to forget Nintendo wants global sales instead of domestics making XB2 a contender for a flop

fuck off hipster


Will you cancel you preorder of smash 5 if Tracer is confirmed?

Federation Force *ending
forgot one bit

>not appearing in the next Metroid game
get cucked dragonshits

why the fuck blizzard choose overwatch over Warcraft, the more bigger and successful IP, for Smash?

>even the Japanese sales are awful
And yet they're still better than 1 or X, which both clearly did well enough to have more Xenoblade games produced after them. Or do you think that very game needs to sell like Mario and Zelda or else it's a flop? Because I'm still not sure where Nintendo said that. Nor why they would ever decide that.

There's only one character I want in and I feel like she has a solid 50/50 chance.

Meh, i think Tracer will get in anyway
Nintendo would be dumb to not cash in Overwatch content

Blizzard are too dumb to cash in on Overwatch content.

she has more chances of being an alt to spring man or a last minute clone

I'd be fine with a last minute clone.

Isabelle from Animal Crossing also has a solid chance thanks to Pocket Camp and the upcoming AC for switch.
Bomberman and Martina from Dragon Quest XI are also likely.

> tfw Isaac,Shantae, Lip will never get in

What are the odds we'll get a duo of driver and blade in the next smash? It doesn't even have to be like Rosalina and Luma, it can just be "when you press B, Poirah appears to do the ability"
I think Rex-Poirah can fit in Smash as a second Xenoblade rep.
Maybe Tora and poppi instead?
Morag and Brighid never ever

I agree, but I hate it.

Will probably replace Shulk and have the exact same moveset.


inb4 they put sora

B: Shave minge

yeah, if Nintendo is willing to give the Mouse 60% profits from Smash Bros to add him in

>Anime swordsman shota with /ss/ relationship

Good god, it's like all of Sakurai's fetishes.

Probably not, but he will.

yes and Mario will appear in J-Star Versus 2

After Cloud, he's probably the next NEVER EVER that would legitimately surprise me, so maybe he will.

I'd rather have Nia in Sma5h desu

Cloud is a video game character and the only thing he broke was faggot making up rules against guest characters when Sakurai said you don't need a Nintendo appearance to be considered

No because J-Star is an anime game dummy.

I know, but Cloud was the big boy that every 13 year-old dreamed of getting.

The only character to top that NEVER EVER status is Goku.

Why replace Shulk, though? I don't see why anyone that's not a clone should get cut from Smash 5. The only Nintendo characters I see getting cut from Smash 5 are
>Dr. Mario
>Dark Pit
All which will be resold as DLC
The following characters are questionable because of licensing issues
>Mega Man
Although I think Sonic is a shoo-in because Sega is desperate to feature him in successful Nintendo games, and Bayonetta has another Nintendo-exclusive sequel coming up so I see her staying in.

Goku has featured in more video games than Cloud.

and Mario is video games
get the logic now? Smash is for video games as to J-Stars is to anime/manga.
neither Goku or Mario will appear in their opposite games

still a manga character
Cloud came from video games

But Goku's a video game characters. Dragonball is based off of the Budokai games on PS2. Fuck off normie.

Nope, Even i XB2 gets a rep it should be Blade Nia or Poppi, because they were the ones carrying the game.

It's fairly likely. After Smash 4 pretty much all the big no-brainer Nintendo all-stars are already in so they would do well to put more of a focus on their newer games and characters.

>But Goku's a video game characters
Son Goku is from Dragon Ball which is a manga series
>Dragonball is based off of the Budokai games on PS2.
if you said this at Sup Forums you're going to piss off a ton of Dragon Ball fans there to where you'll get banned for sounding fucking underage

Is that an edit?

Now change the babby face and the design would be perfect.

>writing up an exchange with Sakurai to make it look like he said those things
Fuck off normie, you were already exposed.

He was clearly taking the piss with that statement.
>if you said this at Sup Forums you're going to piss off a ton of Dragon Ball fans there to where you'll get banned for sounding fucking underage
What a shame, he can't go on Sup Forums.

Roy,Lucas,Bowser Jr,Wii Fit Trainer, Greninja are most likely low priorities, they wont keep the whole roster lmao

Well to be fair smash 5 doesn't exist

Nothing will ever top mega man/pac man/ryu/cloud
It isn't possible

What if Snake/Sonic/Mega Man/Pac Man/Ryu/Bayonetta/Cloud/Goku/Crash Bandicoot/Ghostface Killa?

Bowser Jr is a mainstay for sure. He's much more prominent in Mario games than Rosalina.

you have any evidence the interview quotes are bullshit like the "Ganondorf was based on my dad" one (crafted by retards in Sup Forums?
have another

>What a shame, he can't go on Sup Forums.
because he's clearly underage, probably sucks at FighterZ too and think its shit

Would he have swappable blades or would he have arts as his basic attacks with pyra/mythra specials?

>sourced quote is fake
the state of gokuautists

I'd like a Pokemon Trainer-esque moveset with rotating blades, but we'll probably just get Shulk 2.0 with a tether grab and Pneuma final smash

>Mii Fighters were totally about the player's customisation and not about Nintendo wanting that shite in everything possible

No, we're getting Mary Magdalene

Junior is absolutely staying. especially when they combined his importance to the Koopalings both in Smash and Mario now

A retarded side character from a shitty ds game, referenced in a shitty wii game

>tfw i dont want a smash 5 because mah boy Cloud is probably going to get cut
Im sorry Snakefags, i shouldn't have laughed

>bullshit like the "Ganondorf was based on my dad" one

The only reason that one was so widely believed was because it sounded just like the type of bullshit Sakurai would spew to defend his decisions.

Cloud will just be dlc again, he isn't owned by konami

>another xenoblade character

yeah no, shulk was lucky to get in

the only reason kid icarus got two characters was because sakurai made the series

and i know there's always been a new fire emblem lord, but with the SIX CHARACTERS that were SSB4, I kinda doubt even Sakurai would want to add another (he never plans to cut anyone except clones). Even he thought corrin was excessive.

I think a Rhythm Heaven character is pretty much guaranteed though, because of that smash 4 leak

and they people realized it was fake because the original famitsu article never existed outside the Sup Forums post talking about it