You don't have to buy cardboards, so it's okay if it's totally overpriced

>you don't have to buy cardboards, so it's okay if it's totally overpriced

It's literally aimed for children you dumbfuck
Will there be retard who will pay for this overpriced shit? Yes
But adults being triggered by a product not targeted for them is really pitty

But nintendofags keep saying that over 90% of switch owners are 25+

do you admin that is okay to sell cardboard for 80 $, nintensharts everyone

jesus, why are you so adamant on being a dumb nigger.

Why are you samefagging so hard and creating multiple threads. You are getting angry and emotional over some fuck-tard mocking you on an anonymous message board for buying a chunk of cardboard. Boo-who, better cry in 50 threads and explain to the trolls why they are wrong. Go to the doctor and have your autism examined.

but you don,t you low iq inbred, the plan are on the fucking internet and you can use whatever cardboard you got. Please find the nearest bridge and jump

>defending cardboard

>tfw hyped for the Labo
am i the only one?

nigger pls

the game is 60 bux, the cardboard 20 for the robot thing and 10 for the gimmick games

it seems reasonable consider they have print and make the cutout strips

>please let me shitpost, it's all i have

Jesus CHRIST this ''person'' is a fucking idiot

Why are you so fuckign mad that people don't let you shitpost ? Fuckign uatistic subhuman

$20 is still a hundred times more than what you should be paying for cardboard

It's not stupid to sell overpriced shit but it's stupid to buy overpriced shit.

>Fuckign uatistic subhuman
Did you have an aneurysm? Calm down, dude.

No it's not. But I don't care and you shouldn't.
You aren't the audience.


>spending your parents hard earned money on fucking cardboard
kill yourself you fucking numale

>Nintendofag admits it's ok to scam children

That's the point, the Switch is currently catered to and purchased by young adults. Nintendo created this to increase its appeal to young children. It's called growing the market. This doesn't retroactively cancel Dark Souls or Doom on Switch.

>that game 60

don't fool yourself drone , that shit is not worth more than 25 you are still being robbed with 55dollars but that's okay because it's okay if nintendo does it amerite

Who do you think will be paying for it, the kids who earn enough to afford 8 ounces of cardboard for $80?

You’re aware people that are 25+ are more likely to have kids? Jesus Christ you are a stupid ass sperg. Please never breed.

brand new cardboard boxes sold by post offices for packages ranges from anywhere 5 to 10 bucks depending on the size

considering the amount of cardboard you use for the robot shit, and consider, like I said, they need to print shit and make the cutout strips, 20 bucks isn't that unreasonable

I'm not saying it's cheap, but it doesn't seem overly jewish to me either

Every company in the toys industry is pretty much a overpriced scam
You only care when Nintendo does it

whether that game is worth 60 bucks is another issue, lots of shit games are sold for 60 bucks at launch

but saying straight out that you're buying a cardboard for 80 bucks is incorrect

holy shit why am I even arguing, I'm a pcfag I don't even own a switch

Yes, because nintendo is the most known company
Also you're admitting it's ok for them to do it when others do it?

If you complain about Nintendo why aren't you complaining about others companies that do similiar things for years?

It's unlikely that any adult who plays nintendo will ever breed, though.

Show me the other companies that do it and i will complain when the topic about them comes.
Also i'm no OP

>implying kids have 80$ of their own money to spend

It’s almost like the company that prides itself on being family friendly is thinking about broadening it’s demographic!!!!

Fucking moron.

>what are parents

nigga I used to get power rangers mecha for 100 bucks as a kid

Back in my day children used to play with cardboard using their own imagination to create swords, shield and fucking castles, and we weren't expected to pay 80$ to remove the imagination part.

Soykids these days, I swear.

>kids don't buy nintendo because it's for children
>let's create a product for children to get back our audience

So the kids aren't spending money, it's the parents paying for this fucking junk.

>announcement CLEARLY states it’s for kids
>trailer CLEARLY shows it’s carboard
>trailer CLEARLY shows the price points

How’s it robbery?

I mean, is it aimed at just children?
Some of those things are pretty fucking cool, plus the potential of future stuff.

Adult's love novelty crap like this as well.

Who are you even quoting in the first sentence? You’re not even TRYING to make sense.

Yes so?

I'm loving every laugh, I hope Nintendo comes up with even more brazen scams to part their fans from their money, don't know why anyone has a problem with this, it's great


How’s it a scam?

Nobody here is buying cardboard ya dumbass, if they do it's for their kids. You just want to shit post MULTIPLE threads instead of keeping it contained to ONE thread where it's organized and you can all share your normie tier memes with each other.

No one cares if you mock anyone, it's when you spam the whole fuckin catalogue and assume everyone thinks it's hilarious and wants to be part of it.

>But police being triggered by a product (Meth, drugs) not targeted for them is really pity

So making the argument that it's marketed to children doesn't hold up. It's still the parents who have to decide whether or not it's worth paying for and I'm guessing most parents would say it definitely aint fuckin worth it.

>inb4 some tendie says I-IT'S DIFFERENT

it's a figurative scam

Just like everything targeted for children

Haha, you got me. So epic and dank dewd. xD

What kind of a person buys a piece of cardboard for his/her kids?

>How is selling $70 worth of cardboard to children a scam?

loving every laugh

Oh believe me, there will be

But it is hilarious user, fucking cardboard man, next they will sell you $80 lube to shove the soycons up your ass and special software to make them vibrate "in creative ways" inside you. Nintentards will hail it as the next step in vr

If it's overpriced then it won't sell. Learn how markets work before you spout off like an idiot.

>It's literally aimed for children
so nintendo soy boys are ok with being called mentally challenged children

So not a scam at all? I’m glad you chimed in with your awesome opinion, user. Great job.

Right, if you had 70 dollars disposable income when you were in single figures then you were either sucking adult cocks, spoilt beyond belief, or - more likely - talking shit.

Kids aren’t going to buy it, only want it. Nothing about the advertising is misleading in any capacity. Adults choose to buy it or not. Is this hard for you to understand?

Not being embarrassed isn't a sign of maturity. It could indicate one is comfortable within their own skin and happy to engage in their pursuits but by the same token they could just be an oblivious buffoon dressing up in cardboard playing spaceman in the backyard whilst their family pretend he doesn't exist.

From now on I will not comment that I have an old Nintendo console, I just dont want to be associated to retards that still buy nintendo shit anymore
nu-nintendofags are pathetic these faggot dont even realize that people are laughing at them


if kids want something, only thing that matters is if the parents can afford it or not

they don't go like, oh I don't think this gay plush you want for 30 dollars is worth it but this transformer figurine who can change from a fucking car into a robot is definitely worth 30 bux

wow, you are one dumb , thin skinned nigger.

>If it's overpriced then it won't sell
imagine being as dumb as this guy, probably a yuro

No, wrong. There are many things targeted for children that parents are perfectly happy buying for their children because they think it's of good quality, will last, will give their child hundreds of hours of fun etc.

A fuckin carboard box aint one of them buddy.

Kids are not going to buy this crap


Says the fag that think people are mad about some cardboards, Nintendo has no pride anymore and just went full retard and the worst thing is that people are happy about it

no like I said it's a figurative scam. Like when you get something for cheap and you say it's a steal

Like I already said: you don’t know what scam is. You’re, somehow, confusing it with “bad purchase”. Or something.

Everything has been clear as day from the outset. Anyone who wants it will buy it knowing full well what’s on offer.

>he bought a Shitch

I think you don't know what figurative means

oops wrong pic

>sonyfags are butthurt over cardboard
the literal state of sony is laughable

Keep crying over a fucking cardboard

Only one butthurt here is nintendofags because nintendo is a complete joke.

>cut dick off in public
>every single news site is talking about you


Every nintendie is autistic, that's why they can't pick up on social cues and realize literally everyone is laughing at their box


You reek of desperation, you're purposely being pedantic to try and play gotcha games on behalf of a giant company selling 80 dollar cardboard. You should really reevaluate your life and then take the appropriate steps to end it.


>E3 bullshots
Are we really doing this again?

>literal goty
>sensitive cuck kratos walking simulator

I don’t think YOU do. You can’t just make up a random phrase and claim it’s a figure of speech. “That’s a scam” over a bad purchase is not valid here no matter how you look at it.


>literal goty
Thanks to the PC version that runs at 4k with proper graphical enhancements.


>You can’t just make up a random phrase and claim it’s a figure of speech
watch me

>man that Labo is a real purple baboon


>uganda knuckles
>Soyboy nintendos
>nintendo lab
This just might be the best year of Sup Forums since 2011. 2017 wasn't bad, but this year is starting of with relentless ferocity and the month isn't even over yet. I'm happy to be alive and life is good.

That Variety Kit looks neat, I'm gonna get that one
Not too sure about the mecha one...

What is really interesting is the hint at "programming"
Since the JoyCons suck at locomotion I'm guessing almost all the programming will be dedicated to making new devices that can input from the controllers
I'm guessing by day 3 there will be an Instructables up on how to make a Zapper
By week 2 we might see people making old controllers work with JoyCons

2017 was the worst year of Sup Forums