Are you going to get his game? How's your demo playan going?
Dissidia NT
tfw killing Kuja the moment he goes into Trance
I'm honestly seriously thinking about it. I'm having fun now, yes, but it seriously doesn't feel like a good purchase at full price.
My wife Shantotto is incredibly cute.
Her prowess in the arcane is absolutely astute!
Imagine playing Laguna with four attacks and a single HP one.
His machinegun would probably be reworked since it'd be pretty exploitable in a 3v3 setting.
fuck you
From the beginning of the round Shantotto is my target,
I'll beat her ass, bend her over and mark it.
But hurt her too much and she'll start playing rough.
From that point catching her will be incredibly tough!
Well Seymour, I made it to Dissidia, despite your directions
Her fancy spells are no match for my poise,
I'll rush straight through and make her one of my toys!
>tfw Exdeath, Kain and Vaan leave in a few hours
Be it fists you swing, or a spear? Perhaps a sword?
At the least try not to make her TOO bored.
Isn't it in like, 7 hours tho?
I hope nu-chaos and nu-cosmos become playable someday.
What's the next rotation looking like? Can't wait for 6 Noctis warpfest.
How do I deal with Ace as Kefka?
Great, the trio of shitter bait will be here soon...
I hope we can make a 3 Jecht party today.
How do I into Kefuka?
You forgot Squall
Always have a fake summoning stone up as a trap and dance around it.
Spam Firaga (Neutral air)
Spam Blizzaga (Neutral ground) if they approach
Run away while dropping summoning stone mines if you get focused
Hyperdrive is the better HP attack
Try and sneak in and fully charge Heartless Angel to fuck over the enemy team
>BestBoyButz in all 3 rotations
Oh baby. Lemme tell you about the most boss characylter in the game. Passing buffs and taking advantage of every single range without gimmick mode changes.
Get out that fake core and use it a a shield while prepping fucker with fireballs. Use Meteor against slow-moving folk.
Blizzaga against approaching enemie. Remember to switch target immediatly the moment you fire a spell at someone (If you do that, the attack will not how up on their targeting line, so it will be easier to hit unaware opponents)
While Lightning is leaving, Zidane is coming back so it evens out.
I liked Y'shtola too.
You forgot that Ramza is best boy, user.
>Lose and get third place
Every time
Army of One is too long an attack.
>lose and get 2nd
Happened once, but fucking how?
>Lose and get first place
I was enjoying the beta until I realized none of my progress will carry over into the release version. Not gonna play any more.
I expect team fights to be unplayable due to lag like Gundam Versus, with only 1-on1 fights being doable, making several characters that are bad alone and good on teams absolute garbage.
I'm having fun with the beta. It's definitely a buy for me now, but I'll wait for a price drop cause I'm also getting MH:W.
I just hope the game isn't dead by the time I get it.
If SE put effort into making the game better, plus the new characters coming along, I don't think the game will be dead any time soon.
Man this game is gonna die so hard on release.
I really want it to do well but MH and DBZ will bury this, I will never be able to be the #1 'HA HA HA HA HA' in the world.
I'll play with ya.
>If SE put effort
Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
That's the problem
Also means extortionate DLC prices and inconsistent character line ups across consoles.
Any tips for Ultimecia?
Just spam machine gun up close and axes from far?
final line up is so great. Noct, Zidane, Cloud, Zidane, Ramza, Garland, Squall. Fuck yes
im gonna wait for a sale
>tfw taunt with Tidus
>the enemy Vaan gets butthurt and tries to get me
>as he's about to hit me Jecht approaches from the side and hot steels him
I love this game.
Tidus has a taunt?
I mean... look at what they did with FFXIV, if they want this game to make into the pro scene, they will have to put effort, the way it is right now its doomed to die.
Spectate mode when!?
She's also really fun to use, very versatile and with high damange put.
Other than her my mains have been Firion, Kuja, Zidane, Golbez, Y'Shtola and Ace, but almost all the others have been easy to understand.
The only two characters i really couldn't manage to work properly were Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia, those will require more time for proper mastering.
Really having fun overall with the game, but due to money situation i'll postpone the purchase for February.
Touchpad/R3 after a just frame dodge, depends on the control scheme.
The game's already been out for two years as an arcade title, it's not like it's a brand new game.
I'm talking about the console player base.
>Got free ranks last night because the game is dead so i get matched with bots.
Ded gem
It is considering the west, and honestly that's all that matters for us. Nobody cares how many slant-eyed gooks are playing it in Japan in arcades.
Yeah, but you have to take into account that the game already existed for a while. If they didn't put all that effort before it's doubtful that will change. I'm pretty sure they think a character every two months will be enough to keep the game alive.
But the things is, for an arcade game, its was already good enough, but for console it does looks like half assed shit, they will have to make it more appealing for console gamers if they want it to sell.
It has not nearly enough content to warrant a purchase for someone that wants content and not just 3v3 multiplayer arcade gameplay.
I hope you're right, I want this game to be good, but look at XV, they're out of touch.
Will the apes in this game ever learn to switch target?
They want people to pay for a season pass already, this game is gonna die in a few months.
So the trick is to just not use HP attacks when I'm being targeted by 2+ people right?
Play very defensively if being targeted by multiple people, and feel free to run. If two people are chasing you then that means your team is 2v1ing the other guy. A well timed HP attack could be helpful in losing them though, since it knocks them down for awhile
Definitely not buying this game. Every third game is laggy as fuck
>then that means your team is 2v1ing the other guy
Not that guy, but for me this always means the other guy is killing 2 people while I perpetually play keep-away. Sometimes even 3 kills.
>tfw you'll never be the guy that 1v2s two people in the background and wins the match singlehandedly
3v3 multiplayer is endless content.
Do we get to keep our money/rank/character lvs when the full game comes out or is it all reset after the beta?
Never is too much time user, you can do it, I believe in you.
probably resets, which is nuts because you can't even use the gil they give you
Damn shame.
I wanted to at least get all the characters to lv3 to see what characters I really like and would focus on in the main game.
Also shame they dont give you a lot of those treasures since I got an alt outfit for a character I dont like.
>Kicks your ass
Does anyone know when the roster switch happens today? Gotta get my Noct on
>Doesn't change weapons when using Brv attacks
NT was a mistake
>tfw I am that guy
Damn, what a hottie.
Holy fuck Bartz is the best
How is he considered in top tier play?
It's so people can't complain about the coming obscene shop prices.
>tfw you're that guy but your team gets rekt and you lose anyway
>Cloud and Squall don't change their weapons to Ultima Sword and Lionheart during Limit Breaks
I can't stand the blinding seizure inducing particle effects, such amazing models and you can't barely see them.
Heard people calling Noctis the ultimate mage killer. If they're right, this is going to be fun.
>Are you going to get his game?
Haha fuck no
>Gilgamesh will not be added in the game for at least 12 months
Is there any JP wiki with framedata / poise values or somehing of significance.
Google is useless.
But Vaan's is more jarring. Cloud and Squall's was a cosmetic change. Vaan had a different attack with each weapon.
The rifle backdodge into shotgun to the face was glorious.
The online of this game is gonna die so hard, i'll wait for the full edition with no season pass bullshit, square can go eat a dick.
I hope they eventually add that Pirate DLC outfit from 012. That user really liked it.
>tfw you try to be that guy but eventually you get hit from off screen and comboed for 2k BRV.
I'm having an extreme love/hate relationship with it because I can't stop playing but I really hate useless teammates eating all 3 lives
>Ultima Sword
>Tfw the entire team triple teams one guy and we actually win using that tactic
>That guy who dies 3 times while your kicking ass
>That guy that unga rushes you and kill him 3 times
Sephirothlets, when will they learn?
Haven't played much Vanguard. How do I be a good team player with them?
>works every time
>that time one of your teammates was afk and the opponents didn't manage to kill him once because you two defended him properly
help your team especially marksman. if people want to run then let them. let the assassin players run around like maniacs.
Knock them all down
Darn but I wanted to play Terra and Mateus but I missed out on that
how to assassin
You know, when I think about it 012 Vaan feels like what Noctis should have been in his own game. He's a joy to play. I only wish we had more inputs so I could use more attacks at once. It was so cool How each behaved so differently.
Why are Tidus players so fucking annoying
You pick garland
Don't pick anyone that isn't garland