Just think they could actually be playing video games on that Switch instead of looking at paper craft instructions

> doest like paper craft
What a faggot

Came here to post this
>Nintendo Switch owners are so starved of activities to do on their Switch they're playing with fucking cardboard cutouts and imagining they have games

Cardboard is not a videogame, Sup Forums.

lol this

But this is Nintendo Cardboard

>it’s free!
>it’s for kids!
>you don’t have to buy it!

You DO realise this has NOTHING to do with the product at all don’t you OP? It just makes for good shit posting. It could literally sell more than the fucking PS2 but the damage is done. This is the next 10 year meme. The next “PS3 has no games” you cannot logic and reason out of this one, it’s purely for salt and tears, and less than 24 hours have shown it is the absolute perfect storm of shitposting.

>not liking papercraft

One things is being jaded and one thing is having shit taste.

Just imagine how fucked PS4 owners are then. Switch just got Odyssey and XC2 a few months ago, but the PS4 hasn't had anything in almost 3 years now.

cardboard millennial house provided by Nintendo because you can't afford shit and you'll always be a bum I get it haha but there are to many threads wining about the price, shits free you can use your own cardboard.

so what
are the games free?

Just think they could actually be having sex instead of playing videogames on that switch

blackanon here im telling y'all ain't no black people paying no damn $80 for some raggedy ass cardboard

user, user... look at me... it’s done. It’s happened. There is no arguing out of memes. The damage is done. It might be THE best thing ever when it comes out, but. It’s. Done.

The software is sold (no price yet for it individually) but you can download the blueprints for the cardboard and make it yourself.

eh I'll get behind the memes if start selling AR cardboard at a premium that they won't provide the pattern for.

nigger here. As long as there's fighting games with it I good homie.

>Good so this probably means the labo packs probably won’t cost 90 $. If the games have a lot of replay value then I’m all in
>If the games have a lot of replay value
top comment, this is a literal retard

The only thing that couldn't be done with just an app or joycons is just the stupid vibration robot, everything else is crap.
>and make it yourself.
They know no one is going to bother.

Excellent job at moving the goalposts.

That's kinda gay, bro.

>a game about building and engineering your own shit

Black people wouldn’t buy this game even if the cardboard was replaced with diamond sheets.

This is what Nintendo should had done:
>show the cool gimmicks and all
>game at eshop for $20 or something
>hey you can just download the prints for free and DIY!
>latter anounce the $60~$80 package
There you go, it would be way less drama

>Yakuza doesn't exist
>Persona 5 doesn't exist
>Nier Automata doesn't exist
>MHW doesn't exist
>DBFZ doesn't exist
Oh no no no.

This is another 1-2-switch. Sell tech demos for full price. Nintendoretards will buy it in masses anyway.


No surprise there you sub 50IQ monkeys couldnt built a door step out of a brick

>Yakuza and 4 games that aren't exclusive to the PS4
You sure showed him user, he's done for.

>1 out of 5 is exclusive
Lmao Sonybros.

None of those are exclusive

>literally all multiplats
Only exclusives count, otherwise you play on PC.

Just think they could actually be playing video games on that PS4 instead of shitposting anal vore at Nintendofriends on Sup Forums

blackanon also here, just want to point out engineering toys aren't made with black people in mind. we get the basketballs

Just think they could actually be playing the "GOAT" BotW instead of getting assblasted over Sonyboys shitposting on Sup Forums.

Nintendo's MO.
>Does something, anything.
>Everyone hates it, it'll never take off.
>It takes off and is utterly fucking amazing.
>Every pretends they've always liked Nintendo's decision.

*Also available on the PS3
>Persona 5*
*Also available on the PS3
>Nier Automata*
*Also available on PC
*Also available on PC and Xbone
*Also available on PC and Xbone

Literally NO GAMES since Bloodborne.

>implying I'm not playing it right now with a switch in my lap

Uh... lads??? Maybe we shouldn’t be bringing up last gen multiplats and last gen brand exclusive ports when arguing between PS4 and Switch?? Even BOTW was a literall port.

Still more than the PS4

I mean, the Wii U did bomb, so a broken clock is at least right twice a day.

>*available on PC

But clearly you do not advocate playing games on the best platform thst you can, after all you just said play them on PS3 instead. So... PC has no games? I mean if the superior experince doesn’t count in place of the weaker one after all...

This kind of makes me wish I had a family to enjoy this with, would make a good father-son activity.

Ha ha I can dream right ;_;

Imagine being this butthurt over cardboard.

Not really m8. Im not defending either platform but i wont ignore hypocricy on the grounds of “but user cmon, THEY are the bad guys why are you defending them for”

switch exclusives, all released within launch year:
>bomberman r
>kingdom battle
>golf story
>fast rmx

You looked like a stupid retard REEEEEing about cardboard when it first was announced, you look like a retard now that it seems like it'll sell like crazy, and you'll look stupid years from now when everyone's forgotten except the stupid dipshits still going on about it.

You're right, when Sup Forums gets it right then they get it right

Utterly bootyblasted all the other times though

P5 and Yakuza are on PC? The point was that none of those are exclusive to the PS4, not which platform is the best experience. If we did that, then we'd have to include shit like BOTW, which we both know we can't do, lest Sonyboys lose their shit.

Im not. Power to them, also you don’t get to just claim that everyone who is critical of something is mad user. More and more this month the inferior ports are claiming victory somehow?

>consumerwhoring drones rush to preorder the latest thing
Color me fucking surprised. If sales = quality then the PS4 is far superior to the Switch and PUBG is the best game of all time.

>implying most of the pre orders are not from scalpers

No user, but why would you ever tell someone to choose the same game when its between PS3 & PS4 on the inferior hardware? You wouldn’t for multiplats would you?

>nvm its *also on PS4. PC had NO games now.


Nintendo doesn't succeed because they are that good, they succeed because they keep trying.

For every success they pull I can name 1 or 2 failures. People just thinks they do good or bad all the time.
Honestly that's why I like Nintendo shit. They aren't perfect but at least they still try to do different things, at the risk of failing. I can appreciate that.

What's the issue with snipperclips?


It's an exclusive user

So we are engaging children in building shit like they did in the good old days?
Remember when people said wii would get people active? It's like that but true

is there a cardboard printer that i don't know of?
or are you idiots gonna draw it yourself and spend the whole afternoon trying to cut it out correctly?


You can't be this fucking stupid. I refuse to believe it.

faggot detected

Snipperclips was pretty tight shit

this image just remind me of that pic of reggie shitting all over the floor and nintendo drones asking for more, sad tbqh

Just get a friend to play it with, prefably a female or it's gay as fuck

>the average intelligence of Sup Forums

Why would I be playing a game I finished months ago that was a bit shit anyway when I could be playing one of dozens of good switch games?

Stop looking at scat porn user I know you so(n)yboys are obsessed with anything anal but just get your mind off that shit

Hey son look what i got you *Soy mouth* a Nintendo Labo! YAAAAAAY BAZINGO!!!

Cmon lets built it and then play together Yea yea, then mommy is gonna make us some soy based yum yum and soy milkies! heehee!

Lets sing the happy happy soy soy song, its goes like this remember, "A happy little soy boy drinks all his mommies soy, yummy yummy soy in my tummy tummy soy boy"

Are you also black

Holy shit it was behind the nes earlier.

t. neet who'll never hold a girl's hand let alone reproduce


>scalping cardboard
People will just make the fucking things themselves and buy the game online if stores are out.

Did anyone seriously think you had to use Nintendo licensed cardboard for this? Even if Nintendo themselves didn't upload the patterns for free, the patterns would have been uploaded somewhere.

>spend the whole afternoon trying to cut it out correctly?
Yes. Nothing wrong with that, hard work is not a bad thing.

Man I can't even keep up with Sup Forums's Newspeak these days. What the fuck is a "soy mouth"? Is it when people are happy and excited? Has that been connected to the Zionist conspiracy now? Happy faces?


The fact that its free changes everything

>nintendude names exclusives
>sonyogre responds by posting nothing but multiplats

i really really wish these Drumpf voters would just frick off....

I hope 3d printers get in on this and finally make some cool 4th party controllers

>tfw hobo got more money than you to buy labo

Wrong. The damage is done. PS3 actually had games, it doesn’t matter though. Leverage in shitposting only has to build a large enough following. It’s done.

Woah newfag detected, this is nothing compared to some other things that have been shit posted on Sup Forums like nothing at all. The fact that the card board is now free kinda ruins the meme. Also
>avatar posting

Not him but there's some truth to it. It's that obnoxious fucking face numales and hipsters make when "smiling" for a picture because they're insecure and don't feel comfortable when taking a picture and don't know how to look natural so they make bombastic over-the-top open-mouthed screams because they're just lolsorandum like that.

I would spend the night there.

>snipperclips players

not him but the connection between that face and soy/soyboys makes literally no sense. For a start, the expression is commonly associated with neckbeards, and an actual feminine soyboy would not be able to grow a beard at all. Basically, it's Sup Forums being retarded as usual to the point where anons don't understand their own memes.

Just think they could actually be staring at a screen instead of parent and child crafting something together

>lists exclusives
>lol exclusive #5 lol

It's associated with anybody who has low self esteem. So neckbeards as well as soymales

how can you tell someone's self esteem based on a face they pulled? that doesn't make any sense and you know it

Why the fuck do sonyfans only buy psbucks?

>asked to explain his opinion
>retreats to wojak posting

they gotta pay to play online before each game has its servers shut down, gravity rush 2 already ended because they didn't buy enough ps+ bux

Have you ever seen a self-respecting grown adult making that face consistently in pictures? No, because a normal fucking human smiles for the camera, or keeps doing what they were doing naturally. Trust me, I had a friend in college who would always make the fucking soy face for pictures because he was a beta faggot with no self esteem and he felt "awkward" taking pictures so he had to do something silly and ridiculous to feel comfortable in the situation.

oh don't get me wrong, the face IS retarded as fuck - so call it just that. There's no reason to shoehorn in the latest "soyboy" memes where it doesn't make sense and doesn't fit at all given the actual meaning of the term.

Go back to /po/

>kills a 3 year old board on /po/ for shitposting
Reddit really is that stupid

>grown adult making that face consistently in pictures
which grown adult is actually making that face consistently though? everything thats been posted has been a one-off by the individual