what should i expect?
What should i expect?
Did you pirate a free game?
Is this bait?
pls stay on topic
a virus?
A ZIP file.
I prefer 7Zip.
A photo album
Can someone tell me what's the draw of chrome over firefox? Not trying to start a war, I just use firefox because I'm too stubborn to change and I'm a bit curious what the other camp has to offer.
lmao retard
Switched to chrome from firefox like 5-7 years ago. Chrome was actually faster than mozilla at that time and better synchronization (who doesnt have google account now), better extensions support etc.
Firefox after the latest update is actually really good, but I'm too lazy to go back
In my experience with stuff that I fuck around eith
>Perfectly looking ogg and mp3
>About 10% faster JavaScript
>Every update doesn't consist of the devs stripping away features
But I still primarily use Firefox because I can still customize it better. Though my ability to do so keeps getting hampered.
They're basically the same except Jewgle spy on you, so you better use Firefox.
can we get back to discussing the game pls
I just feel Chrome is way faster but I don't like using a google browser.
Chrome is a botnet lmao
yeah good goy firefox is perfectly safe
if the horror and the 4th wall shit had been kept subtle, and more emphasis had been put the differences in dialogue between the first and second half of this game, it would have been good and really scary. wasted potential
It's shit
What would you call a safe browser?
How do you pirate a free game?
Very carefully.
>I prefer 7Zip.
based user
user DONT