How does Sup Forums feel about this game?
I didn't put the name because I didn't want virgins that never even played the game shitposting.
For some reason I love it but objectively it is nothing special.
nigger I have the physical CE edition.
8/10. Doesn't fit with the Doom title but is a fine gem.
It was a fun game for the time I played it. The expansions were more fun as they felt more action-oriented. I have no drive to ever go back to it, however.
8.5/10 has great atmosphere, it's definitely something special but isn't a run and gun game everyone was hoping for. Could have been named Demons on Mars: The Awakening and sold a ton and did well without triggering the original fans but it still stands as a good atmospheric what if game of that series.
The first few levels are GOAT, but then the jumpscares and the pitch black room gimmick gets more tedious than fun.
It was a bold move to use the Doom IP for a scary FPS instead of being an unstoppable demon meat grinder, and the graphics were awesome for its time.
For me it's a solid 8/10.
I loved nuDoom too, but for different reasons.
Never really got into it, but it sure looked cool back in the day. Couldn't run it though even though HL2 ran great
I don't know if I was a pussy as a kid, but Doom 2 was scary for me as a kid too. It has some moments specifically designer for horror.
Literally playing through it right now for the first time. Any tips?
Objective: Survive.
Great movement, bad levels.
It was huge disappointment at a time.
tried to replay it and it feel like total ass, 4 is better
The labo of it's generation. It feels and plays like cardboard.
there's not many tips to give.
pay attention to notes and audio logs. many give hints to locker keycodes and stashes.
Honestly one of the most boring games I have ever played. It doesnt help that all the guns look and sound like total garbage.
couldn't get enough of it when it came out. afraid to play it now though, it's probably shit
what game fagget. is it system shock 1 remake or nudoom?
Worse monster closets than Final Doom. The best part of Doom3 is the modding community. Specifically the Dark Mod.
>system shock 1
close it's SS2.
>dat feel when Doom 3 and Far Cry released back to back and everyone thought this was it for vidya graphics
I loved the non-intrusive story through the use of PDA mails and audio logs
What other games do this?
Well that was it for full dynamic lighting. There were only six games ever that did that. Doom3, Thief 3, Deus Ex 2, F.E.A.R, Condemned and Riddick. All other games with lighting use some form of lightmaps and static light sources.
Pretty sure this game gave me my fear of people with blank eyes when I played it as a kid.
I have literally no weaknesses in horror movies or games except for blank/dead eyes.
Talos Principle comes to mind.