PLD or DRG, Sup Forums? From what I've seen in discussions in regards to endgame...

PLD or DRG, Sup Forums? From what I've seen in discussions in regards to endgame, people treat DRG like BRD's bum-buddy and nothing more.

FFXIV thread

>ez mode
>animation lock hell

PLD if you want fast queue times, be in demand for a lot of things.

DRG if you want to have fun DPSing. As long as it's not AoE.

What isn't ez mode?

pld, it's easy as fuck, short queue times and you get your own gear in dungeons and alliance raids

I would go with tank if i were you (i am a tank myself). But DRG is always good. pretty safe job if you want to dps.

drg is actually fun

pld is not only tedious to level its objectively the most boring tank to play at 70

t.pld since 4.1

What's even considered the most fun tank anymore?

based WAR

> delusional warfags

>finally got the time to try to down o4s
>no one's playing anymore

Most people would agree WAR is legitimately fun against single targets. I would argue DRK is the most fun tank in dungeons because of near-infinite mp and health regen when fighting huge crowds.

Personally I like DRK against solo targets too but I recognize I'm the minority, its pretty dumbed down now but I really like it.

Is Binding Coil an 8-man raid?

>Needs 5 DA+AD to get full HP
>Meanwhile WAR get full HP with 2 steel cyclone or even 1 under Berserk
It's not fair

Same, but I wish DRK had something like a Minus Strike

Coil (ARR), Alexander (HW), Omega (SB) are the 8 man raids.

Anyone that didn't pick 'I tire of this charade' is no true DRK fan.

literally this

DRK was "fun" only on Heavensward, i hate even doing dungeons with him on stormblood. All 3 Tanks are easy, but warrior is the one that can do more things, so yeah, its usually more fun.
t.Tank player since 3.0

> t. brainlet

Just play PLD and WAR to be god tier at the game.

inb4 "I only want to play one job though"

nah don't be that faggot that fucks up the limit break

t. Guy that plays PLD and WAR. it's just smooth sailing.

I miss pulling the whole dungeon and surviving without heals in HW but I think it's still alright
It just feels really clunky when you have to sit in grit, blood weapon should still work but regen like half the mp it normally gives you

>WAR not best dungeon tank

>best cooldown spread (can roll shit for like over a minute straight)
>equilibrium for snap aggro so healer/dps don't yank shit off you at the start of pulls/in large areas
>press steel cyclone during HUGE pulls and recover 50% of your healthbar
>overpower for good damage AND emnity

>>nah don't be that faggot that fucks up the limit break
>tfw have started manually setting per-slot jobs in PF because retards don't look at the jobs that have already joined
I'm not fucking taking 4 melee DPS into O4S.