Why was COD4 so good and MW2 so bad?
Why was COD4 so good and MW2 so bad?
A) Nostalgia.
B) Less is more.
I don't know if it's just nostalgia
I've been playing recently on Xbox 360 and the MP still holds up.
Both were good though. CoD4 was just better.
COD4 campaign >>>>>>>> MW2 campaign
>that container ship
>blasting pakis from a helicopter
>sneeki sneeki in the dark house
>sneeki sneeki around chernobyl
>running around a fucking nuclear missile silo with best captain
MW2 multiplayer was imbalanced as shit because Killstreaks led to more Killstreaks and nobody actually had to fight or play seriously.
MW2 has the superior campaign however.
Sure it's more action movie themed but it also got rid of stupid "defend the blank for 30 minutes" that plagued 50% of the levels that IWard's campaigns from CoD 1-4, choosing instead to do it one time in that forested building that had several entrances and gave you claymores.
Enemies weren't prone to throwing grenades every chance they get and allied AI no longer waited for you at doorways, instead progressing on their own and getting an admirable amount of kills, making you feel like you had a team with you.
both are good stop lying to yourself
Both are ultra casual trash.
Is it still worth playing COD4 on pc or is it full of hackers?
Mw2 was a lot better than CoD 4. It's one of the rare sequels in gaming where everything got improved on a whole.
-missions all have a unique gameplay aspect to them
-the graphics actually have a wide color pallette instead of the overwhelming greys of CoD 4
-some of the greatest level design in FPS history
-multiplayer fine tuned and perfected to a T
-Now Russian legit elevates gaming to new levels if artistry
-in an era in which modern military shooters get charged with racism, you actually fight American soldiers in this game
Seriously, not only is Modern Warfare 2 in the league of the greatest sequels of all time (alongside games like Bioshock Infinite, Bloodborne etc., games that addressed every last flaw of their predecessors and perfected them), it is also a modern military shooters designed to address every single criticism hurled against modern military shooters - BEFORE THOSE CRITICISM WERE EVER MADE!
And it speaks volumes that gaming culture writ large still hasn't comprehended this.
>go back for the downed pilot
>fight my way back from the cobra feeling like a gigantic badass
>nuke goes off and everyone dies anyway
t. shitter who couldnt get past a 1.0 kd
Config Support.
Mod Support.
Proper Options.
Balance only half as bad.
Non-P2P Netcode.
No FPS cap.
More fun spots in maps.
Vote kick.
Everything that was bad about CoD4 (besides the Community) could be fixed by people that really wanted to.
yeah but its worth downloading cod4x to access even more servers
theres tons of legit players and hackers arent common at all
Fuck you fag
MW2 is the most clusterfuck multiplayer of all time, that in and of itself is commendable. The fact that its horribly unbalanced at every point in time is what makes it good. If everything is unbalanced, then the game is balanced. Demon's Souls has this exact same formula.
>grenade indicators
>low time to kill
>no recoil
>jam all over screen
>regenerative health
>exp and unlocks
>no lean
>awful map design
>one-by-one grenades
>showing enemies on the minimap
Hardcore game btw
Do most servers have protection against cracked copies?
>COD nostalgia thread
They were both shit
What is wrong with you? They are some of the worst shooters ever made
Took way too long for this post
yeah, you have to have a legit copy like a cd or steam copy in order to play cod4x servers
>if everything is bat shit retarded then everything is perfectly balanced
what the hell kind of philosophy is this
>Some of the greatest level design in FPS history
Ok, it's official. You need to leave this board right the fuck now
Say what you want, but that bonus level in the private jet was sublime on the hardest difficulty
I actually prefer MW2
I'm playing the MW remaster and all I could think of was "geez i hope they remake the second one"
MW2 felt more arcadey and was more memorable to me. Somethings were definetly overpowered like the noob tube and the throwing knives but they were fun to use now and then and even more satisfying to kill someone using them.
The maps were pretty memorable too, like the two buildings rooftops and there was a way to secretly get on one of the cranes. or that brazilian town, and of course the airport
>tfw you get your first tactical nuke
the game was probably the pinnacle of cod before the series became too redundant
>Some of the greatest sequels of all time (BioShock infinite)
Infinite is literally a 3/10 game and one of the worst shooters ever made.
there is literally nothing wrong with liking games that are F U N to you. I mean shit, I still find minecraft and skyrim and shit really fun to play despite being "casual garbage"
fucking nu-Sup Forums doesn't understand what the definition of fun is
hardcore S&D is the only way to play Cod4
>The fact that its horribly unbalanced at every point in time is what makes it good.
I still play MW2 on my 360 from time to time and have to laugh at how fucking insane the multiplayer is. Everything is exploding every second and its not hard to jump in and partake in the madness. Can't play for too long though or else I may get sensory overload
MW2 had shit balance, shit maps, shit killstreaks, and shit perks. It was basically MW: Rainbow edition.
Fuck off nigger.
An even lower ttk? Are you retarded? No aim required. like playing Instagram with a railgun that fires every millisecond.
Post your favorite MW2 loadouts to rustle jimmies
for luls
>silenced ump
>akimbo 1880s
>marathon, lightweight, ninja, final stand
for mega bootyblasting
>silenced ACR with tube
>bling, danger close, last stand, final stand
There is not one Call of Duty game that is any good. The series has always been a retard's RTCW. No amount of "cinematic" set-pieces ripped-off from war movies can make up for the fact that the gameplay is the dullest, most hackneyed shit imaginable in a FPS.
>mw2 had shit balance and shit maps
>cod 4 didint
what is the m16, juggernaut, doubletap, frags x3, last stand, overgrown, downpour, bloc, ambush
CoD has been really goddamn casual since MW. There's no real arguing against that.
Hardcore only makes the game more shallow. I remember CoD4 hardcore made the deagle and that semi automatic G3 1 shot kills to any part of the body.
this, so much this
Why is cod fun though? It's simply the same experience of other, actually good or decent FPS games but watered down. It's simply almost pretending to play a game. In cod on consoles (which I know you faggots all enjoy) when you ADS and the auto aim kicks in, you're not actually aiming. You're just pretending to aim and the computer plays the game for you. When you progress through the linear campaign levels with respawning enemies, you're not actually progressing through a designed level and using your environment and common sense to make progress. It just feels like it because enemies respawn until you move past a certain point, meaning that you cannot approach combat how you want to or use any skill whatsoever; you simply push forward on your gamepad, press the auto aim button on your gamepad, and are tricked into thinking that this is gameplay
As for the multiplayer the fundamental design is broken because of all this shit
Everything here is designed to lower the skill ceiling, to remove player agency from their performance. It makes it as random as possible
>playing cod post-mw2 for the campaign
stay retarded Sup Forums
quick kills > bullet sponges
There needs to be a happy medium. Instakills from fully-automatic rifles anywhere to the body is fucking retarded design.
Wait, seriously? Holy fuck I might just buy cod 4 now then. Are there plenty of players?
It's been casual since cod2.
Why, because you can't aim and need to maximise what aimassist gives you? Because you can't sustain your aim on a moving target with a mouse?
Fuck outta here trash.
>MW2 multiplayer was imbalanced as shit
Wrong. MW2 was the MOST BALANCED. You and all the dumbass kids who were so used to COD4's garbage balance kept putting Stopping Power on all of your loadouts because it was so OP compared to everything else in COD4 that everyone took it for granted and played as if SP was the default damage (and cried when someone would use Juggernaut to negate SP, making them play the real game).
MW2 had actual contenders to Stopping Power in Perk Slot 2. Weapons were actually balanced around the rest of the game, rather than being balanced only among themselves ala COD4 being fucked by SP.
>Killstreaks led to more Killstreaks
Use a Stinger missile. Use Cold-Blooded. Stop being a selfish self-serving easymode fag who carries a shotgun and Stopping Power, and you'd see that MW2 had the most glass cannon Killstreaks.
is the mw remaster literally unplayable or am I doing something wrong?
I personally preferred MW2s campaign. Blasting BRs was sweet and I'm a sucker for against the odds urban combat/invasion scenarios
You're at least partially right. Balance doesn't matter when every gun has no recoil in kills in 3 shots to the chest.
But in cod4 there isn't so I prefer hardcore than the other
Add to this juggernaut perk and killing enemy is even more pain in the ass. Normal mode is trash user, don't deny that
There's a world of difference between bullet sponges and 1 bullet from a semiautomatic killing someone. The latter has 0 goddamn depth to its gameplay, it's pretty much spot someone and spam in their general direction until something randomly connects and they die.
>It's been casual since cod2.
Pretty much. Low TTK, 0 recoil, 1.4x damage for headshots. It's been a simple ass shooter with maps designed for TDM since MW at least.
4 already has a stupid fast TTK, why make it even faster?
Thank you
>MW2 multiplayer was imbalanced as shit because Killstreaks led to more Killstreaks
which was nice because you could just bring a stinger and get free xp while being credit to team
if you think CoD of all things is watered down, then clearly you've never played generic asian f2p FPS games trying to be a clone of Counter Strike. once you've played a good amount of those they all become the same game, a watered down pay to win inferior game to counter strike. Now THAT shit is the definition of watered down FPS.
CoD is fun to me because it gives a metric fuck ton of ways to play the game in such a way that doesn't get old easily unless you're playing newer ones. Like in MW2 example you could either run an SMG and run around the map quick as fuck, or you could just set up defenses and play more passively. there's near infinite amount of combinations you can make in them and it really give the player a lot of fun choices, combine that with how rewarding it is to actually play the game and objectives to get more guns, more attachments/camos/perks, it really adds in for a lot of replayability. that and the hit detection and netcode is really good so you know you're not always going to get ganked if you're on a good connection. it's a lot of fun for me, the multiplayer at least.
>Playing ANY COD for either the campaign OR multiplayer
I'm curious, do you buy one of the sports games year after year as well? Say, Madden? NHL?
preach brotha, if only my me had realized this truth much sooner. Quake live plus 3 and 2, UT99 and Timesplitters are GOAT.
Quake 3 is only good with CPMA
CoD4 by itself wasn't good; promod was.
Many map glitches actually made the movement feel fluid if you knew the map.
This wasn't the case in MW2 anymore.
Outside of promod, I don't really think the games were that different, except for some perks and killstreaks.
not really, sports games aren't my thing, the only sport game worth playing is SSX 3 for the ps2
Ssx tricky, pleb
>More fun spots in maps.
mw2 was fun in that you could wear a camo suit and lay down in a bush, then enemies would run right past you without seeing you
oof thats a sad webm to watch.
That third example is not form cod4.
>There's a world of difference between bullet sponges and 1 bullet from a semiautomatic killing someone
Literally git gud
TTK in hardcore is prefect what are you talking about m8?
Cod4 had promod
TTK in hardcore is instant.
>SSX 3 for the ps2
But that's the worst version. PS2 multiplats ran like fucking shit. A lot of games were unplayable because the framerate was abysmal.
You're better off playing it on the cube or xbox.
Exactly! Fun as fuck, well for me
seems to run perfectly fine for me
You might as well click random desktop icons and get the same experience.
Just tried that, can't confirm. Not the same feeling. Silly user! :^)
Cod4 had the perfect ttk
Just quick enough to not feel like your enemies are absorbing your bullets
Long enough to be able to reverse a situation even if you're shot at first
This. I took a launcher in a bunch of loadouts to stop faggots and their uavs tons of points too. Also fuck CoD4 Zeus grenades
>That third example is not form cod4.
CoD4 had the exact same recoil mechanics.
>Literally git gud
That's not an argument, also Hardcore mode is shallower.
MW2 campaign was far superior because of one reason alone. No respawning enemies.
News flash fuck
Everyone either used stopping power or danger close in MW2 it was the least balanced Cod by far
>Equip M16
gg no re
>ACR made every primary in the game look bad in comparison. Pretty much a laser beam that got all its kills off headshots to negate its low damage
>SPAS-12 turned out to be far better than akimbo Model 1887’s ever were. You think the BO2 Remmington was bad? SPAS-12 could consistantly wipe an entire enemy team before reloading
>glitched weapons. Where do I begin? M9 and Raffica iron sights were glitched, akimbo G18’s effective range went up, IW MANAGED TO FUCK UP THE AK47 AGAIN(it still loses effective range when equipped with a sight), FAL shotgun was still borked post patch, Javalins would occasionally missza harrier and kill the user
>severe perk imbalance made even worse than CoD4. Boy I sure do love scavenger stopping power steady aim on every player on every xXxyoutubexXx commentary flooding machinima
>everything about base commando. Pro varient was cook though
>aim assist on sniper rifles plagueing every CoD game except BO1. Sniper rifles with standard scopes are not close/medium range weapons
>speaking of sniper rifles, they gave everyone the two best ones in the game to start
>70 goddamn levels with a popular multiplayer weapon in the last game at lv 70
>spawn tubing in general(OMA tubing the spawn from the other side of the match
>nuke killstreak ending objective games
>dlc maps were all fucking terrible. Fuel’s rock glitch gets a special mention
>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMG’S in a 6v6 game. AUG HBAR is just a slower assault rifle
Hated it 8-9 years ago. Still hate it now. Fuck that game.
>CoD4 had the exact same recoil mechanics
You need to re check that because it's not that simpl e. Some weapons are harder to master their recoiland some of them are actual casual trash.
>Hardcore mode is shallower
no radar (only form streak tho), no UI, only you and your weapons
And 1 hit kills on everything.
Someone tell me, are all Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 servers on the 360 fucked? I kinda want to play them again.
sometimes it takes more, you faggot
>Sup Forums hates handhold no gameplay games like uncharted
>Sup Forums literally creams its pants about the chernobyl mission that is literally the most handheld piece of gameplay ever made
i had way more fun in MW2. the game was so much biggers. going back playing cod4 it feels small
If you're using shit guns.
Some hacked lobbies. Most are fine though.
I did get deranked in cod4 in some hacked lobby though around lvl 40 which means i cant unlock some of the final guns like the 50cal and the m14 which blows
>it's bad because intervention and barrett are available too early!
>it's bad because the ak47 gets available too late!
Removing the game's UI doesn't increase the game's depth. Making some semi automatics 1 hit kills breaks the game and makes it much more shallow.
>Some weapons are harder to master their recoiland some of them are actual casual trash.
You could hipfire spam the Deagle and still secure kills from a decent distance away. Pretty much everyone on PC used the AK with stopping power because even the increased recoil of the AK was still absolutely nothing. There's 0 aspect of recoil control in CoD4.