Hey. You

Hey. You.

Why haven't you spent 50 bucks on a 6% chance to get the hottest new DOAX girl yet? She's a bunny from the moon. Just think, you'll probably get her if you put in 500 bucks right now!

Other urls found in this thread:


>She's a bunny from the moon.

It may surprise you, but moon bunnies have been a thing in Japan since they figured out how to write words.

Reminder that some Japanese whale has already done this.

I've got a guy on my friend list who has her already.

You've really got to wonder what goes through the minds of whales. Can they really not just wait a week? It's not like the game even has a chatroom or something where you can brag about wasting money.

Whales, usually, aren't simply bad with their money, they just have enough money where it doesn't matter.

What motivates people to do this?
Just throwing money out of the window like that?

At least buy a Vive and play around with the girls in Honey Select or something if you have too much cash, but not this cancer.

I fucking wish. They stopped updating X3 months ago, it's just this Venus Vacation gacha shit now.
I've been doing exactly this in VR since they dropped X3

I need those heels on my dick.

X3 is old and busted, VV is the new hotness. Honestly, the gacha shit is fine. They've been giving out a bunch of SSR tickets, as long as you don't expect to get every girl in a week, you're good.

I'm up to 7 out of a possible 11 now, the only thing you're actually going to miss is pay-only shit like the new girl. And she'll probably be opened up to everyone in a week anyway.

Yep already got 9 out of the 11 characters without spending a dime in this game. Plus I got SSR suit of Kasumi last week.

>being a gachacuck

Explains the ones on the moon in Mario



Gotta say she's better that I expected. But there's no fucking way I'm gonna spend money on gacha shit.

Tits aside, she looks more like a child than Marie does.


And with a huge tits. Not bad at all.


>tfw moon rabbits will never pound your ass into mochi

>random wig
>Marie's facial structure and eyes
>Christie's nose
>Kasumi's lips

Sasuga Hayashi-san!

Shorter than Marie
>Bust 92"
Tied with Momiji for third largest behind Honkers, and Ayane/Nyo. Bigger than Helena for chrissakes.

>short stack or whateveryoucallit

New best girl

Shortstack/oppai loli

She looks so retarded. That hairstyle doesn't fit her model at all, even her face is so expressionless


What's her fighting style? where does she fit tier wise?

really regretting deleting HS right now. Even if I decided to get it back I had so many mods that I don't have the time to track down. Why did I do that

>Fighting style
Probably some sort of Native American hybrid martial art, since she sounds like some hippy, back-to-nature type.

Don't feel too bad. The Premium Play Darkness spinoffs are not fulfilling at all. They are popular, but far more boring than Artificial Academy 2.


Likely something with a very strong ground game, but weak air. Don't expect a lot of crazy leaps and flips like the ninjas, but contortionist ground moves are a possibility


Guess you're not one of the people who scream pedoshit whenever you see Marie

literally best girl holy shit everythings perfect

I got HS running no problem but for some reason I couldn't understand how to get AA working

She makes your dick hard to distract you.

Why do I see her and Brad being tag partners?

>tfw Luna shares some of her peyote with Brad and the both spend their days endlessly tripping


Post a webm of that animation

So the same as every character in DOA?

You'd have to be retarded to think an 18-year old would ever appeal to pedos

I agree. There must be a lot of retards on Sup Forums, though


Will they fugg during that trip

She might go for it, but unless Brad completely passes out, he'll be too far gone to reciprocate.

>Garcha shit is fine
>You can'r expect every girl in a week

Well guess what nigger, DOAX3 had every girl the day I fucking bought it, as well as a more complete screenshot mode

I'm not going to say it'll never happen, because if interest (read: the money) ever dries up for VV, they might try to move some stuff over as paid dlc. I'd say you have a better chance of unlocking every girl on successive rolls in VV though.

Yeah brah, Marie looks like any old 18 year old girl, and Monroe's entire draw was looking exactly her age

Thanks for the heads up KT, I'll be sure to pass along my shekels

How much did you shell out to unlock her already?

VV already has a larger cast than X3, and X3 only let you play with one at a time


I don't mind spending some money here and there on gacha kusoge if it's one I play a lot, but the rates in this are fucking terrible, and also expensive even for DMM kusoge standards and "playing" it is a bit of an over statement for how barebones it is.

The upgraded jungle area looks pretty nice. Maybe Bass Island will return eventually. Some actually new areas would be nice, though. Maybe a juice bar, casino (what a money-making opportunity THAT would be for KT!), pole-dance stage, water slides, etc.


Yeah beacuse they just took DOAX3 and pulled shit out of it so whales could roll for it, not shit is has a "bigger cast" (one with no Lei Feng still, by the way). A cast your supposed to oatiently wait mire than a week to actually have access to (luck depending).

Are you actually defending this mobileshit style cashgrab? Really?

Is it really that big of a problem that you have to wait a little?

Consider it the exchange for not having to pay to play it at all.
I mean, are you REALLY that invested in fucking Dead or Alive Xtreme that you NEED to have all the girls on startup?

You're probably, at best, """playing""" like 10 minutes a day

moar pls

What's Luna's nationality supposed to be?


Yes, it is a big fucking deal to lock content behind shitty rolls, yes, it turns it into fucking trash, especially when they dropped support for their previous irritatingly incomplete game for it. I'm fucking emberassed that I even have to have this conversation here. What's KT's cock taste like?

Betting on jetski races (because fuck actually racing yourself in this "game")

Does VV have VR mode like the PS version of X3 or whatever it is?

I have looked fucking everywhere for an answer to this and absolutely nowhere has answered it


Misaki is love

Probably Jap. They hate non-jap girls

Not as of yet. Expect to pay for it, though. No way they'll do the free week thing they did for Asian-X3



Kasumi is live

Put her next to Marie. I want to marvel at how short she is.

Thank the fuckin gods I have found an answer. I owe you user because I have struggled to find anything regarding this, Venus Vacation VR and derivatives of that have given me nothing and it was doing my head in.

Will judge the purchase worth if it comes out. Thanks again


Luna butt short please.

cute autistic moon rabbit


I wouldn't mind a Marie/Honoka/Misaki/Luna harem.

I can think of better four person DOA harems though.


Why are you comparing a laughably overpriced game (+shipping if you decided to import it from HK or wherever the fuck because KT are cucks)
to a laughably barren free game in the first place.
No fucking shit sherlock, Fire Emblem Heroes has literally nothing compared to the actual Fire Emblem games.

Well congratulations you petulant cunt, you actually don't have to play this game at all

Gacha shit really ain't that much different from hundreds of dollars in costume DLC, you know.

Ayane is good too

is there or will there ever be an english translation?

why do people play this when actual porn games exist



start your N1 test preparation

Cute nerd

I have yet to find a game that caters to my tan line fetish nearly as well as these games.

Show me a porn game with the budget DOA has

Because they're not looking for porn, you idiot. They want to play dress-up with dolls and push the boobies in like you used to do with your sister's barbies.





There's definitely more money put into DOA than Illusion games

The models and animations are evidence enough.




Yes, it is fuckig different, because I can just fucking buy the shit I want and don't have to dance around their casino of bullshit.

Yeah and it's bullshit because this gatcha shit is the only DOA thing they're supporting at all


Whatever filters you're using, they are insanely repulsive.

is it so hard to make a new face