Nintendo LABO Templates will NOT be free -

Nintendo LABO Templates will NOT be free -


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literally how to kill any defence

How does /po/ traffic in rare templates?
They might be able to teach Sup Forums something.
>No, we will not be able to create our own patterns
>we then explained that it would be possible to recover the bosses of these boxes for free to create the accessories yourself. Nintendo confirmed that this was not the case .
>It will buy one of two kits available April 27 , especially since they contain the game Nintendo Labo essential to enjoy the experiences promised by the firm.

The "game" comes with the cardboard, for $80.
Another 1-2-Switch scam where retards will pay for shitty tech demos.

Delusional nintendies will defend this.

It's cardboard, mate.
You can print out templates and cut them yourself. The important bit is the cartridge.

did you read the OP?

so what, it's still lame especially when you still need to buy the game with it
someone can just take a picture of it, easy to pirate papercraft

user I...

>Go To youtube
>Watch guy create his own from scrap cardboard
>Save $20

so, do these cartidges cost 60$ for all minigames (since thats what they are) or do they want to jew drones by selling them at 60 per minigame or different bundles?

Did you? that's a french ign page.

>step 6 buy special renforced cardboard thst wont break


>what is google translate

I don't speak croissant.
And it doesn't matter whether they say you can't make your own. It's cardboard. If you replicate everything to the detail there's no reason why it wouldn't work. They won't provide any downloadable templates but anyone could make them.

it's probably 2 kits/2 games
it's the 3rd post you fucking brain dead retarded phoneposter

They better explain how they're gonna DRM their cardboard, because it looks like you can easily rebuild the stuff.

you dont even need to follow the link, the point is nintendo wanna charge you for the templates, so commenting that you can just print out templates kinda misses the point

>We've reached a point where we will be pirating cardboard

All of the stuff is utter shit not worth making yourself. That's good DRM. And you still need to buy the fucking game.

Russian and chinks leak them on the internet. Some are self-made. One you linked is self-made.

And if you have a 3d models, you can make patterns yourself but it is still much better to create 3d models meant for papercraft than models meant for something else.

>implying they can stop anybody from pirating fucking cardboard

>piracy is ONLY ok when we do it
Typical soy

Oh no, we can pirate digital video games with ease but surely pirating cardboard designs is going to be impossible

bait harder you worthless retarded piece of shit

>soyboys resulting to pirating cardboard to please their childish fantasies

>surely pirating cardboard designs
/po/ here. It is possible but you still need to alter them or make them by hand. With that, you need a good picture that shows dimensions/measurements. I also don't know if there is a scanner big enough and able enough to scan a whole cardboard and if there are, that means industrial.

The only way you can "really pirate" this is if someone leaks the files for it.


You just take a picture you fucking retard with a ruler next to it.

Nintenbros btfo

Think before you post and you clearly haven't dabbled on this hobby.

One cardboard have "pieces", Having just one ruler on the side will make the job longer and not precise. SOMEONE will LITERALLY have to measure everything and write the measurements on the side of those pieces or something.

Those "pieces" have machine-cuts on them(so they can fold). You also have to measure that too.

>Those "pieces" have machine-cuts on them(so they can fold)
Making this clearer, cuts just deep enough so you can fold but not cut it out.

you are a fucking idiot

Good luck nintenboy. No one will make this without shilling for e-fame or money. Just accept the Nintendo tax™.


You could literally start making your labos today from the promotional materials they've put out.

I only saw the trailer so if that's what you mean by the promotional materials then you're really smart if you can do that. So... are you gonna do it?

You are a literal retard. Fuck off you retarded cocksucker.

>buy one
>prin the templates
>post them/sell them online

whats stopping me from doing this?

Sup Forums saying /po/-tier stuff is easy reminds me of when 3D printers started becoming popular and Sup Forums thought getting Sup Forums-tier plastic girls was as easy as just printing the model and painting it

There's SO MUCH STUFF that goes into making templates that you brainlets don't realize

There's a lot of promo pics, many of them showing the patterns and included other mats. You could deduct lengths and areas from the placement of the console and joycons. It's basically just math.

The IR sensor stuff is the most interesting part of it all. Maybe you could redo all that with arduino. I'm sure some DIY people will rig something before Labo even releases.


>This mad

Nothing and you aren't the first one to thought that

>There's a lot of promo pics, many of them showing the patterns and included other mats.
You could deduct lengths and areas from the placement of the console and joycons. It's basically just math.
Yes if you want it to be imprecise.

People here don't know papercrafting and yet they think it's so easy. It's ridiculous.

so the OP is sensationalist bullshit
there is no such thing as cardboard DRM

Congratulations, you can't read French.

Nintendo won't be replacing the cardboard kits you destroy.

But the templates WILL be freely available to everyone.

>SOMEONE will LITERALLY have to measure everything and write the measurements on the side of those pieces or something
Yeah because that's somehow a harder task than making a fucking emulator.

>People here don't know papercrafting and yet they think it's so easy. It's ridiculous.
What do you find difficult about cuts and folds, retard?

Post pics of your papercraft projects

>People here don't know papercrafting and yet they think it's so easy. It's ridiculous.
it's just simple cardboard pieces you fucking retard

I can't even imagine how much of a soyboy with zero practical skills you must be if you think papercraft is a difficult thing.

I made a paper craft nigger

You wouldn't even need the template, honestly. It's probably going to be more fun to use other things like platic bottles, can and other miscellaneous stuff to recreate something similar. Hell, you can probably use lego to make a replica if you wanted to.

the french article is completely different
>Nintendo Labo: No, we will not be able to create our own patterns
>Nintendo Confirms It Won't Be Freely Supplying Extra Cardboard Replacements For Labo

>Congratulations, you can't read French.
and you can't use google you fucking retard

>tfw [current year] gets worse every year

Do you retards not understand that paper can be reinforced with many things

cardboard is already reinforced paper, just applying paint or glue will make it resistant to tear


Now, the question is which one is true?

ITT a bunch of Mexicans pretend they can understand french

It seems more like a case of they won't be sending you free cardboards with all the cuts already done but you can see the design of it online and make your own.

>At the time of the announcement, we then explained that it would be possible to recover the patrons free of these boxes to create oneself accessories.
>Nintendo confirmed that this was not the case.
>IGN France confirmed that Labo Kits won’t actually be required to play Labo games, the cartridge or download will be all that you need. Cardboard design patterns for the various games will freely be provided online
their source is probably an older IGN FR article

>Google translate

Top fucking kek faggot.

it's French you brain dead retard, easy to translate to English you retarded cocksucker

And yet any fucking leaf can tell you it's wrong.

Actually, if you think about, since the instructions for building it is in the software already. Wouldn't you already have the templates by default?

Nintendo will have a class action done on them because kids and manchildren will get paper cuts. Calling it now.

The French one implies you can't create a new template, not that you can't get an existing template. Then again this is Google translate.

It wouldn't make sense for them to not release the template. It would take me all of a couple of hours to make an exact template in AutoCAD with detailed instructions. I've never worked with 3D printers before, but maybe this can even translate into something a bit more reliable than cardboard too.

Sssh user, you're ruining their narrative.

The french one says "No, you can't create your own template", as in, you can't create the template on your own.

Why is all the info I can find on it only in some in spanish or something? Even when looking up the trailer on youtube, the first 4 results were videos in spanish or something and they all came before the trailer

Assembly instructions is not the same as having measurements

>The French one implies you can't create a new template, not that you can't get an existing template.
how retarded are you, that also makes no sense you idiot
>At the time of the announcement, we then explained that it would be possible to recover the bosses of these boxes for free to create the accessories yourself. Nintendo confirmed that this was not the case .
>We got a little excited about this original Nintendo product, still sorry for this mistake.

Why are you so fuckin' shit eaters? Mario in 2018, hundred remakes of one single game. Switch. This peace of shit. What's your problem? Nin give you only shit since n64 and you are still eating. Why?

>EA puts optional micro-transactions in game


>Nintendo charges 80 dollars for cardboard


>Assembly instructions is not the same as having measurements

Motherfucker, I can 3D scan a fucking car chassis and have parts whipped up to fit it within an hour, you really fucking think people can't accurately reproduce measurements on a piece of fucking cardboard.

Fuck off back to whatever uneducated, technologically inept third world gutter you live in.

The difference is you don't have to pay to win

The difference is you don't have to spend 400 hours to unlock a character or spend $x

Please leave

this, combined with payed online in autumn convinces me that nintendo is trying to wank every last bit of cash out of nindofags as possible

>implying you don't have to pay for the games to win them

So you are going to buy it or somehow scan the app?

>average nintendo intellectual
good luck pirating literal cardboard figures lmao

you don't have to buy the game at all if you don't think it looks fun autismo

The motto was Do It Yourself and the retards at IGN thought it means free templates.

anyone who thought any old cardboard would work from the outset is retarded, it's obvious that certain peices have sensor, motors, and other materials in then in order to make them work. Pretty sure they even show this with the piano in the reveal trailer. But no HUR DUR 80 CARDBOARD because discord in Sup Forums over anything involving exclusives is abysmal dreck. Happens whenever a Sony game releases, nintendo game releases, and would happen if Xbone games ever released. It's shit for kids, who cares. It's gonna sell gangbusters like that Skylanders shit and then everyone is gonna try to copy it.

>paying for literal cardboard
and nintenbros wonder why they're hated
literally mentally challenged

user, you're missing the point. Considering you already have the design in the software and you can very well measure out the stuff before you start contructing the Labo design, anyone believing the design template not be free to view online is absolutely retarded.

>>People here don't know papercrafting and yet they think it's so easy. It's ridiculous.

People literally make their own papercraft structures that are way more complex than Labo shit all the time


I have to thank you, Sup Forums.
I have not legitimately laughed this hard in a couple years. I really needed this.

Did you bitch about Battlefront II?


Every year I hope Nintendo gets their shit together and they start off 2018 with this. I can get that it's just not for me but what irks me is that for the most part it doesn't seem to be much of a video game and seems like a step towards selling peripherals in a new way. Nintendo has seemingly made great strides in 3rd party support with the Switch, it'd be a shame if they squandered that with meh 1st party products.

I bought two of each. Don't be mad that I enjoy fun, innovative user experiences.

No you sperg, it's combining shit that kids love to do with video games in a creative way.

The concept is fucking rad, literally the only complaint is the price point.

>it's combining shit that kids love to do with video games in a creative way
i.e. it's video games that don't hold up as video games on their own and require accessories.

>Implying you can't just scan an actual copy and post it online

Stick around a while, friend. They've started claiming that 80 funbux is fine because they get "free" minigames

Dear god, the state of nintenpimp's bitches

>it's obvious that certain peices have sensor, motors, and other materials
no they don't you worthless retarded piece of shit

>it's combining shit that kids love to do with video games
I'm sure kids love playing shitty tech demos with cardboard.
here's a you

French fag here
>Au moment de l'annonce, nous avions alors expliqué qu'il serait possible de récupérer gratuitement les patrons de ces cartons afin de créer soi-même les accessoires. Nintendo nous a confirmé que ce n'était pas le cas.
this translates to:
>At the time of the anouncemment, we explained that it would be possible to get the patterns freely in order to create accessories. Nintendo then confirmed that it's not the case.