Free on GoG

Free on GoG

Other urls found in this thread:

>those shit ps2 graphics
uh no thanks

>caring about graphics
>instead of the actual game behind it

The state of neo/v/ in CY+3.

this,shitty graphics won't play lmao

Carma2 is the best

Thanks, but Carma 1 and 2 are way better

Thanks, OP. I played one of those games when I was a kid and, looking at the year of release, it might've been this one.

Finally something that can run on my PCMR

PCMR is what you call your PC and not yourself?

You have to be 18+ to use this site.

Best thread on /vee/ right now. Thanks OP.

check your local university you can get cheap/free i5 2500/ i7 2600 because they upgrade every 5 years

Thanks lad

Good thread. Thanks OP.

games are also a visual thing you literal retards

lel i still have that on CD
kinda shitty game and quite dated

>remove visual part from a game
>it's still a game

>remove gameplay part from a game
>it's a movie

Casual spotted.

>Carmageddon Max Damage
>a car combat game in 2011+7
When did this happen?

Is it good?

>tanks and semis
what did they mean by this?

This video should be pretty comprehensive

Thanks OP, I always collect free games for a rainy day so this will add to the collection.

Neat another game I'll never play.