The best RPG ever made is literally $5 on gog now
What's your excuse?
The best RPG ever made is literally $5 on gog now
What's your excuse?
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I don't play clunky dated shit.
It's already free :^)
>dated eurojank
lol no
I've already got TW3 in my library, though, and it's not even on sale right now.
it looks like shit
That's my problem with it too, moving feels awkward, the graphics look bad, the inventory is absolutely disgusting, the combat is somwhat bland.
Morrowind is basically this game but better is nearly every aspect.
I've had it since release
>literally $5
Gothic 2 shits on Morrowind tho
Baldur's Gate 2 is better.
Fucking dragon age is better than gothic
was going to post this. fuck off, OP.
I dont have money
Witcher 3 is at 5 dollars? Neat.
>giving money for abandonware that doesn't even run on modern machines
Yeah nah
That's still 5.58$ too much for that game.
That's not The Witcher Enhanced Edition
Morrowind's inventory is actually perfect.
Witcher 2 is usually 3 dollars tho.
No way Dark Souls is that cheap.
I already own the boxed edition, and I've bought he Gothic Universe on Steam.
>Morrowind is basically this game but better is nearly every aspect.
The controls are fucking torture.
I couldn't get into the game because of the trash controls. I tried man, I tried.
Sell me on it.
What's so good about it?
That's not Earthbound.
The only thing cheap about Dark Souls is the graphics and gameplay.
Yeah but who cares about the worst part of that series?
>westacuck shit
no thanks
Morrowind and Gothic are two sides of the same coin.
my problem with gothic is the godawful controls.
if GOG want me to buy it they should do this:
give it 360 controller support, find a way to get a 360 controller to work flawlessly with this game, even if it's some weird hack or plugin and then reupload the game. Do the same with Gothic 1.
there is absolutely no fucking point in playing this game in it's current state.
But user that's Witcher The Adventure Game not Witcher 2
yes, a smug anime reaction image. excellent rebuttal.
I’ve never played this or know much about it. Why is it considered the best rpg?
Runs like ass
How does it work in WINE?
>you have to click AND hold down a button to interact with objects
This confuses the amerimutt
tfw just started a half orc fighter/cleric. gonna rush flail of fags and rek shit all game
>403870412 (No (you)s for you you fuck
I don't like Gothic
Why would I play a RPG when I don't create the hero? You know typical shit like building a class, stating your character, picking your skills, etc.
He's going to give you a shit reply now too, or bait or ignore you. Just wait and see.
then why does morrowind look like a cookie?
That's not Arcanum
I own the CD and none of that money is going to PB, why should I give GoGshitters my cash?
You can literally do all of that, just not at the beginning
The cookie only renders texture from one side.
>a love letter to [insert video game]
How much of a cuck do you have to be to do this
Nice, I love The Witcher. Wait...
Your hero at the start is a blank slate that can be developed in a variety of ways. The only thing you cannot choose is his appearance and voice. I don't think you've even played the game, mate.
Because it's better than any other RPG to ever be made.
yes but the sound quality is pretty poor
You have it free on the pirate bay
>Why is it considered the best rpg?
It isn't.
The entire trilogy is 4 bucks or something like that during sale.
First 10 seconds of Gothic and Gothic 2 made me want to puke. These are supposed to be awesome WRPG's but a game shouldn't be so difficult to get into and aimless because of some "muh exclusive club" mentality.
You won't understand if you've never received a love letter.
Gothic is the Thief of RPG
It will simply be never appreciated by nu-males and casuals because they're too fucking retarded to figure it out
You literally have nothing else to do than to follow a road in both games at the beginning.
Women cant write and Im not a fag so good.
>difficult to get into
entirely subjective. only difficult thin in gothic is for new players to get acclimated to controls, which is something you do in five minutes if you're not retarded.
No, it's just about right. Those games are not "difficult to get into", you're just fucking retarded.
How is Gothic 2 compared to Gothic 1? I really liked the setting and exploration of the first game, though the end of the game got kind of repetitive.
Who bullied you in highschool soyboy?
Talk about overcompensating fatass.
I grabbed all three in the Steam sale but haven't attempted to get any of them running yet. Just how much of a ball ache am I in for, running in Windows 10?
It improves upon Gothic 1 in every way. Just don't get NOTR or Gothic Gold, because it comes preinstalled with NOTR, that expansion pack will spread your asshole so wide, an orc could wear you like a glove.
>Gothic is the Thief of RPG
As much as I love Gothic 1/2, classics in their own right, let's not go overboard.
The atmosphere is kind of different, but just as good.
Apart from that, it's the same, just bigger and more polished.
>Just don't get NOTR or Gothic Gold
There is no reason why he shouldnt get NoTR its not that fucking hard jesus christ and the additional content is too big to miss out on
hey, you were right. big surprise, huh?
The difficulty spike of NOTR when compared to vanilla Gothic 2 is fucking massive. You will get absolutely raped by everything unless you minmax right off the start or know a whole lot of tricks that make your life easier. Recommending NOTR, an expansion pack aimed at people that mastered Gothic 2, to someone that has never played Gothic 2 prior is just about the worst thing you could possibly do.
>There is no reason why he shouldnt get NoTR its not that fucking hard jesus christ
Yeah, it kinda is. It's going to blow the ever-loving shit out of new players coming from modern RPGs.
After playing Gothic 2 I will NEVER be able to go back to Morrowind
Morrowind feels so fucking dead, bland, and boring in comparison
This is almost fucking comedic how shitty Morrowind is compared to Gothic 2
I've played the Risen games and they're fucking terrible. I don't believe that company could "best RPG ever" their way out of a paper bag. Also I won't buy it because I've seen so many of these "best RPG ever" threads posted on Sup Forums that I now think you're trying to meme a piece of shit at me and I ain't havin' it.
I played NoTR without playing base Gothic 2 and was able to finish it so stop being faggots
What if I've played and finished all 3 Risen games?
Risen has as much in common with Gothic as Skyrim has in common with Daggerfall
I would advise newcomers to try playing gothic 1+2 with keyboard only, since it's tank controlled and mouse movement is wonky. Interacting with the environment is dependent on directional input, so opening and closing a chest would be ctrl+arrow key up/down.
You might be able to rebind it to a controller with xinput or something but I don't know how it works in practise
Only fucking retards complain about the controls
It LITERALLY takes 10 minutes to get used to the controls and after that they feel natural and very pleasant
If you can't get used to the controls then you're nothing but a retard, that's all
What's with aggressive replies every time somebody points out a flaw in this game? Is Gothic the Nintendo Cardboard of PC games?
>training in a rainstorm
wow that dude is hardcore
I bought the whole trilogy for less
Gothicfags are eternally mad because nobody plays their game.
They need to vent all that frustration somehow.
Just because it's not a classic control scheme it's not a flaw. It's your problem that you cannot deviate from what every other game taught you to do. The control scheme is serviceable and perfectly functional.
Literally me