um so why exactly is the Switch version of Dark Souls #11 on Amazon but the PS4 version is #71?
Did Nintendo seriously pay Amazon for higher product rankings?
um so why exactly is the Switch version of Dark Souls #11 on Amazon but the PS4 version is #71?
Did Nintendo seriously pay Amazon for higher product rankings?
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why is fucking cardboard outselling MONSTER HUNTER WORLD??? this makes me so fucking legit angry
PS4 players use their machine as Blu Ray players and fifa.
one of them you can take anywhere on a system that lets you play games instantly without mandatory updates or long boot times, the other does not
PS4 owners only play FIFA.
t. PS4 owner who just played hours of FIFA 18 (unironically)
>sonygroids are this delusional
it makes sense really
all the recent wojack posting is nothing but sonygroids trying to get the heat on nintendo because the switch didn't die and all they have to look forward to is more cinematic progressive interactive movies lmao
Why did you post outdated cover?
This is the first Souls game Nintendo only people have ever gotten to play. Playstation people have already played through all of them.
Same reason cardboard is selling more than real game.
Nintendo fanbase.
Fifa is shit
>PS4 is high resolution and sharp
>Switch runs at 480p
Fair enough
>Some still don't realize how much portability is a selling point for many gamers
Yank-tier post
it doesn't even have a release date or a price, only nintedponies are so dumb to buy it like that
>it doesn't even have a release date
It does.
>or a price
It does.
I can't decide between versions. I might fuck around and buy both. Anyone else doing so?
If I had to guess, i'd say most ps4 owners already played Dark Souls
>stylish designs
>satisfying tactile rotary dial
>comfortable large phone piece with plenty of room to caress your ear and reach your mouth
>fashionable midnight noir fiber cord
>superior calling experience
>doesn't need to be charged or anything as rubbish as that
>available 100% of the time you're available to talk (seriously only neckbeards actually need to talk to someone outside, if you're not home then you should be doing something productive like work or errands)
I laugh when portable peasants think there's any chance their silly movable handsets could possibly succeed.
Phones have been stationary since the beginning and that's the way they'll stay.
kek good post user
In silky smooth 10 fps
there's nothing else to play on the switch while you could've been playing play dark souls 2, 3 and bloodborne on the PS4
Are all anti nintendo fags this retarded?
Playstation players played the game when it came out seven years ago.
>Did Nintendo seriously pay Amazon for higher product rankings?
The absolute state of Nintendo haters
Soon you'll go to 128p with that shitposting.
Every single day, claimed resolution goes lower and lower.
From 1080p to 900p to 720p in docked mode, from 720p to 600p to 544p to 480p in portable mode over past few days.
>Just Dance 2014
>Horizon Zero Awards
>Final Fantasy XV
Literally kill yourself, scum
>without mandatory updates or long boot times
This isn't true at all. The Switch not only has longer load times due to its CPU bottleneck, but it has mandatory updates taht constantly pester you even outside of sleep mode, that are mandatory for online features.
Because the Switch offers something unique in portability where as if I want to play the game in high fidelity I'll just get it on PC instead of PS4.
He's not wrong, Xenoblade often runs at 480p. Most portable mode Switch games run and look like shit.
Man this is so uncanny seeing years and years of shitposting about the Vita, and seeing it as the sole reason the Switch is defended for being a complete port machine. Sup Forums is strange when it comes to Nintendo.
Funny still is the Switch is fucking huge, has a complete shit battery life, and the majority of owners don't even take it outside their house and if they do, likely don't own a car and are complete social rejects.
>The Switch not only has longer load times due to its CPU bottleneck
blatantly false, almost all multiplat games load fastest on switch. The few exceptions are due to the developers compressing the games down to try and skimp out and use a smaller cartridge capacity (although in some cases, like rayman legends, the slow load times as a result of this were patched later anyway)
>but it has mandatory updates taht constantly pester you even outside of sleep mode, that are mandatory for online features.
also blatantly false, none of the updates are ever mandatory except for online-only games/modes such as splat 2. Anything single player never requires a patch, you always have the option to skip the update installation.
xenoblade is the exception rather than the rule, it's by far the worst-looking first party game in portable mode, it clearly wasn't optimized well for it. As far as I'm aware, it's the only first party title that goes to such low resolutions, especially as frequently as it does. That all said, it looks ok on the switch's small screen size - not great or particularly good, but ok.
why do you have a nip copy of Nier Automata?
Xenoblade has a known memory leak that causes these problems (due to being rushed)
Stop using a single example to pretend that ALL Switch games do this
>blatantly false, almost all multiplat games load fastest on switch.
Wrong. Doom takes longer to load, Revelations pack, Yooka Laylee, fuck even some indie games. You are a fucking moron.
Its not compression, the switch simply can't handle heavy assets and still takes its time loading.
> none of the updates are ever mandatory
Bu you literally just countered your own point. The same goes for the PS4. If you never go online, you never have to update.
>Anything single player never requires a patch
Blatently false, games require certain firmware versions. They even do this on the 3DS. You cannot play a newer game without updating post firmware patch.
>xenoblade is the exception
What about Doom? Countless indie games?
Rocket League?
Bitch please, I own a Switch and see it all the time. Even Snake Pass looks like complete shit and is likely below 480p
Many do though.
I've always been quite interested in the Vita, because it is a genuinely impressive piece of technology, but it simply never had the library to appeal to me. The Switch does.
Also, do note the sheer amount of shitposting concerning anything Nintendo related on this board these last couple of months.
Because Nintenbros never played Dark Souls, people who have PS4/Xbox/PC played it a long time ago, so there's bound to have more people from the Nintendo side buying it
>The Switch does.
So the Vita needed Wii U ports? I'm not seeing much of a difference.
doom and revelations are heavily compressed, this is well known as a quick google will verify. YL has almost identical load times to the other console versions so I don't know where you're pulling that from.
>Bu you literally just countered your own point. The same goes for the PS4. If you never go online, you never have to update.
on switch the updates are optional regardless of if you're online or not, you don't have to force yourself offline to bypass any of them.
>Blatently false, games require certain firmware versions. They even do this on the 3DS. You cannot play a newer game without updating post firmware patch.
name any offline game that has done this yet
>What about Doom? Countless indie games?
>Rocket League?
he said first party game
>What about Doom? Countless indie games?
>Rocket League?
>"it's by far the worst-looking FIRST PARTY game in portable mode, it clearly wasn't optimized well for it. As far as I'm aware, it's the only FIRST PARTY TITLE that goes to such low resolutions"
Vita had a shit lineup even if you count ports for the first years.
Switch has ports of actually good games that most people didn't play because they were on a console that flopped and even 1 or 2 really good 1st party games.
The problem with Vita was the shitty amount of support that it received from Sony, the fact that it was marketed as something that it wasn't able to do and the memory cards that costed way too fucking much.
>YL has almost identical load times to the other console versions so I don't know where you're pulling that from.
Load times are longer, generally a trend with the weaker switch performance.
>on switch the updates are optional regardless of if you're online or not
As they are on the PS4, you just disabled auto update
>name any offline game that has done this yet
Are you fucking serious? Nintendo does this all the time. When a new wave/bigger game releases, they ship games with the new console firmware. They did this more than yearly during the 3DS lifespan.
The issue with "first party games" is that all of them are ports. We will see more performance issues manifest once they start making actual games for the console.
Everyone with a PS that has any interest in DS played it years ago.
Sony supported it pretty heavily the first few years though. I'm not sure what you mean. It just didn't have strong third party backing until later. Neither does the Switch now, just a good advert campaign and living off a corpse.
nigga at least post the timestamp I'm not watching a 10 minute video just to know what the loadtimes actually are
But DS is confirmed to be 1080p so the obvious fanboy shitposting is just even more obvious
The switch has a better lineup of original games already than the Vita has
99% of sonygros only play FIFA
not that user but what did the vita have in its first few years then?
>not holding your hand behind your shit in the picture
Your doing it wrong. Also be black for maximum shitpost potential.
You say that as if it were a bad thing. Get some friends, loser.
If by "supported it pretty heavily" you mean they literally outsourced every single first party game they had then abandoned the entire system after just 2 years then sure.
Its 720p in portable. Its also the only version to run at 30 fps with (likely) performance dips.
>Its also the only version to run at 30 fps with (likely) performance dips.
not true when the ps3 version exists
The Switch screen itself is only 720p.
Vita was a crap with its poop processor it could not do action games unless they looked like a ps2 game, on top of having a 3ds tier sticks.
What the actual fuck is wrong with the Nintendo fanbase? They're actually buying the cardboard? What? Why? It's gotta be pajeet scalpers.
While breath of the wild does not drop it's resolution it's framerate often dips into single digits. Especially around ganons castle and kokiri forest.
Let me see:
Wipeout 2048, Little Big Planet, Killzone Mercs, Call of Duty, Resistance something, Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice, Playstation All Stars, Helldivers, Ecolibrium, a few collections, Little Deviants, everybodys golf 6, Escape Plan, Freedom Wars (a later game I think), Tearaway, Uncharted GA, Oreshika 2, and I'm sure a few others. This was on top of third party stuff at the time. I think they just mishandled early games and advertising.
I can't speak for why the Vita hasn't been more successful, I can only speak for myself. There aren't really any games I'd specifically buy a Vita for, while Switch has Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 with a bunch of Wii U ports on the side. It's also worth mentioning that BotW isn't technically a port any more than Persona 5 is, it's just a game released on two systems.
PS3 version runs at 60fps. At least it does on mine.
The PS3 has the remastered Dark Souls?
Yes and? I imagine the performance will require res scaling. Even fucking Mario has res scaling and model swaps and nothing happens in that game.
I went back to look at the first year of vita games, the only 2 that I even bothered playing were weebshit not from Sony, the rest was crap.
>scalping cardboard
don't they realize what massive amount of cutouts they can produce since it's just cardboard?
Am I on the only one not fauning over a Remaster? Dark Souls was fun for its time, but wasn't the PvP--a major component of the game, broken beyond repair?
It did fine for Soul Sacrifice. I get it though, you don't like portables. Just don't pretend the Switch controls are any good with those also shitty sticks and terrible d pad.
>Why are people buying this thing!?!
Because they like it.
>But I hate it!
That's ok, other people don't.
>Look at all these reasons I hate it.
I don't really mind that.
>That's because you are a retard!
Welcome to a Switch thread.
Tearaway was so cool in that you could print out papercraft sheets of the models in the game and make little diorama models of them.
I thought it would be really cool if a new Paper Mario had the same thing. Nintendo just took that to the next level
>but wasn't the PvP--a major component of the game, broken beyond repair?
Yeah, but has that ever not been the case with a Souls game?
>Support doesnt count if I don't like it
That's not how it works child.
>Shitty sticks
Literally what? The dpad your right but the sticks?
no it doesn't, it was 30 with really bad dips
Bloodborne isn't terrible
Technically not a Souls game, but it's the next logical progression in regards to game play
bing bing bonfire lit wahoo
The switch sticks are real console grade stuff. The vita nub was 3ds tier.
Also soul sacrifice looks like a ps2 game in motion, thanks for proving my point
Yes, the sticks are shit. They are tiny, have awful dead zones, and have shit grip. They still feel like they are from a portable console, not having the same tactile feedback from a real console.
Switch has more games that people want. Also, better performance.
I wouldn't go that far. The sticks while functional are not the most accurate. This is by design. take a look at the breakdown and you will see exactly why that is the case. They are however waaay better than the vita nubs.
LMAO that user is LITERALLY SEETHING at the fact that the Switch is a success and the Vita was a failure.
It's like he's just learning that games (that people want) move consoles.
not him but the PS3 version of DS targets 30 fps and manages to get below 10 fps in some areas.
60 fps is something only achieved by the PC version until now.
I dont see how the Vita is anywhere near the 3DS when it comes to the circle pad. The circle bad was a piece of flimsy plastic with no grip.
>Also soul sacrifice looks like a ps2 game
Not at all. Feel free to show me a large amount of PS2 games that look like this.
>Good performance
I don't think so.
you are actually delusional
Please stop contributing to console war bullshit.
How am I seething? You are the one passively posting while not addressing my directly. If anything, it just shows you are insecure.
We can mic or videochat if you want to discuss this? Or are you going to avoid direct content with me with passive aggressive posts instead?
>and nothing happens in that game.
what does that even mean
mario odyssey, splattoon 2, and mk8 all run in 60fps in handheld mode. That's good performance.
People on PS4 already have the original non remaster
People on switch have never had any dark souls on their system
You do the math you fucking retard
What, you've never wanted to play 30fps/720p Dark Souls on a park bench for an hour before needing to charge it?
Because of people with kids
>Wipeout 2048
>Little Big Planet
>Killzone Mercs
>Call of Duty
>Gravity Rush
83 (only games I actually think it's worth something from this lineup)
>Soul Sacrifice
>Playstation All Stars
not even enough reviews to warrant a metacritic score
>Little Deviants
>everybodys golf 6
>Escape Plan
87 possibly the only other game except from gravity rush that is actually good
>Uncharted GA
>Oreshika 2
if you actually think this is a good lineup compared to the switch you are mental.
inb4 Nintendo bonus