Why is this upsetting Sup Forums so much? It’s just a cheap cardboard gimmick that’s literally only used for two games. You don’t have to buy it.
Nintendo Labo
I would say that probably 80% of people "upset" by this don't even own a Switch.
Soy xd
they do it for the (you)s
he meant cheaply made I'm guessing
Most of it is shitposting, while a select few of the posts seeming like they're genuinely upset by this existing thinking it somehow means Nintendo won't keep making games.
Because of the "it's OK when Nintendo do it!" mindset
If this was anyone else, Microsoft or Sony, everyone would rightly laugh their ass off at it. But since it's Nintendo, it's OK
Newfags thing the shitposting is ironic and hilarious, like my brother did last night when he found out about Labo and starting shitting up the catalog with cardboard threads
if sony did the same shit sonybros would go and defend it. don't pretend like they wouldn't
This. Same with everything else Sup Forums constantly complains about. No one here ever encounters SJWs outside of twitter.
>If this was anyone else, Microsoft or Sony
Their respective shit eaters would defend it to the death. Yes.
Besides what is saying,
It's ridiculous to pay $350 to play with cardboard that should cost all of $1.00 and your imagination, combined with the fact that Nintendo's pouring resources into this when they could be using it to make great games.
The initial launch games have me very skeptical, but I can see labos being a nice pack-in for games that aren't necessarily made for labo use but would benefit from "controller accessories"
Imagine a new star fox game coming with a labo that turns your joycons into a joystick and throttle
How do you know that when this is the first time any company has done this?
I want to see the soyboys doubling down on this now that it's clearly a console for little children
if you are a nintendo fan overtly on Sup Forums now you are a child
you have to be 18 to post here user, go back
Nintendo has done plenty of wacky shit like this before. The problem is that a huge portion of Sup Forums was born in 1998 or later.
This mindset only exists if you view it through a lens of fanboyism. There are always people that will defend Nintendo's decisions, good or bad, just as there are people that will always defend Sony's or Microsoft's decisions, good or bad. You absolutely know that if it were Sony that did this you'd see a lot of people defending and praising it.
Bs...I thought VR was a meme and have bashed it from day one.
>Imagine a new star fox game coming with a labo that turns your joycons into a joystick and throttle
imagine seeing that cool idea locked behind scalpers charging $300
>thinking these 2 (two) games are developed by the same people who make games likes metroid prime 4 and other upcoming titles
yall fucking stupid holy shit
With this many threads about Labo, I kind of wonder what would happen to Sup Forums if they slammed a full Direct on top of this.
The price and people just wanna shit post. Seriously though 80$ for fucking card board? Showed the labo to my younger siblings and they all said it looked stupid compared to phone vr.
>I’m too young to remember the eyetoy
Good thing you can just print out the cardboard designs and make your own!
My point is no company has made DIY cardboard peripherals to interact with specific software, some of which is educational.
kek btfo
A fucking cardboard flight stick that you can't apply any force to or it'll crumble sounds fucking awful.
>Why is a board to discuss videogames that a company releases cardboard at the price of gold for their underpowered console that betrayed the core gaming market for adults but again focuses on kids?
Well said user, here, have a taste of "milk"
sony used to shit out and immediately forget peripherals once a month.
they dedicated 20 minutes of an E3 to that wonderbook shit. the difference is nobody sat and argued in favor of it.
Pretty sure he wasn't disagreeing with you.
>a toy made with actual quality is the same as a few piece of cardboard that you could cut out of a box of cereal.
Don't care for the game, clearly not marketed for me so I'm just gonna ignore this game and move on with my life instead of sperging out on Sup Forums
"Sony fans" are the same people who switched from xbox because the PS4 was the definitive big boy console of this generation. Don't even pretend those guys will be even half as autistic as nintendies.
Except the Labo kits include potentially great games, which is why they cost so much. It's not the cardboard that's $70, it's the software, you fucking moron.
No you won't you'll read people spurging and will defend the labo or join the shitposts until the hive mind says do something else
Counterpoint: Nintendo has always been a toy company whose core products are aimed at younger audiences and now you're old enough to realize it.
>You don’t have to buy it
every time
Sony could announce a literal log of shit that recharges your controller and they would eat it up
You’re acting as if this is the only thing for the switch
I'm not even mad, hope they give me a cardboard cannon option to play Prime 4
>a new star fox game
Honestly I would rather see ideas like that being used on things totally unrelated to previous IPs, don't merge the markets.
>can't refute it
Every time.
Literally no one gave a single shit about any of the gimmick shit Sony released in the past decade. Not even their VR shit is really that popular.
Meanwhile literal garbage like amiboo and labo is selling well.
Is it not? Switch is the reign of ports from their older consoles and indie shit. Name a single game that could interest someone who spent hours with Uncharted and Killzone, then.
You got me user, I'm enjoying all the sperging out from everyone over a product that no one here is ever gonna buy
>R.O.B. was a good toy
Oh lord
Truly, the future of gaming
>durr cardboard = box durr Spingebib predicts future agen durrr
Neck you'r self
Atleast it aint 600 bucks
>It’s just a cheap cardboard gimmick that’s literally only used for two games.
> gimmick
I take offense to this. This is Nintendo's hand at creating a makerspace/DIY platform with the Switch. Just wait till it comes out and you see all the cool stuff people make with it. JUST WAIT TILL HOMEBREW GETS A HOLD OF THIS. Then you'll see broski.
All that butthurt. Go play with your cardboard box, fag
Because children need to fuck off to their minecraft and mobile games and leave the consoles to the big boys.
Nintendo is a toy company and always has been. Trying to directly compare them to conglomerates like Sony and Microsoft is a fallacy that's been going on since the 90s.
My rob still is here today my old cereal box cut outs aren't.
>mfw "cardboard compatible will be a thing soon
>Name a single game that could interest someone who spent hours with Uncharted and Killzone, then.
well there's not much for people with shit taste but zelda is objectively better as an exploration game than anything else that naughty dog or ubi have shat out
>couldn't afford
Yeah he paid the 80$ Nintendo tax.
If it’s all carbonara desgins dose that mean i can finally download a car?
Nigger, better options for DIY robotics existed for at least 2 decades.
Nintendo realised that the only way of stopping manchildren in the making not outgrowing their childhood toys is to make them disintegrate along the way.
I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch games play themselves.
sony does not have the imagination to do this.
Sony already did something equally embarrassing that was forgotten shortly after, it's called Wonderbook.
Sup Forums doesn't like video games, it likes getting angry at video games
nigga whut, people are laughing at it right now. it's why OP made the thread
Sony doesn't have the imagination to try and jew people out of $80 for a cardboard peripheral?
Yeah, probably not
i don't like it cause its a waste.
its looks like an indie kickstarter thing, but due to the fact that a company is doing this.
>DIY kits are now something innovative
I swear, Nintendies will label this as something that Nintendo invented just like with any other product nintendo ever did.
Who the fuck is defending it?
>It's for kids!
>It's just a bit of fun!
>I'm buying 2, fuck you!
>everyone loses their shit over it immediately on Sup Forums
>still using this pathetic "I-I-I'm only shitposting because if I wasn't no one would s-say a bad thing about it"
Hell I don't own a switch and I'm not autistic so I realize this is purely for kids 12 and under.
Its a great victoy for the Sony dominion and basically destroys the notion that Nintendo isn't exclusively a kids platform
>It's for kids!
>It's just a bit of fun!
How are these invalid? You don't have to be the target audience of everything they put out. Sure the price might be a bit out there but at least Nintendo is always trying to be different instead of releasing incremental improvements.
Does Sony have a fan base of children? No they market 100% of their shit to adults, so yes it would be retarded if Sony did it. But Nintendo markets to children as well as adults making this 100% marketed to children. If Sony or Microsoft did this shit then you should be angry at it.
>>it’s for kids
All video games and video game peripherals are meant for children. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.
Commercially available DIY kits that allow you to actually play games with motion controls in a new way? I don't think that's been done before aside from barebones Google cardboard shit. So yeah, I'd say it's pretty innovative.
>f-finally I will be recognized as an adult based on which console I own
I'd laugh in your face right now if I could.
>inb4 nintenbro+wojak95.jpg
>The year Nintendo sold cardboard to their loyal customers and they defended it
>Maximum damage control
>Sony isn’t a kids platform
not arguing just realize.
other consoles make games for adults
children play them
nintendo make games for children
adults play them
The only problem with this garbage is that it's $70. Outside of that it's perfectly fine.
>damage control
This is edgy contrarian bait at this point.
If it was ms or Sony it would be joked about for a day and never ever ever mentioned again. Like Invizimals. Like Blunder Book or Kinect Sports or the PS Move
>make games for adults
>I-I'm not even a Nintenkiddie guys I s-swear!
I own a Switch, this is true.
>50000 B.C.
>the year Unga Bunga sold cloth and paint to his loyal dealers and they defended it
1. It means Nintendo is spending time, money, and manpower on some bullshit that isn't a new and good game.
2. It reminds Nintenbros that they bought a console meant for children.
You can’t refute my argument
>being this desperate to shitpost
Slow day eh user?
>Playing pretend with cardboard boxes is the same as the Mona Lisa
The absolute state of the Nintendo defense force right now
Some people fell for the "it's a real console this time, and not cheap gimmicks" meme
What argument?
> Sup Forums is a mongolian origami teaching board
> nintendo brings origami to videogames