What is the most Soycore franchise in gaming besides pic related?
What is the most Soycore franchise in gaming besides pic related?
Every Nintendo IP.
Movies probably that or Harry Potter but gaming? The SNES star wars games were the tits, you had that PS1 beat em up based on the Phantom menace that was cool and Rogue Squadron and the Jedi games on PC plus the AoE clone. And dont forget about Republic Comando and the og Battlefront 2.
Pokemon has the soyest fanbase in gaming.
>star wars is not soycore
found the soyboi
>galaxies pre-cu
>jedi knight/movie battles 2
>kotor tsl
>episode i racer
>rogue leader
stay mad pleb
nigger star wars is maximum soycore
Anti-SJWs have truly bent this place over and fucked it in the ass. There's no value left to be had in Sup Forums any longer.
only after bob iger bought it
You have to go back.
Yeah l too arrived here after 2012 and l'm wondering how can we remove these problematic assh*les from this sub :(
Is soy the fastest an insult has completely lost any attachment to its original meaning on Sup Forums? Even cuck kept its implications for a year or two before just becoming a shinier version of fag.
adults who like zelda
adults who like mario
adults who like pokemon
Everything Blizzard
He is like a caricature.
>blue eyed aryan link saves damsel in distress
You meant NO Nintendo IP, right?
I would say soyboy is still pretty specific user.
>white aryan male saves damsel in distress
>white male saves damsel in distress
>poke girls
Nice try user
Then why do they flock to it?
Nothing "soy" about Star Wars or anything Western. Only Jap trash. All they eat is soy after all.
Because girls are buying it, and they need to orbit girls
You're dumb. Mario is an elaborate cuck fantasy with bowser as the bull. There are literally so many soy switchers.
Girls don't play games. You're in damage control.
Only retards and Redditors misuse cuck. It’s evolved definition means a blind fanboy enjoying a group or company rape the things they like.
Soy is hardly considered an insult anyway. How did anyone think that doesn't make the person using it look like a pussy is beyond me.
It's always the stupidest and most insecure faggots that love repeating words because they're desperate to be part of an "in crowd" on a board full of anonymous nobodies.
>Y-you're in damage control
Girls are buying it because men are buying it
Easily Pokemon, but Mario and Zelda are also up there.
>Mario is an elaborate cuck fantasy with bowser as the bull
Projecting this hard
that must be why there's no japanese chads
Or it just pisses people like you off.
>Mario is an elaborate cuck fantasy with bowser as the bull
This is the D U M B E S T thing I've seen on Sup Forums, you haven't even played fucking MARIO?! It's a fucking childs game and Sup Forums hasn't even fucking played it.