The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun, I think I might end up actually leveling every single combat class to 70. Normally I get bored of games when the story is done, but this one's gameplay is a blast.
Anyone else know this feel?
The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun, I think I might end up actually leveling every single combat class to 70. Normally I get bored of games when the story is done, but this one's gameplay is a blast.
Anyone else know this feel?
>The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun
Not sure if serious
the combat in FFXIV is fucking awful, what are you on about
Take your shitty pseudo-general to /vg/.
Haha yeah I'm on board with yo-.
>Aurum Vale
>'Main Scenario'
>Basically anything pre-Heavensward
Sell me ff14 but I cant decide between this, ESO or bless (Which ill try when it comes out)
You have serious brain issues if you consider the XIV dungeons fun in any way, shape or form.
This game is boring. It's more of a grind than any other mmorpg I've played. It has some of the worst patch quests to connect the base game to heavensward. The combat is bad, the community is bad (unless you LOVE trannies and repressed trannies in which case you'll feel at home) the story is boring the characters are boring the cities are boring the classes are boring. This game can be summed up by one word and that's boring. Worst mmorpg I've played by far.
Liveletter tomorrow. Are you hyped?
Aurum Vale is fine, you're just a brainlet who sucks at it
do the free trial. If something doesn't grab you, chances are you aren't gonna play long enough to justify paying sub+game/expansion
I almost forgot.
Eh, I'll catch up when I wake up.
Aurum Vale just entirely depends on your groups ability to not pull everything in the first room by having the DPS/healer stand a fucking mile from the tank.
The endless Satasha/Tam Tara gets old though.
Id give it a try when amazon stops sending me fidget spinners and gives me my i7 like theyre supposed to
What, are you crazy?
The dungeons are all copy paste and incredibly monotonous, there is no way you are right in the head if you think they are fun.
>tfw running aurum vale for exp
>want to pull every mob in the first room
>party gets mad at me
>The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun, I think I might end up actually leveling every single combat class to 70. Normally I get bored of games when the story is done, but this one's gameplay is a blast.
>Anyone else know this feel?
I liked FF XIV but subbing is stupid and the community was cancerous. Waiting for like an hour to get matched into a party for a dungeon just to have someone drop out (multiple times!) was maddening and made me give up
I like to pretend that post was actually Mr. Happy satirizing himself.
just play a tank or healer.
The only fun classes are dps. The only cool tank class is so much worse than the others and being a healer is fucking lame.
So I'm currently unsubbed for a few months now, normally I play on ps4. Is there any trick to being able to play the pc version as a trial or would I have to create a new account?
My God the game has been more stale then a witches tits for 5MONTHS how anyone can do the same 4 end game dungeons for 5 months you have to be retarded
I want to try ff14 because of a shill video I saw but one looks at the playable races like lalafel at those cat boy twinks made me realise this community might be very cringy.
A lot of the dungeons are just routine fighta. But every once in a while Square throws in some gimmick or something to watch out for, that's when things get fun imo.
>cat boy twinks
How can you say this then complain about cringe in the same sentence? I mean you're not wrong, you will physically recoil from a lot of the shit you read and hear in this game if you play it. It's painful how many toddlercons and age play fags there are, but from the look of things you are definitely not any better and you'll probably fit right in.
>4.1 managed to be worse than 3.1
its impressive, honestly.
It is. Lalafel are the biggest obnoxious memers in the game and there's a shitton of other degenerates no matter where you go. Best bet is to find a raid group and only interact with them while hoping they aren't terrible people.
Only if you get yourself wrapped up with them on certain servers. Most people will stay out of your way, but if you play a skimpy female character you're bound to get creeped on eventually.
Sohm Al (hard) is fun tho
By not doing the same endgame dungeons for 5 months? I've been leveling every class, that means running the whole list of dungeons from 15-70.
>The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun,
But they're not gone!
>reddit spacing a sentence
The best way to cap tomes of the month is running expert roulette we all know this
>The only cool tank class is so much worse than the others
But Paladin is objectively the best and coolest tank
The dungeons are fun but leveling combat classes in them is painful due to the queues taking as long as the actual dungeon runs.
>running 1 dungeon a day
wew lad
>bring back zergfest frontlines
Do you not remember 3.1? As boring as right now is, it doesn't even fucking compare to the boredom 3.1 was.
The only thing 3.1 has that we don't have now is a couple of lame uninspired relic steps, and an extra 2 months of dead patch time.
>love white mage robe
>don't want to be a healslut
Almost done with my crafter tools. Here's hoping the reqs aren't insane, I can't afford to overmeld tier 6 and 5 materia
As somebody who played PVP in many different games and genres, the more participants there are the worse the game is. Battlegrounds are ideal with 2 sides of 8-12 people each. Fuck off with that 72 shit.
Your fault for picking an Aether server.
Then dont? I like to mix armor with white robes.
Yeah of course I do one dungeon day because I been doing the same dungeons for months lol.
i do remember it. at least we got thordan ex unless you were shit enough to give up on that like you probably did gordias.
DPS as a healer then? WHM has the highest DPS (numerically at least, SCH tends to do more cause the fairy picks up the slack which gives them more chances to actually do damage) out of the support classes. Juggling support and damage is pretty fun.
NIP-SAN:well in finaru fantajew xiv you should stand in front of monster and autocombat!!
Now that I've unsubbed: KILL YOU'RESELFS /vg/ SHILLS
Why even stay subbed for one dungeon a day? I only pay the sub because ffxiv is the only game I play right now. As soon as i get bored, sub ends.
It has the best dungeons in Final Fantasy
Just make it so Seal Rock is the one that's played. Hate how even if you queue roulette you get put in Secure or Shatter, never Seal Rock
Shinryu's theme > Heroes
I'm getting this shit, anyone know how to fix it?
and unless i'm mistaken, we got bahamut this patch. Did you give up on that already?
You're not one of those "midcore" cocksuckers who're too shit for ex but complain about everything being too easy, are you?
Reboot computer then try again.
If doesnt work, you can try deleting the ffxiv_boot.cfg file and running again.
I had that problem yesterday too and it really didn't go away even after I turned my pc off
The only reason I'm interested in bless online. Lalafell look too much like children. Anything that ff14 does RIGHT? Its either this or bless and ive never olayed an eastern mmo before.
Free trial up to level 35.
Then don't queue roulette. You can force pops of Seal Rock just by queueing it during good times, and it'll put roulette people into your game.
>The dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV are so much fun, I think I might end up actually leveling every single combat class to 70
Are you okay?
Do you have braindamage?
i never attempted it because its obviously for the 1% by being a 20 minute endurance test where nobody can be shit. i dont mind hard fights but the longer they are, the more bullshit they become to prog due to how human error works. i also dont complain about the game being easy because thats what makes it possible to get anything done. i complain about the devs introducing gimmicks and facebook games like perform and voyages and calling that content.
>play a tank or healer
Healer is only fun for 5 mans where you actually are an additional dps class who keeps the party alive. Any kind of serious content it's just not my cup of tea.
you are the reason this game has no content
Last time I tried I was in queue for over an hour with no match up and popped a shatter match in 10 minutes after I gave up
>Basically anything pre-Heavensward
This is just wrong. Wanderer's Palace and Amdapor Keep still stand among the best dungeons of all time. They were unique and had interesting mechanics, and were pretty fun to do back in the day before the roulette system was added. Source: I grinded myth tomes on both AK and WP in 2.0.
In addition to those, other good pre-HW dungeons include Pharos Sirius pre-nerf because it had real mechanics before Light Party was completely nerfed, Brayflox HM because that's basically the best speedrun dungeon there is, and probably the cause for them to gate everything afterwards, Sunker Temple of Qarn HM is also a lot of fun, and has pretty good boss fights, too. Basically the only trash ARR dungeons are going to be the pre-50 leveling dungeons.
>Healer is only fun for 5 mans where you actually are an additional dps class who keeps the party alive. Any kind of serious content it's just not my cup of tea.
Congratulations, you'd make a fantastic White Mage.
>you'd make a fantastic White Mage
it's the only healing class I have capped
Nobody runs any of those dungeons though. They give shit exp you're better off running aurum vale a few more times then go straight to dusk vigil
Best XIV Dungeons:
Tam-Tara Deepcroft
Haukke Manor
Dzemael Darkhold
Wanderer's Palace
Lost City of Amdapor
Keeper of the Lake
Sohm Al
Great Gubal Library
Baelsar's Wall
Bardam's Mettle
Doma Castle
Ala Mhigo
Kugane Castle
Who should we thank the most in group pve?
Well I'm surprised you responded to my shitpost/falseflagging seriously, and yeah I agree with you wholeheartedly.
But I still don't know why you think 4.1 is less interesting than 3.1. Yeah sure, the current primal is definitely worse than Thordan, but 3.1 had jack shit outside of Thordan. That was the patch that they threw Thordan, Void Ark and fucking LoV which nobody actually plays all together quickly into a patch right after the 7 month long vacation that followed 3.0.
Maybe you should try PvP sometime.
All roles. We'd be boned without each other but much more happy if we were nicer to one another.
Kugane castle unironically my favorite
For low level dungeons i like brayflox's longstop
Well shit. I guess you could try Red Mage then. Off heals and clutch rezzing is fun.
Healer is the only one that cannot be replaced by another dps/tank
didn't we have 5 man warrior parties in heavensward?
>tfw you single-handedly save a trial by rezzing the healers after they die and also throwing out some vercures during the battle
Feels good man
>still don't have that caster set
God damn it one day they'll drop.
thordan was just that good honestly. shinryu ex was actually worse than the normal mode in my eyes and deltascape is so worn and old that i never want to step foot in there again. plus sb so far is a worse xpac than hw,
its not even funny so thats a big part of it
Isn't Bless already dead?
wow, that might just about be the only "little" race in an mmo that doesn't trigger uncontrollable irrational rage in me
In synced Savage raid, none can be replaced by each other. Healers and tanks can't reach the DPS numbers required to beat enrage, RDM doesn't have the group heals, and no DPS could take the damage, or have access to provoke.
Since 4.0 you are guaranteed one drop for your role at the end of the dungeon. Just grind it out and keep whatever parts you already own in your inventory you should have the full set after a couple of runs.
no college classes on friday so I'm excited to see what class changes are coming up. I hope they beef up DRKs kit. Not excited at all about Byakko or Diadem 2.0 though. Honestly what I'm absolutely most looking forward to for the future of XIV is the Ivalice raids, but we're not getting another one for awhile.
Just fast run the dungeon with your goonsquad?
My man.
Have you flipped off a stage too?
Keep in mind this is only for dungeons that aren't lv 50, 60, or 70
please fuck off, 72mans were absolute cancer from a gameplay perspective and a matchmaking system perspective
Should also have a
>2.5 GCD!
there's dyeable variants of all the brayflox shit available at the pvp vendors inside the ship
>that zurvan EX clear with 4 wars and 4 plds when zurvan was relevant
Tanks are the best job in ff14, they are actually the Jack-of-all-trades class
can dps
can heal
can mitigate damage
Nope never flipped off the platform I'm too self-aware and cautious for that. I'm more likely to specifically position myself to avoid mechanics with the jump rathee than accidentally fall off
Failed twice, once in russia and again in korea. The game is getting a rework/revisioning and coming to the west this year.
The trick is to not kill the morbol fruit and let them hatch since the seedlings will give waay more exp. Only worth it if you are within the dungeon's level range though
When i go in as dps i do that but for some reason when i tank or heal the dps always rush to kill the fruits before they hatch, pretty lame