Should I buy a ps4, xbox1, or switch?

I haven't bought a new console since the 360 which broke on me years ago. My favorite console was the ps2. I don't know a lot about consoles but I liked playstation back in the day.

Buy whichever system has the games you want to play.

I'm on the fence of buying a switch, but I am still unsure, how do nintenfagsoybois would convince me?

it depends on the kind of games you like really. the best option would of course be to build a PC but if you can't afford it or don't want one for other reasons I'd probably get a PS4 and call it a day, you get multiplats and some quality exclusives for all gaming tastes. the switch has a library right now consists of a good zelda game (not exceptional imo, emulated it on cemu), what seems to be a good mario game and a subpar jrpg (xc2), plus a bunch of switch ports; a game akin to zelda is what the ps4 misses, because you have a great collectathon in A Hat in Time to go toe to toe with Mario and a plethora of superior jrpgs to take a dump on xc2.

really, just look at the games it has and think about it
>inb4 "no games, fag"
in my case, i never bought or played the Wii U, so ports are basically new games.

Build a PC if you're not pisspoor.

I meant a bunch of wii u ports, of course

What would I be playing on pc?

>Biggest game library in existence
You tell me, I'm not a fucking mind reader.


ps4: bloodborne, gravity rush
switch: octopath traveler, odyssey, splatoon
bone: halo
pc: everything but the above

did i miss anything?

Switch maybe worth it if you passed on the PiiPuu, as Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon are worth playing along with whatever else they port from the WiiU (pretty sure Nintendo is porting the entire console over to Switch at this point).

Otherwise get a PS4: larger player base so if multiplat multiplayer is your thing you'll find games easier.

every multiplatform game ever released, plus you can emulate up to the ps2 generation

nu-Sup Forums killed wojak

>Biggest entrance pricecap in existence, worst optimization in existence

xc2 for the switch, h:zd and unchartmeme on the ps4 (persona 5 is emulatable ig)

Get a PS4 or a Switch, or even a PC like other anons have said. But if you have to get a console instead of PC, make it a PS4 or Switch. Xbone doesn't have many games and a lot end up on Windows 10.

you can even emulate wii u

Buy a cardboard box

If you have a PC, Switch is the best choice for exclusives. If not, PS4 has the best overall library.

Join the only master race and stomp the soytentoddlers into the fucking mud patch

Barely, CEMU is made for BotW first, every other game is an afterthought. You still can't even muddle through W101.

that wasn't part of the question desu