Block Spamming: The game
Block Spamming: The game
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What is teleport behind u?
Block spamming? How do you spam block?
It's not his fault you suck at opening up the opponent.
are you fags really this easy to b8?
Can you throw in this game? Throw them.
Did you expect any less from Sup Forums?
not surprised this game is fucking terrible. it will be dead in 2 weeks when the casual retards all leave.
When the bait is soo much stupid its necessary to point that out...shitposter might think he "won" But way more people finds out he is stupid soo everybody wins.
>DBZ is shit
>MvC Infinite is shit
>Cross tag battle is dlc shit
>Dissidia NT is shit
>SFV:AE is shit
Are fighting games a dying genre?
only the first three are correct.
>Implying anyone ever cared about being baited or not
Replying to stupid posts is a guaranteed feelgood effect
A genre for niggers and retarded weebs.
Nope just look how many fighting games you liste.
>but it sucks
Says faggot that Nobody cares
You're an idiot. This is the real list.
DBFZ is hella good, MVCI is shit, idgaf about Cross Tag or whatever, Dissidia is fun, SFV is shit.
But Tekken is the best.
They've always been niche, and if there are no good games, enthusiasts will make their own. That's how Skullgirls happened.
Wasn't there a pastebin that gave a quick rundown on how to deal with scrub tactics?
>hella good
more like hella gay like you
Xenobabbie's first fighting game I see?
Good one. Do you have literally no life? Why would you even waste your time typing out that reply?
>counter some scrub
>wow you have no life!
now you are hella gay and a hypocrite.
lol fuck off lol ill beat you up if you dont shut up lmao
It's actually super dash spamming, at least that's been my experience.
...Xenoverse 2 has block too and evasive skills... so he would probably complain about it there too
I guess
Fucking DBZ expects people to pay 100 something dolaroos for a fucking fighting game with a small roster, also transformations not being a super or attack but another character is stupid.
>32 characters is a small roster
This is the most retarded post I've read all day. My god you're a retarded casual moron.
>DBFZ - good
> GGREV2 - good
> KoFXIV - good
>Tekken 7 - bad
>SFV - bad
>MvC:I - literal actual garbage
I spent 7€ buying MvC:I and played for 15 mins wondering how the fuck did anyone buy it for 60€
GG Tekken and DBZ are the only good fighting games out right now
Blazblue Central Fiction is also awesome but its dead as fuck
>spam 1 button for a combo
>i like anime
how bad in fighters you must be to think spam is going to get you beyond bronze or whatever is called there
There’s two buttons specifically meant to counter people who spam and block too much
Did you even play the beta fucko
How many times does Sup Forums spiral into the same auto combo argument?
Are you that fucking retarded to get caught into one?
it's just a shitty mechanic, that's all
Other games have it but it barely affects them because people who aren’t dumb can predict it’s use by scrubs
That is small considering the price and the fact most of that is characters no one cares about and clones
I wish there was a way to break from combos.
can you fucking autists comprehend that some people just don't like the mechanic regardless?
>we are never gonna get beautiful pixel art in our fighting games ever again
I'm disappointed.
Why? They'd just combo you again
I got MvC:I for $10 last year from CdKeys.
It's $14 currently.
How are my xbros doing in the lab, currently trying to get the hang of 18, kid buu and cell mostly
Can't hear you from up here in playstation city dude, how's the xbox village down there doing ?
yes you can also teleport behind them will they block and either use a three bar ultimate or just kick them
>actually dusted off my shitty xbone to try the beta
>no servers on xbox, just PS4
what the fuck
sony can't keep getting away with this
We only have an offline trial, bandais just giving us the shaft it feels like
But that's why people attempt to bait.
It's the realization that you should be feeling like this. If you don't that means you're too up your own arrogant ass thinking you "corrected a pleb" while they're busy cashing out their keks.
This beta has been fucking atrocious. More so on Xbox.
Almost makes me regret my pre order.
Beta's still fucked?
They promised improvements.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
You can only do an offline random battle mode on xbox against braindead cpus.
there certainly was improvements only had to wait about a minute for a rank fight
What's better? Using the meter for ultimates or liberally using vanish? I did the latter in the beta and it saved me a bunch of times.
I can't believe people get this mad
>games i like:good
>games i don't like: bad
btw DBFZ is in the games i don't like category.
Purely situational
>crank up beta
>”fuck yeah this’ll be great”
>all modes in an online lobby
>can’t connect to 9/10 of them
>playing all modes except practice crashes the fucking thing instantly
>fuck around in practice for 45 seconds or so
>it has a server error and sends me back to the press start screen
>a fatal server error
What the fuck are they doing famiglia?
i thought block spamming was a meme but i found a dude in the beta that just held down back and punished unsafe moves
i stood full screen and threw fireballs at him for 5 minutes
fun game
you didn't ever grab him?
Depends on whether having a super to secure a kill from a combo or having a potential escape/poor man's crossup tool is more important in your situation. I've found having vanish above a super is pretty important if it goes down to 1 vs 1 character situation where you both have sparking.
Just remove all blocking from fighting games senpai, and give a better defensive mechanics, way to save fighting games as a whole
It's not dead on pc. Still has active users. Just play lobby or player match
Is there a fighting game where there is no block at all but you have to parry attacks
I am getting DC every 2 minutes. I am the only one?