Dune movie is coming out soon and you can bet your sweet ass a game will be coming along as well...

Dune movie is coming out soon and you can bet your sweet ass a game will be coming along as well. What kind of game would you like to see?

You mean like the Blade Runner 2048 game?

Why would you make a game for a movie that flopped? Besides, didn't you already have dozens of cyberpunk games? They're all the same.

but dune also flopped

Dune 2000 remake. By Relic.

And there were several games, a tv show and a board game.

A VtMB type game where you can be scion of any house. I have zero interest into mass battles, I want machinations. Basically From Software could build the world.

so why does blade runner 2049 being a flop matters?

A walking sim. Honestly, I have no idea how to put what Dune is to me into a game, so I'd just settle for an interactive experience that would allow me to explore the world.

Who owns rights to Dune games? EA? Or contracts expired?

Unless Jodorosky gets to direct it I dont even want to hear about it

What's dune all about? I'd like complete spoilers plz.

Space Muslims and Space Opium.

About fear being the mindkiller.

>Dune movie is coming out soon

>The problem right now, and something I want to change, I worked very fast. I did Prisoners, and then after that, in the past six years I have done five movies -- which is not a good idea! It's too fast. And I learned a lot, I learned so much, for the time now I need just a little time to digest. After Blade Runner, as I'm working on Dune, I would love to just digest and then come back with more energy for Dune with fresh ideas. I need that right now! And so I need distance a little bit.

is this good? I'm on a Villeneuve binge watch. last one was Sicario


It's where Star Wars and Warhammer were birthed from. Dune is the great grandfather of sci-fi.

So space Nazis.

That's his best movie

Pretty much, yeah.

I'm relieved to read that. Dune deserves a great adaptation. There was a great deal of good casting in the Scifi series, some good art, and Jodorowsky's did have some good concepts in art (though not his idiotic changes to the plot). This director did alright by Bladerunner and certainly did a fantastic job visually.

Worst you mean

>great adaptation

A profoundly dour view of humanity, and a far future vision where medieval feudalism is how things are governed. Also jihadi Bedouins, giant sandworms, and spice as the doohickey that permits interstellar travel and limited prophesying.

>muh nahtsies boogeyman

Who would you prefer?

You say it like that's a bad thing. You aren't one of them pasty faced soyboys are you?


I mean Nazis ARE evil, but I'm fine watching them in movies and stuff.Why? You're not a frogposter are you?

Read it, it's good
And pretty short

>posting the soyboy king
>talking about frogposters

Jadarowski is like 300 years old now, he's not gonna be directing anything.

What do you mean that nazis are evil? Who would even say such a thing?

It's a cautionary tale about messiahs and prophets being a poison to humanity.

What did Nazi's do that made them evil? Apart from doing the fastest bounceback in human history?

reasonable people

Main character compares himself to Hitler in the second novel. He tells his friend that there was a man long ago who killed six millions people. Said friend is impressed until he learns Hitler didn't do it personally.

I'd say industrialized genocide is pretty much the epitome of evil

(((Reasonable people)))


This was pretty good
And he's making more

But Communists did a bigger genocide yet they aren't portrayed as human's greatest evil unlike the Nazi's.

>Space witches do selective breeding for thousands of years to create space jesus
>Space witches lose control of space jesus because stuff happens
>Space jesus make great jihad
>space jesus son become a immortal worm god emperor that rules the universe
>ai is bad

One desert planet has a substance that's not found anywhere else in the galaxy. That substance is called the spice melange, it is not only a drug that grants immortality and super intelligence (maybe some other side effects like funky blue eyes and metamorphosis into something, maybe), but it also allows faster than light travel. Because of these factors it's the most valuable substance in the universe and there's a war on the planet over who gets to control it. Also giant sand worms exist on that planet. |There's also some weird spiritual shit.

No one from the current crop could do it. Maybe Gibson if someone forced him to.

are you saying reasonable people are jewish and are threatening to destroy western civilization?

>But Communists did a bigger genocide yet
Chinese did but it doesn't really count because they genocided themselves and who cares.

I don't know any reasonable people who would actually say something as unrealistic, disrespectable and utterly wrong like that the nazis are evil. Jesus, where do you live?

>It's only bad if you genocide jews

what a perfectly soyboy response.

the nazi genocide had only one purpose: exterminating several groups of people for belonging to said group of people
Communist "genocides" tend to be borne out of incompetence rather than malice (see Mao's ideas) so while they have greater numbers, they are not quite as evil.
Just accept it: Nazi's were the biggest mistake Germany made in it's entire history.

not in america that's for sure

>David Lynch is not involved

It's going to be shit, just like the new Blade Runner.
So I'd rather see no games at all.

walk without rhythm
and you won't attract the worm

Pol Pot's genocide was less in scope than German one, but arguably more evil.

>Nazi's were the biggest mistake Germany made in it's entire history.
Just a consequence of their real biggest mistake (WW1).

>Communist "genocides" tend to be borne out of incompetence rather than malice
What a brainwashed stupid faglet you are. Do you even history, user? You are a westerner, are you.

nope Pol Pot is only just as evil as the Nazi's
remember they were actively working towards depopulating all of Poland to resettle it with germans


At least Nazis cultivated science. Pol Pot regime would literally kill educated people en masse because it was some really fucked up agrarian communism. They ended up killing 25% of their population. It's just hilariously fucked up, I don't have any sympathy for the Nazis too.

It's pretty easy to argue that Khmer Rouge wasn't real communism, though.

Communism enacted Genocide the day it was attempted. Those 1.5 million Russian peasants and Czar loyalists were massacred by the so called "good communist" Lenin. Advocacy of any and all forms of Communism even pseudo, redressed Communism like Socialism shoulf be a capital punishment death in the West.

>Those 1.5 million Russian peasants and Czar loyalists were massacred
You mean, the Russian Civil War? It wasn't a massacre, it was, well, a civil war.

>implying the tsar wasn't a weakling and Lenin didn't do them all a favor by having the whites killed off

I always read Fremen as Freemen for some reason

The Czar loyalist sure, but those peasants killed by forceful theft of their foodstores to feed their "comrades liberation" is innocent deaths at the hands of Communists.

>David Lynch is not involved
So it'll be coherent and actually faithful to the novels.

>Whites killed off
How's Zimbabwe formerly Rhodesia working out for you with Whites gone?

>At least Nazis cultivated science.
Not nearly as much as you think, most of the Nazi science was either identical to what everyone else was doing or else completely retarded (see every god damn wunderwaffen).

And no don't bring up Von Braun, he was already obsessed with rocketry before he was drafted by the Nazis to build their rockets and both the V1 and V2 were failures in every possible way, all the Nazis did was take him away from his vastly more promising experiments on civilian rocketry and put him on a largely irrelevant sidepath.
Walt Disney did more to help Von Braun than the entire nazi reich combined.

they still can't prove that the holocaust was really ordered to execute jews or that the dumb 6 million jew numbers(2/3 of all the jews in the world at the time) aren't greatly exaggerated. All the confessions were obtained under extreme duress and torture. Why are there over 1 million claimed holocaust survives if they were executing every jew? Why did they claim gruesome things that we now know as lies, such as making lampshades from human jew skin for SS officers? Towards the end of the war, Germany was offering to give the US every jew that they wanted, on the condition that they don't take them to Palestine. The real final solution was to relocate jews to somewhere else, but not to palestine.
more people died of sickness after americans took over the camps than before.
Every single jew was in on the lie, and it was all for the establishment of Israel.

>At least Nazis cultivated science.
Germany was the center of all world science before the war started and it was only thanks to those nazis that most scientists decided to run away to various countries around the globe.

They slowed down science, all in all.

And that's before even starting to consider all those scientists who got drafted into the army and died in some Ukrainian ditch.

Lay off the youtube conspiratard videos fella. It's rotting your brain

not to mention that many of their "scientists" were incompetent jackasses. The only reason Mengele isn't the biggest affront to science the world has ever seen is because the japs decided to one-up him with unit 731.

>Dune is the great grandfather of sci-fi.
Fucking Dunefags. You're right on the other one, though.

>caring about words in a fucking visual medium

The famine was less a deliberate event and more a perfect shitstorm of collectivization and drought. The harvests were low and a lot of the grains was exported in exchange for goods required for the industrialization plan. I'd call it mismanagement but I honestly suspect the party didn't care much about losing some people. Those regimes are not the kindest.

I realize it sounds like I'm defending Nazis, but what I'm really saying is that Khmer Rouge was fucked up. They literally thought every city dweller was tainted by the West and gathered those people in work camps. They killed people for being literate and wearing glasses.

>Fucking Dunefags.
For liking the single best selling sci-fi novel of all time?

>a game will be coming along as well.
yeah this is not the early 2000's
you'll maybe get a mobile game at best

>For liking the single best selling sci-fi novel of all time?
>sales = quality

Nevertheless, Verne is the great grandfather of sci-fi, you uncultured swine.

Oh, and the best part is that Khmer Rouge was very nationalistic as well, they hated Vietnamese, they killed native Chinese etc.

Okay, Verne is pretty cool.

>For liking the single best selling sci-fi novel of all time?
that's not dianetics

That's not Bible.

>he thinks "whites" in this case meant skin colour and not the political allegiance

You might want to open a history book at some point. Google "reds versus whites" perhaps.

who would you say wrote the first scifi novel
Jules Verne or Mary Shelley?
Verne indubitably wrote scifi but there are good arguments to be made that Frankenstein is scifi as well.

>the bible
>science fiction

>Google "reds versus whites" perhaps.
Nah, I don't really want to read about Custer killing Indians.

>unit 731
Explain. Always heard about Mengele, but never about that one.

>Sup Forumstards
i'm like 99% convinced if you bring up "black" or "white" some bot automatically responds to the post

To be fair there were two distinct revolutions in Russia, the first one was pretty benign and was more about establishing a modern-ish Republic, unfortunately the Provisional government was too weak to defend itself from the second revolution. Not all the Whites fought for Tzar to return.

Just google it and boy, are you in for a wild ride!

I've only read the first book, but I honestly thought the story was kind of weak. It was interesting up until Paul became the leader of the Fremen, then it just felt like they didn't have any real obstacles or setbacks so it was just kind of boring to read from that point onwards.

I think I just prefer the Dune universe in terms of all the weird ideas and concepts floating around in it.

Jap wartime experiments performed on prisoners of war. Makes Mengele look like Dr. Phil.

> then it just felt like they didn't have any real obstacles or setbacks

>half of the characters die while the protag is going against predestination itself

Take Mengele
imagine him at his absolute worst
now imagine he's japanese as well

result: unit 731
They did such fun things like infecting people with the worst possible diseases, then cutting them open alive to see how the diseases progressed, then when they ran out of babies to cut open they started systematically raping the female captives to use their babies in medical experiments.

And they were such hacks that literally nothing they did there led to any scientific advancement because the guys in charge refused to follow proper scientific procedure.

Also one of the lesser moments in post-war american history when the US gave every one of them they caught a full pardon while at the same time the Soviets hung every single one of that unit they got their hands on.

The entire book he's trying to prevent a galaxy wide war from happening that will kill billions

He fails

They were "nobility" and their primary concern was retaining power. Russian nobles were known for their severe case of Francophilia and antinationalism, to the point that speaking anything but French in court was considered unacceptable and Russian language was referred to as the "language of the peasants". They were running the country into the dirt and treating their own people like shit, it was the only probable outcome there.

If jodorowsky's dune was that great, why is there still no animated version of it? Checkmate holy mountain fags.

>great art
>great storyline
>made in RPG maker

More like he constantly complains that it's going to happen, does nothing about it, and it happens.

Because Hollywood is too scared to pour money into an animated acid trip these days.

The first result is Russian revolution still.

>muh hollywood
Kickstarter exists

there's a konami joke in there somewhere