What are your hopes and dreams for the new Yume Nikki game?

What are your hopes and dreams for the new Yume Nikki game?

cancelled so I don't have to see a quadrillion yume nikki threads every day by the same 30 guys who've actually played that non-game

How about finishing the first one?

what's unfinished?

None, it will be something bad


What effects?

all of them
for example the cat one doesnt do the nya~

Sex dreams.

Is there another fan game coming out? I know 2kki is a spiritual sequel that’s already pretty well received, so who’s going to step on their toes?

I guess you are pressing the wrong buttons. Try 1 or Z, should work

More fanart

>SO DEEP RPGmaker walking simulator
Not much. The best part about Yume Nikki is fandom/theories built around it. Not the game itself.

I don't want a new yume nikki game
I don't want yume nikki to become popular again
please don't take yume nikki away from me

>waaahhh, I can’t like something because it’s popular!

Jesus Christ, is your ego seriously that inflated that the moment “plebs” become in the know, it actually takes away your enjoyment of something you love? Seek help, seriously fampai

Being a kid is liking Yume Nikki
Being an adult is realizing .flow makes more sense

I like Yume Nikki but I haven't played any of the fangames. Are they any good?

.flow is better than yume nikki, yume 2kki is better in terms of content but is less consistent, the rest are shite

.flow is the only consistent good one I can recommend wholeheartedly, it's nice and tight.
Yume 2kki is a humongous patchwork of ideas. Too much of a good thing, etc.

No new information? Cool. See you guys tomorrow.

There is some truth where if something does get too popular it becomes terrible. See the new Star Wars as an example.. actually don't, it's really terrible.

shut up nerd

Thanks. You know, I liked exploring but hated that fucking thought that I needed to find all effects to beat the game. Yume Nikki without the endgame goal would be much better.

Z doesn't work for me.
1 works and it seems like every key pulls the menu up.

Pretty much every key should pull the menu up in RPG Maker games, Z and Enter are interact, 1 is use effect, 9 is wake up, 5 is drop your current effect in the hub world.

>1 works and it seems like every key pulls the menu up.
Whaddya mean?

new star wars being bad doesn't make the old ones terrible

Yeah, it doesn't, they had been terrible all along, before new chapters came out

I think you still need all the effects to get the true ending in .flow

if its a game itll be bad
theres no reason to make more yume nikki games
why cant people just make games thatre good

You need the effects, the three empty boxes effects and enter the elevator in the room to get the true ending of .flow