Wondering what y'all think of this? He said he will come back today with more info?

Wondering what y'all think of this? He said he will come back today with more info?

Do you want this to happen? I'm pretty excited to see it myself! PlayStation and Sony can learn from their mistakes with the first one and create an awesome new game in the franchise!

The game is now like Dissidia X Smash with life bars this time? Thank fucking god.

Also they better have way better 3rd party characters.

>sony making a game that isn't a last of us clone
Good joke, user

They make plenty of games that aren't "Last of Us" clones lol.

They need way better 3rd party characters than in the original game.

Heihachi was good. But Donte, Raiden, Big Daddy and Isaac Clarke? Really?

>thinking anyone is going to risk making a sequel after how poorly the first did
>Sony quickly cut ties with the previous development team
>poor attempt at a Smash clone while being retarded in design
>very few iconic characters because Sony doesn't believe in franchises lasting longer than a gen

You do realize sequels are made to improve upon the original?

I have already fallen for PSASBR2 leaks back in last year's October/November. Never again, if it happens, i'll be the more happy for it.

When the first sells well enough to justify it.

Also it's been given away twice for free on PS+

Yeah I've fallen for those one too. Apparently this guy is coming back today with some more info to tell us.

In reality the only way this is real is if an actually legit leak happens.

Much bigger games than PSAS were given for fee on PS+ so I don't see how that's relevant. Also PSAS was only free on PS+ once, not twice.

As long as they have proper mascots, gameplay that you don't have to rely on specials to kill, and a good soundtrack, yes, I do want another one.

please give sly a block and some type of cool down for being invisible

Is PSAS now officially the game with the most fake rumors ever for it's nonexistent sequel?

Sly not being able to block was so weird? Like why would the devs do that?

>bigger games
Yeah, but faggots like yourself like to bring up #s in these damn rumor/speculation threads and a majority of those #s are from it being free, TWICE.

Game was shit, there won't be a sequel, not sure what you get out of defending it and pretending it was anything but garbage.

Because he can infinitely stay invisible and the players should be good with him? It really is.

He has been at it since before last E3 and always claims that the reveal is for the next Sony event, it's pure bullshit.

If it's true I'll eat every good PS4 exclusive.


Game wasn't free twice you fucking idiot. Have fun making up some more BS facts.

So when is this guy coming? Really interested in the BS that he will say.

These threads are made by a pathetic samefag who is hungry for attention.

Constantly being called out for bullshit and back tracking anytime they're proven wrong.

Not him, but it was. For Vita and PS3.

Isaac did nothing wrong, leave him out of this because he was my main