Since the 90s, what has fucked up videogames more than anything else?
Since the 90s, what has fucked up videogames more than anything else?
The internet
One. And. Done.
black people
>virgin detected
While true, this image leaves out one final stage, which is the hipster manchildren attracted by the presence of the dudebro, who come in after the founders leave, pretending to be the founders.
its more like
>game has niche fanbase
>developers want more money more mass appeal
>release power fantasy characters, include "noob enablers" so that even new players can perform well/do decent
>developers make more money but at the cost of heavily divided playerbases
>usually more casual/noob players than dedicated ones because it requires less of an investment
>game goes to shit
girls ruining friendgroups in online gaming has happened too many times for me
even when they are not "grill gamers" but actual gamers that care about the game and competing it will still fuck everything up
Americans. It's been down hill since the original Xbox release
It's own popularity
Truthfully, once the PS3 and 360 came out developers were able to just add shit in after they shipped the game, and cut shit out and make it DLC. Before the developers tried to make the best game possible and have the most content to ensure buyers, but now they just half as it and release dlc or patches to fix it. FFXV is a prime example when comparing it to the others.
people born in the 90s
>Since the 90s, what has fucked up videogames more than anything else?
Unironically, Nintendo.
Ushered in an era of shovelware the likes of which had never been seen before.
Replaced quality, long lasting, cutting edge hardware with disposable garbage.
Shoehorned Wagglan and Stylus use into things unnecessarily, kicked off an awful motion control craze industry wide.
Overpriced games.
Poor online services.
i get that people hate nintendo but they dont compare to the cinematic """gameplay""""games from the west or the 60 full price for a game in beta stage with 4 paid DLCs that were meant to be included in the original game itself
western AAA games have gone downhill massively
Wouldn't that make the image just a tad too meta for its hipster creators?
It's funny because Nintendo originally saved the gaming industry by having quality control for their early systems.
>or the 60 full price for a game in beta stage with 4 paid DLCs that were meant to be included in the original game itself
I feel like you were trying to make a point here, but i'm not sure what it was.
>1 nintendo game does it with 2 dlc packs so its obviously the same
>ushered in an era of shovelware
PS1 and PS2
>Replaced quality, long lasting, cutting edge hardware with disposable garbage
How has this impacted the industry at large?
>Shoehorned Wagglan and Stylus
while wagglan is annoying, Stylus was a necessary innovation. Just look at phones.
>Overpriced games
Yeah that's annoying.
>Poor online service
again, has nothing to do with the industry at large. Also WiiU and Switch have good online. I think you just wanted to shit on Nintendo.
It's almost like you don't have a fucking clue as to what you're talking about.
americans are the only reason video games still exist, because we are the only ones who bought consoles through the 80s and 90s.
>PS1 and PS2
Had nowhere the amount of shovelware as the DS and Wii.
>How has this impacted the industry at large?
Nintendo dropping lifetime guarantees on hardware allowed the competition to equally lower the bar.
>Stylus was a necessary innovation. Just look at phones.
You mean the phones without styluses? Yeah, great innovation you fucktard.
>I think you just wanted to shit on Nintendo.
Isn't that entire point of this fucking thread? To shit on those that have done the most damage to the industry?
Seriously, fuck off.
>PS1 and PS2
Clearly never saw the NES
>Stylus was a necessary innovation. Just look at phones.
lol non sequitur
>Also WiiU and Switch have good online
>Had nowhere the amount of shovelware as the DS and Wii.
Nah, I;m sure the best selling console of all time, the ps2, has more :^)
>Nintendo dropping lifetime guarantees on hardware
Again, what are you talking about? The Xbox and Playstations have horrible build quality. See: RROD, yellow light of death. No one ever complains about Nintendo's consoles getting fucked up. Also see: Nintendium
>You mean phones without styluses?
Yes, you don;t need a stylus to operate the DS 3DS or WiiU. You can do it with your fingers.
>cleary never saw the NES
hurr what is Atari 2600
>someone criticises NINTENDO? ON MY Sup Forums?!
Every fucking time. I hate Nintendofags so much.
Growing up
Probably the succes of Sony interactive movies
t. Gen Z apologist
big $, retarded nintendo fandom.
>Base game has the content you would expect besides Battle mode missing
>DLC adds the amout of tracks Double Dash had
I don't see the problem.
A lack of feet.
publishers have gotten too big for their own good, employing small armies to make their games with giant budgets that must appeal to an ever increasing mainstream audience. this means the style of games that AAA publishers can explore are shrinking, because the average consumer will not buy something like an RTS or top down RPG.
when you look at all the most groundbreaking and highly ambitious titles of the 90s and early 2000s, almost all of them were from small (at the time) companies with a small team of employees doing something they were passionate about it. but now when you have a publisher like EA, Activision, etc, essentially pumping out games like a factory and looking at them as an investment that needs a payoff, the gamemaking philosophy changes.
publishers play it safe because they cant afford to lose out on an investment of that size. the budget of major AAA games like gta5 is approaching that of blockbuster movies, in some cases even eclipsing. so this is why action RPG, action/adventure, and casual FPS are essentially all you can expect from AAA publishers.
studios were also incredibly prolific back then, because making a game was the best way to make money. now, supporting a game for several years after release with dlc and mictotransactions is the best way.
dont expect a game like divinity 2 to come from a major publisher. anything other than the 3 genres i mentioned plus sports games will have to come from indie, or otherwise non-AAA developers that dont answer to a giant publisher that has shareholders.
>say 1 bad thing about Sony
I would say the mobie phone game were the worst. They gave hints to publisher that they could make a lot of money without even trying.
It's not as bad as people make it out to be. Games like league have a fairly decent system since they are free but the real issue is full priced game doing it.
The internet
Videogame "journalists"
Mobile gaming
Female "gamers"
3rd worlders
Greedy developers/publishers
Optical media
Hear me out. Literally every negative thing a publisher or developer tries to pull--censorship, region locking, paid online, cardboard, egregious DLC, none of that would have continued or caught on if consumers all voted with their wallets or had a fraction of sense in their heads instead of being apathetic or vehemently defending their brand of choice.
The lack of intelligent life.
lack of split screen/2 controller consoles
>Burgermutts actually believe this
The casuals that fall for every stupid scam publishers shit out while journalists defend them
The graphical obsession over quality gameplay. Sjws and the internet. You can make an argument for a billion things, they all have a hand in it.
My eyesight from sitting that close to the crying screens during those days
I'm probably focusing on the trees and not the forest, but I fucking hate DLC.
This board.