What's the most addicting minigame you've played?

What's the most addicting minigame you've played?

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Hostess mini-games are shit, never understood why people like them so much.



Probably Gwent

Fucking this. I can't count how many hours I've lost to BoF fishing and village making. Still have the tempo for Fishing Techs in BoF4 memorized.

people love to micro manage shit

I like tetra master more

fuck that


friendly reminder that Ai is best girl


garden troll toss in Harry Potter CoS for the GBC

I like the real estate side missions/game in Y0
way more than the cabaret, but I gotta admit the cabaret did have it's charms.


As soon as I started the Sunshine plot I couldn't stop grinding it. I'm a little concerned that its is overstaying its welcome though. Isn't it in Kiwami 2 and Hokuto ga?

Ma fucking nigga. GET READY


I'm trying to quit to be honest, guys.


Made billions of yen off this. I should finish Yakuza 0 today, got the day off.

Do you have a method or any idea on how to do this? I've tried and have failed every time.


more like PANTY raid mode amarite?? God it’s so addictive and Ninja Moira makes me stiff and sticky

ff8 is one of the worst in the series next to 13

no user it's actually a subversive acknowledgement of the players inherit perverseness and a black mirror reflecting societies preconceived notions as to what constitutes sexuality and objectification in the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium the medium

Unfortunately I don't. Best way I can think of is reducing your exposure to lewd pictures and engaging in more daily activities so you forget about it


>tfw perfect 300

>loved the hell out of this
>everyone else hates it

The New Vegas casinos in general, but especially Blackjack.
Fuck you I can still hear his voice.

I'll tell you what's the least addicting one, pic related.

Blitzball is so fun. Fuck Nimrook

>doo-aloo-aloo-aloo doo-aloo-aloo-aloo

It's been in basically every game since Yakuza 2, but they completely revamped it in 0.
The one in Kiwami 2 and Hokuto is using the 0 version.
The original Y2 version of it here is pure cancer.

Wow those are some ugly whores.

>spheda with the sewers

Gwent in Witcher 3 is fucking amazing. I have no idea if the standalone game works.

Hostesses are worse than whores, they don't put out, you can't even kiss them. You literally pay to just talk with them.

Fucking minigames in Yakuza 0. Not a single one among them that just lets you win and be done with it without hassle. All of them make you work for it.

8 had some of the best side content in the series and triple triad was definitely the best minigame

i'm well aware of what Sup Forums's opinion is of viii but you're all wrong and dumb cause it's an awesome game

is there village making on 4 too ?


wat ?

Desole, thought you were french since you added an extra space before the question mark


Oh man I played a flash ripoff of this forever ago to death, had no idea it was from an actual game originally
What is it?

Not that one

this is the correct answer

Short hair>>>long hair

Might and Magic 7 and 8.

I don't think 6 had it. It's been a while so I might be wrong.


You know they made an official phone version of this? You have to download the FF portal app, though.

i have up on quiting but im trying to limit myself. now i only yerk it every 3-5 days instead of once everyday.

no im not french im murica i was just asking if the base/vilalge building aspect was present on 4 too since i never played taht one

The official version is microtransactions infested pay2win shitfest so fuck that.
Just play this one since it's completely free



>shuffles or boogies manually

Been playing SD Gundam G Generation Genesis for 10 hours straight just trying to get a handful of specific mobile suits.

Ape escape minigames were BASED. Monkey boxing ftw

Real estate was literally facebook tier

Play Cabaret Management in Y2, that's what you call Facebook tier.

I couldn't resist installing the mod that replaces all combat in the game with Gwent. Holy shit if it didn't make the base game less boring when Geralt is going around solving all his problems by playing card games and sending monsters to the shadow realm.

X2 blitzball > X blitzball
I actually like them both despite their differences

They're both terrible

They are, but Real Estate is less shitty.
Nothing tops the cancer that is Y6/Kiwami 2 Clan Creator which is not only a facebook game but also gacha with microtransactions.
That's right, actual minigame with gacha mechanics that has microtransactions.
Have fun with that.


The 5 minute wait for each new round was kinda annoying though.


truly? this involves real money or just ingame currency?

It's pretty easy to get a fug out of one if you're suitably attractive and/or charming and/or cashed up

the drug dealing mini game from Chinatown Wars

This is mostly true.
Even if you are just kind of charming, just hop on the train when they're getting off work and ask them about themselves. They're so used to listening to Japanese guys talk about their problems that they love it. Especially if you're a Mr. Charisma.

Wait, fuck. It's this.

This was pretty damn addictive too.

Actual microtransactions, you know, like GTA5 Shark Cards or the Gran Turismo 6 ones.


Back when it was a minigame.

As someone who has recently gotten through it and seen the benefits, here's all you have to do.

>Get laid

That's it.

[No but seriously spending your free time lifting and eating better will get you women interested in you, you will begin to learn how to interact with those women and pull them in and create a harem, giving you no time to masturbate/spoiler]

It's well worth the effort, trust me. /fit/ is your friend.


It gets better, you need to max it to complete the sidequest and to max it you need to get best crewmen and to get best crewman you gotta RNG gacha and the best ones are very low chance to get so you need to pay if you want to get good ones and it gets even better, you can lose the ones you have even the bought ones.

Oblivion NPC persuasion.


Ehhhh. Chocobo racing was fun for an activity you're forced to do for unlocks, but something like Blitzball is fun to do just for it's own sake, with no additional rewards.

t. virginfag

I can't get it up for sex. Tried multiple times and have to pretend I have whiskey dick. It's embarrassing and it sucks. I know excessive porn and fapping are the problem but I can't break the compulsion. It's pathetic how weak I am to such a simple dopamine flood.

>He thinks that it's not that easy

I prefer FFIX's Tetra Master. I prefer the card design too, it's more consistent.

I would probably try looking at your diet. I started eating celery every morning and have started seeing major improvements. Start small, find vegetables you like and start thinking about what you want to eat and then before you know it you'll be cutting out all of the shit automatically.

You can do it, bro!

Last time I played this, people still weren't 100% sure how all the rules worked

>sometimes go a few weeks without
>other times I whack off 3-5 times a day

dude, I have a girlfriend and I'm still addicted to porn and masturbate often. Fucking my gf's pussy won't change the fact I am addicted to this... trust me it didn't help that much

>I know excessive porn and fapping are the problem but I can't break the compulsion.
Nah, it's just because of nervousness.
Just relax and let it happen. Take deep breaths and soak it in.


Ignore the rational explanations from those other anons. You and I both know the reason you can't get it up is because you're trying to fuck the wrong gender.

Triple triad. Gwent/Hearthstone style game when


Yuki > all

>all that chink poon

wtf I love yakuza now



I don't remember the rules but I do remember the triple triad becoming a shitfest once the rules became weird enough. At least FFXI remains consistent throughout the game.

That being said I haven't played either game in at least 15 years so maybe I don't remember them very well.

this happened to me a couple of time. the reason for this are two:
1. too much porn to the point your brain and your dick can only get excited by porn stimulation (quit for good, or only masturbate like once in a week)
2. if you're feeling nervous, anxious or like you're not gonna cum, you started wrong. try to be cool about it

after realizing this I had a much healthier sex life. This is call porn addiction and there's a cure. I trust you, user

either virgin or projecting