Differences between Xbox 1 and PS4?

I want to get one but I don't know which to go with. I like racing games and sport games so give me suggestions please. Forza 7 looks good.

Buy a prebuilt PC and not have to worry about spending money to play with friends

I want to bring my console over to people's houses sometimes though.

i would have sex with all this white women

>prebuilt pc
Hahahaha the absolute STATE of pcfags
get a ps4 OP

I have a laptop that has an i5 and a nivida graphics card that I can take anywhere.

user, if you like to feel soap in your eyes, it doesn't meant everyone is also retarded.

2 1 3 4

Why did you post a bunch of fat whores to go with your braindead drivel?

Seriously thank god for thick women.
The difference between the third and fourth girl from left to right is the perfect example of the difference between thick (third one) and fat (fourth one).

not him but learn english you retard


He said to friend's houses you autistic faggot


test numbah 2

i still want a console

They are all fat you brainlet nigger

me on the left

No one fucking cares, learn to read idiot.

>complaining about a laptop on the issue of being portable

neck yourself user

This is not thic you fucking ignorant.

>I like racing games and sport games
>I want to bring my console over to people's houses sometimes though
just get a ps4 already and leave this place normalfag

I would stick it in each of their butts.

Build a PC you degenerate. You've got no friends anyways. Can't fool me, user.

he just listed from less fat to more fat, how is that culture?

Spotted the third world shitter.

>calling that user retarded
>cant even form a coherent sentence himself

lol. boy, i bet your face is red now.

>Third girl is noticeably larger than the 4th

Shit taste. Only the 2nd is fuckable. The others are goddamn landwhales.

Now is the worst time to build a PC.

or as a database user would say: ORDER BY Weight ASC

Dont build a pc its not worth it and you just turn fat in the long run.
Get the system that has the controller you like most.

From what i'm reading i suggest an xbone.

pretty much. I think this ones a pretty clear succession. They all could use a little working out though, even two

Xbone has racing in the bag just with Forza and Horizon. If you're a fan of Japanese games and highly scripted action titles pick up a PS4. If you prefer backwards compatibility, media functionality, and generally cheap games get an Xbox.

Could not have put it better myself.

PS4, easy choice.

Gt sport for the best mp racing game.
MLB the show 17/18 for the best baseball/sports game
Everybodys golf for the best golf game.
Plus more active and less toxic online in every mp sports game.

Can still pick up a decent enough 2nd hand GPU at the moment for a reasonable price. Buying new, yeah it's fucked until the whole cryptomeme dies down.

Racing hasnt been great on playstation since that glorified grand turiismo demo

That darker skin one middle-right is the perfect amount of weight to throw around while being impaled by dicks.

Driveclub and gt sport are both great they just had shitty launches. Gt sport is also getting free updates and also has vr which is really good better than no vr. Plus ctr remastered is coming and thats for sure gonna be the best kart racing game.

BS. Xbones racing games are headliners with big budgets on the scale of PS4's biggest titles. Driveclub and GT have nothing on Horizon plus
>no analog triggers
I'll give ypu MLB and potentially golf but even the Switch has some really good golf games on it.

Driveclub was multiplatform right?

Damn i'm going through game releases from the last five years and i fuck8ng hate this boring generation

Gt has a better mp thats designed from the ground up around it plus it has vr. Digital foundry also proved gt sport looks better than forza 7. Its only missing out on number of cars which its fixing through free dlc. Besides none of the golf games on switch are as fun as everybodys golf.

This is a good argument except next time leave out these red flags
>digital foundry

Goddamn, girl on the far left has such a fat ass. Yes please.

are YOU fuckable, Casanova?


5/10, 6/10, 5/10, 4/10

and maybe a D cup if you add all their tits together. Awful.

He could be a floating head in a jar and that would still not make them any more fuckable.

Thanks for actually giving me advice, I'll probably get an xbox1. I like hockey and forza and I'm not a graphics stickler.

Weeb game fan buy a PS4, otherwise just go with the Xbone X
