How did they manage to make MGS4 look so pretty on the PS3 with its obsolete and hard to work with hardware?

how did they manage to make MGS4 look so pretty on the PS3 with its obsolete and hard to work with hardware?

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it ran like shit also those loading times

It looked like shit, though. Very brown shit.

Kojima is a wizard who ran a software company comprised of other wizards.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence's behind the shoulder camera was amazing because it let you look around in the jungle. The outdoor levels were fairly linear but they were still incredibly detailed considering they were running on PS2 hardware.

That's not even mentioning all of the TECHNOLOGY moments in MGS2

Dump frog poster.

Same way many of the better, even older games can still look so good decades later:

Truly skilled team, working like maniacs, paying a lot of attention to details, and coming up with impressive art-STYLE to work with and compensate the technical limitations.

Care to name a few technology moments in mgs2? other than that ice bucket which i dont really count

It didn't look that good honestly.

>Brown as fuck sub HD shot running at 17FPS and with 45 minute long load times

The way the AI soldiers would sweep an area was top notch
Really granular detail on where you shot them too
They had a nice pseudo ragdoll system where they'd lean up against walls when dead
The first Fortune fight has some pretty nice destruction elements as she tears through the crates and so on
As I recall there's some pretty interesting mechanics to the roaches too

You're so hard to please!

The mirrors, how shooting them with the coolant made them mist up, your breath being visible in the cold

>fucking around on the tanker
>used up all my ammo, run around with an empty tranq gun
>sneak up to a guard and hold him up
>accidentally pull the trigger
>empty gun goes "click"
>guard goes "!", turns around and starts shooting my sexy ass


> Seagulls shit on the deck
> Walk on it, you're fine
> Run on it, you'll slip and fall


Games designed for the Cell Processor blew away anything Xshit and PeeSee could possibly accomplish. Soy devs developed for Shitbox because it was easier and just ported over which is where the Xbox is better memes came from.

Also when Vulcan was shooting the BBs

>try to sneak up on a guard
>light source behind me
>he sees my shadow before I get to him
>turns around and shoots me


>hide in locker
>it has a poster of a scantily dressed japanese lady
>call otacon
>snake masturbates

And the seagulls shit on your face

and you get a kissing sound if you press both shoulder buttons

It's the only game the PS3 ever got so all the effort went into it.

and an alert if you try to knock on her crotch a nice bouncy sound if you touch the boob

Took forever for developers to figure out how to squeeze all the performance out of the Cell architecture though. Sony's documentation and devtools were atrocious.

>shoot soldiers radio
>it breaks
>soldier runs to get help because he can't call backup

The specs of a console really don't matter, while "fan-boys" argue about how the best console is the best because.... well because it's the one they own they don't realize the truth.
Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony don't matter it's the "developers."
If you know how to program and have skill to understand the platform you can make amazing looking games. Kojimas team understood the architecture of the platforms they developed on.

>cripple a guard
>knock out his radio
>he limps outside of the room
>comes back with reinforcements

Because it's the same company who made SH3 look so pretty on the PS2.

>top of locker
>top of locker

mgsv is like botw if it was good



Art style. It didn't fall for the shitty realism meme like MGSV did. Look at Snake last cutscene with BB in MGS4 and you can see how beautiful art direcfion can be. MGS4 looks pretty and still captures Shinkawa's design. The mistake MGSV Made was going realistic art design making the actual animu character designs like Fire Volgin, Mantis and Zeke look super out of place because of how animu it looked.

>shoot someone with a tranq dart
>it gets attached to the body

honest question, did anyone EVER catch a cold in MGS3? Foxhound ranked the game on E.EX multiple times and never once caught a cold, even when actively trying to do so. Swimmin and laying on pavement naked didn't net results, whilst in 2 you catch it within a minute of being exposed to the elements

Can't you only catch it when doing the escape from the torture room/Grozny Grad?

presenting a game at a higher resolution than it shipped at is kind of disingenuous in this discussion, considering hes specifically talking about how good the game looks on original hardware.
with that said sh2 and 3 are still technical masterpieces. i also cant think of any other games to actually make notable use of the analog face buttons on ps2 other than silent hill and metal gear

That was the worst especially when you had to load the next chapter

Not him but I don't remember ever catching a cold in that game, I thought they got rid of that mechanic

I tried but never got it. Only ever heard him sneeze on a japanese youtube video

Everyone told me
Not to stroll on that beach
Said seagulls gonna come
Poke me in the coconut
And they did
And they did

it's in, and there's plenty of C MED pickups, never got it though

Actually even Kojima admitted he was jealous of what Crysis achieved & wanted to do that on PS3 but couldn't, this is one of the reasons Fox Engine had a focus on forests in it's tech demo's

MGS is a game where you enjoy being silly with the guards.

And the functions (the TECHNOLOGY) helps a lot in doing different ways to act on your soft-sadistic parts.

> MGS1
> Kill Sniper Wolf
> Equip her bandanna in the area with the wolves
> They will smell her scent and won't attack you

> Go into first person mode
> Stare at Meryl
> She'll ask you what you're doing
> After a while she'll get embarrassed and will start to blush

> Meet Psycho Mantis
> He says he's going to "read your mind"
> Actually reads your memory card
> If you have saves from other Konami games he'll talk about it


>considering hes specifically talking about how good the game looks on original hardware.
Silent Hill 2-4 all look VERY great on their original hardware, even when viewed through modern monitor hardware. I myself plugged my PS2 slim to my 40" HD LED TV last month to replay the SH games like that for once (usually just emulate / play the PC ports nowadays), and the experience was way more pleasant than I could have ever imagined.

>i also cant think of any other games to actually make notable use of the analog face buttons on ps2 other than silent hill and metal gear
racing games did use it to some degree, but yeah - it was a short living gimmick.

>that sad wolf puppy crying next to Sniper Wolfs corpse

MGS games are extremely well programmed. MGS2 for PS2 looks and plays incredible with tons of detail everywhere at 60 fps. But perhaps the most impressive game is MGSV. An open-world game that runs 60 fps 1080p on a fucking PS4. And still manages to look decent with some fairly complex AI calculations thrown in aswell.

Ok hero... Set me free...

>fairly complex AI calculations

For open-world standards

Ground Zeroes on PS3 blew my fucking mind considering it was a piece of shit hardware