never heard of this game, why is it failing so important?
Censorship supporting kikes need to be taught a lesson that their shit will go NOWHERE.
>muh half naked 2d girls
Is this the greatest response?
so when it dies, then what?
what do YOU gain from it?
A fact knowing that the video game industry is going back in the right direction.
>see one of my steam friends playing it, a huge fightan games enthusiast
>ask him how it is
>"it's shit"
Solid enough verdict to me
Not that I even know what this game is, but this is super fucking pathetic, and you should really evaluate yourself.
>wanting a game to fail
for literally what purpose
if you hate the game just dont pay attention to it
don't seek validation through random games failing
...No one but you and a handful of autists are paying attention to this. I'm not sure what anyone learns.
its fun. maybe a popular twitch fag will stream it and make it blow up
but the game is from a company that nobody knows about, it wont change anything, moron.
TheOddOne already streamed it and called it shit.
you do realize by shitting on it, you are shilling it unironically?
damn Sup Forums is this stupid.
800 players right now.
There are games going with half that
It's dead on arrival, Sup Forumsermin.
i said popular nigga
>muh censorship
Get a life, since you can't get a girl.
The feeling of contentment, vindication, of joy (schadenfreude).
Your game is dying and there is nothing you can do about it ;)
This here.
>Release game nobody has ever heard of
>Nobody plays it
>Make a thread on Sup Forums shitting on the game to bring attention to it
I see you
Glad to see a dev taking a stand against anti-censorship autism. There's literally nothing wrong with games being censored. They're toys, there's just certain things they should not contain.
It's a Nexon game. This marketing will help it as much as it did their other trillion dollar IP.
>NEXON games
Just like Elsword am I right?
i don't think anyone here cares if it dies or live
>Glad to see a dev taking a stand against anti-censorship autism.
Me too. The more games crash and burn for opting to censor the more examples future publishers will have to point at when the danger hair dykes show up to protest the humanitarian horrors of today, pixel breasts.
It generic weebshit. No one with a functioning brain plays that garbage, which is why it's "failing"
Well theres a reason Elsword is on mobiles now.
You can see there are retards behind the pr.
Just look at the fucking trailer, this shit doesn't sell you on games, it scares you off them.
The worst part about the censorship is that the western company doubled down and somehow convinced the original dev team to also censor their version so all versions of it are censored now
>even censored the koreans
you fucked up majorly.
koreans are the life blood of MOBAs and you couldn't even keep them.
I'd be angry, but they deserve everything they get for dealing with Nexon.
the real problem is if youre doing a weebshit game then censorship is exactly the kind of thing to trigger a dumb weeb into not buying
your market is already so small shrinking it is just stupid
the overly-aggressive cheering of its failure is funny and weird tho so i'm glad they did it
didnt they say it'll get a ps4 release too?