>I....I can't play as a bad guy! It feels wrong!
I....I can't play as a bad guy! It feels wrong!
based doggo
That dog putting that cat in its place and feeling all excited about it.
Very nice.
God damn cats are so stupid
Dogs taking care of kittens is the most precious thing
That's me, I can never play as the bad guy.
Sometimes I even reload a savegame if something bad happens to a good guy or friend ingame, even if there's no direct bad outcome for my character
But he got pushed?
I know dogs can't laugh.
But in that video that dog looks like he's laughing his ass off.
To me it looks like the doggo starts panicing because the cat got launched away.
That used to be me, but over time I started getting sick of people's shit. I swear every kingdom is ruled by morons and populated by the most short sighted fucker imaginable.
Being the bad guy is always more fun
I prefer playing evil over a good or neutral character as long as it's not infamous or bioshock style, evil due to a grab for power or survival is always extremely interesting.
also evil is subjective
>tfw can't play as the good guy
this gif is fucking magical
>complete quest in RPG
>refuse the reward like a true hero
>there is no, even better, secondary reward
Die now.
Post the horse webm
You know which one
>Wanting to be rewarded for not wanting to be rewarded.
Cease playing hero characters, you are doing it incorrectly.
This is a blue board
Now it'll be white
That lion got solid dodge
Hey that's my pic
Give it back you thief
/an/ is literally the best board on Sup Forums
What is it that he smells that he hates so much?
I have no issue playing as distinctly evil characters, but if the protagonist is a blank slate I usually turn into a moralfag.
>He doesn’t play the main villain in a fighting game
>He doesn’t curb stomp people as the final boss
>Just let me kill all these civilians with stolen weapons and load these trucks with Thrax gamma
>btw do this for 4 missions
>nuggets are delicious
it's cool that raptors still kinda made it out in some form that looks similar to how they used to be.
This. I like playing something realistically evil for a purpose and not just "MUAHAHAHA my dasterdly diablolical deeds are coming to fruition" evil for the sake of being evil, evil. For example, Kotor evil choices always felt like a retarded Saturday Morning cartoon villain to me.
>horses eat meat
who knew this
Fuckin dinosaur comin at me that could rip out my intestines, would be scary as fuck
ism't this the bird with insane kick strength?
Me when playing rouge.
it's a mix of objective and subjective things
>The main character has to be a nice guy so I can relate to him and self insert
>I don't like if the main character isn't of my same race/sexual orientation/way of thinking because I can't identify with him
you're joking right? kotor gave you so many credits for being evil it was essentially easy mode.
the dialogue associated with being evil was dickish, but the player wanted the credits and goddamn did the game put out
sneaky beaky
How can we even compete boys?
Why does it have its balls on the neck.
Cats are pure malice. By smiting one, Dog gains karma.
>When you sneak in the kitchen while your parents are sleeping so you can take the knife and end it all
They're in it for the bones, not meat. Deer and such eat baby birds too. Something about needing calcium.
I only play as a bad guy
I can't do evil either, it messes with me. I struggle to even attempt evil runs in games when good is a choice. Not for D&D though because that character doesn't reflect myself at all and I'm playing with friends. But when I'm alone, I just wanna be the good guy no matter how cheesy the choices are.
remember, evil is subjective
yeah I meant more along the dialogue for evil choices. The rewards were pretty good.
If you want a reward just take the first one offered idiot
where malce?
>shoving a fire in your dog's face
How can you be this dense?
That looks kind of fun
why are they throwing puppies into a river? i am guessing becaus they can't take care of them?
That's a shame because the reason I was even thinking of my post was because I've been playing through the old infinity engine rpgs and figured their later stuff was good with that too, at least new Vegas is.
Metal AF
What are those?
what is this bitch doing.
degenerate slav scum having fun. IIRC they found out who she was
>inb4 some edgy retard from Sup Forums posts animal gore
>20 other retards reply to him and give him the attention he wants
Please don't do this. I'm loving this thread.
Yeah, cassowary's kick hard as fuck and have what is essentially a bundle of knives for feet.
Motherfucker looks likes he's wearing the most amazing robes.
That's a warlock or necromancer or some shit.
It really bothers me I have to share a reality with people that actually do that kinda shit.
What's the purpose anyway? There are other ways of getting rid of puppies that don't involve throwing them in a river, or even killing them
Did she get punished for it?
It kinda just happened.
i want to BELLYRUB those kittens
It's russia and yeah the guys have no where to keep em so they just drown em in a river. Apparently it's quite common.
>Try to not be heartlessly cruel when I have the option of being nice
>Tearing shit up in GTAO or Postal II 2 seconds later
I'm a hypocrite.
They may be slavs, but they're also muslims. For whatever reason muslims don't like dogs much.
Don't they hate that?
Now that's a real fuckin atheist post
But why drown them specifically? They are puppies, you can literally just drop them off in the forest and leave, or more simply find someone that is willing to keep them, which isn't hard at all.
>This is the deal, you perform an act of great evil in my sight, and I'll pop open.
Best animal
I want one so fucking bad
>+5 Evil points
that's a cute snek
Not if they recognize you as their special loved one.
Thought they were throwing huge rats to feed gators at first.
What the hell, just take them to a shelter or give them away for fuck's sake.
Depends on the cat.
>you can literally just drop them off in the forest and leave
Arguably more evil. Bitch clearly enjoys it though, fuck her.
>just drop them off in the forest and leave
Russia have big problem with feral dogs.
It's the only kind of happyness they get. Negative attention, but attention nontheless.
Mohammad had a holy horror of dogs.
You guys ever look at stuff like that and wonder if being animal would actually be better than being human despite living in the harsh brutal wilderness?
Hello is this /an/? Post cute webms.
>*takes a shit*
My parents' cat allows me and only me to give her bellyrubs.