How do you think the RE fanbase will view RE7 in 5 years from now?

How do you think the RE fanbase will view RE7 in 5 years from now?

we won't exist in 5 years

with them eyes



please elaborate ...

What is this?

Tourette's Guy's dad

Why wouldn't the RE fanbase exist in 5 years? the love for the RE series seems stronger then ever.

I think he meant something deeper, like we will all die

Well user can't see the future and humanity gets almost wiped out like every week.
So irrelevant.

If RE2make is not good you can say goodbye to the franchise, RE7 didn't sell well enough to appease Crapcom and they may go back to make shittier versions of western shooters

The same way they do know.

"Oh THAT happened." The is good but for some reason it drops off the face of earth fast. No one was talking about a couples after it wqs release and same with the new DLC but within hours.

I already hate it now, so I bet more people will come to realize what kind of piece of shit it really was, when the honeymoon period and 1st gen VR fascination are over.

Fucking hated how streamlined this game is, it gives you the illusion that you are exploring but its just linear bullshit, its a fucking scam

Bird's-eye view is a retarded gimmick. Bring back the classic first-person gameplay.


What the hell are you talking about? it made 5million that's a big hit for Capcom.

>Bird's-eye view

Seeing how its been a year and I still see almost nothing but praise for 7 I think its safe to say your wrong.

But the classic gameplay is third person on fixed camera angles

I'm a long time RE fan and I think there are different divisions of the fan base nowadays. As someone who loves the classics I though it was alright. More progressive fans from 4 thought it was amazing. And action fans like action games. Personally I think the series died when re4 came out, the story was just so bad and so dumb. It wrote the series into a corner. A new game with classic gameplay and controls would be great but there's no reason for it now. The characters are all in there midlives and so they're harder to relate to.

What I'm trying to say is that, the next time Capcom introduces a massive change, like a new camera angle, suddenly the previous gimmick will be considered classic.

>internet is taken over by GenZ kids who form shallow-minded echo chambers
Wow, who would've thought!
Just like what happened with nu-DOOM, the target audience of RE7 was not the old fans of the series, but the filthy normies that would much rather WATCH their "games".

Hey just because you watch LPs donsin't mean everyone else did. I and many other played 7 and a good time and I love the old games.
An what the hell's wrong with Doom? it was fun. Why do you hate fun?

>Hey just because you watch LPs donsin't mean everyone else did.
Nice reflect attempt. I loathe the whole idea of LPs, but more and more games are literally MADE for the LP playing and watching generation. Which includes making the games more and more "cinematicc!"

>I and many other played 7 and a good time and I love the old games.
Good for you. I felt cheated, disgusted, and bored all the way to the end.

>An what the hell's wrong with Doom?
Gee, I dunno... everything in pic related for starters? The fact that it's not DOOM by anything but its name? The fact that Zenimax literally silenced negative criticism before and after the release?
>it was fun. Why do you hate fun?
No, I love fun. I've had tons of fun with tons of games in past couple years alone. Nu-DUUM, is NOT fun. It's just monotonous slog.
I love original Dooms, and actually went to replay Ultimate Doom from start to finish, all 4 episodes, after finally uninstalling D44M, just to wash away the shit taste it left in my mouth.

i agree Nu doom was shit, RE7 molded were also shit but i cannot say Re7 was all bad wasn’t... certain sections and enemies could of been handled better.

That it was the stepping stone for a much better entry in the series (RE8).

they will sell the franchise to bethesda and there will 24/7 shilling about it on Sup Forums

Sounds like you just get easily upset.
LPs shouldn't make you upset
And almost all the criticisms in that pic of yours go from mild annoyances to who gives a shit? tire
You just sound like your stuck in the past.

>they will sell the franchise to bethesda


Why would the sell there biggest franchise off?

The way we see Fallout New Vegas, as best nu geam in the series

Are you the same person?

bethesda knows how to sell anything, they will stop developing games sooner or later and just start buying franchises with big profits

That's retarded.

which fanbase, I haven't -really- been into RE since 3, but everyone loves that over the shoulder view which they finally got tired of.

and 7 felt like a reboot when chris appears working for umbrella like what?


screen cap my post and learn it by heart, it might save your life in the future

I thought that overall it was a great game. There are some pretty bad issues like every fucking enemy being the same but I really enjoyed the return to basics gameplay it had

>that first person game that played like a poor man's nemesis

I like RE7, but deep down that's what it actually is.

I think for a lot of people this was their first resident evil game because it was advertised as one of those meme "jumpscare simulator" games
I feel like this might become the norm for RE but if every game that comes after it is as good as this one then I'm okay with that

poor mans nemesis, woah that is actually pretty spot on.

>because it was advertised as one of those meme "jumpscare simulator"
Things that never happened, they advertised it more like "back to the roots" game

he's really not

Depends on how RE8 turns out, but overall, I think favorably.